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- Date: 6 Apr 1996 13:19:23 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 37
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k6cjb$cbt@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <N.040596.225958.58@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- Reply-To: instntguts@aol.com (InstntGuts)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:33987 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16251 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14333
- << All of these people are playing with MAX while
- us Lightwave people have to work and make tons of money doing CGI. When
- do I
- get to play? I guess that's the real price you have to pay for knowing
- Lightwave...
- --
- -=Fred=->>
- The vast majority of the 60,000-70,000 3D Studio owners also "work" and
- make tons of money with 3D Studio, and have since Version 1 back in 1990.
- They didn't spend $3,000 just so they could occasionally do an
- architectural rendering of their dream house; they did it because they
- could make money with it.
- Whether a person spends $995 on LW, $495-3495 on 3D Studio MAX (depending
- on if they got the upgrade), or $8,000 on Softimage NT, that person
- expects that the capabilities of his new tools will enable him to
- accomplish work that a.) he expects to do more easily in that particular
- package than another, and b.) enable him to take on more varied jobs --
- hence more money.
- This is part of the "but X costs so much more than Y!" argument that has
- never made any sense to me. No matter how much I spend on my personal
- hardware and software (it averages about $5,000 a year), I am *always*
- able to amortize my expenditures almost immediately thereafter, even doing
- part-time 3D work away from my full-time job. (If I couldn't, then I
- wouldn't spend the money in the first place, right?)
- The majority of people who say "but X program is more expensive than Y!"
- are kinda missing the point. No one's forcing you to buy the more
- expensive one. If you get what you want out of the tool that you bought,
- great. If not, then you may have to re-think your purchase. Just because
- you can't justify the cost of a program doesn't mean that the thousands of
- other people who've bought 3DS, Softimage, or whatever, cannot also. They
- obviously can.
- -- Jon
- Article: 16252
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!in-news.erinet.com!usenet
- From: Andrew Hofman <andyh@erinet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: PictureBlack
- Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 13:37:02 -0500
- Organization: LumaQuest Productions, Dayton, OH
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <3166B9CE.4A0E@erinet.com>
- References: <4k64i6$9hh@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: edlp216.erinet.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB1 (Win95; I)
- > I'm I lightwave 4.0 user running on a 275 dec alpha. Doing Corporate
- > animations I have a general question for the learned out in Cyberspace.
- > Some of my clients are asking for Picture Black or SuperBlack when I dub
- > my Lightwave Anims to BetacamSP. Can I achieve this through a lightwave
- > panel option that I am not familiar with? Or Is this a hardware only
- > addon and if so what do I need?
- >
- > Thanks
- You neglected to mention one all-important thing: what you are using for video
- output. Superblack is not something LightWave has any control over. Since you
- are running LW on an Alpha, perhaps you are using a PVR. If so, you will find a
- superblack option in the Import/Export settings. It simply takes all the RGB
- values of 0,0,0 in a frame and bumps them down to zeroblack.
- --
- Andrew Hofman
- LumaQuest Productions
- andyh@erinet.com
- 513-643-7333
- Article: 16253
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!neoucom.edu!neoucom.edu!redpoll!red
- Newsgroups: alt.retromod,alt.music.midi,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.music.midi,comp.programming,rec.games.miniatures.warhammer,rec.music.industrial,sci.environment,sci.image.processing
- Subject: Re: bincancel:16 large binaries:AR275:@@NCM
- Message-ID: <ARMM-Report-275.a@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us>
- References: <ARMM-Report-275@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us>
- Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 18:39:09 GMT
- From: red@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us (Richard E. Depew)
- Followup-To: news.admin.net-abuse.misc
- Organization: ARMM Services, Bincancel Division
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- Lines: 52
- Xref: news2.cais.com alt.retromod:1262 alt.music.midi:17580 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16253 comp.music.midi:5929 comp.programming:26099 rec.games.miniatures.warhammer:33644 rec.music.industrial:121457 sci.environment:98647 sci.image.processing:21182
- Binary posts do not belong in unmoderated discussion groups.
- I run a program that searchs for, and issues advisory cancels for,
- large binaries in the akr, biz, comp, misc, news, rec, and sci
- hierarchies.
- I have issued 16 cancels for large binary files (average size 109,080
- characters - total size 1,745,279 characters) posted to 7 different
- unmoderated discussion groups in the rec, comp, and sci hierarchies
- (with cross-posts into alt groups) as follows:
- 10 comp.programming
- 2 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- 1 sci.image.processing
- sci.environment
- 1 rec.music.industrial
- 1 rec.games.miniatures.warhammer
- 1 comp.music.midi
- alt.music.midi
- The cancels in non-targeted groups are an unavoidable consequence of
- the way cancels work. A cross-posted article has only one Message-ID.
- When it is canceled from one group it is canceled from all groups.
- This pointer is being posted to each affected group listed above.
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- If you want to see exactly which file was deleted from a particular
- group, read the full report in news.admin.net-abuse.announce. Look
- for AR275 in the subject. The full report can also be found in
- alt.nocem.misc and alt.retromod.
- The criteria used to search for this batch of large binaries were:
- NEWSGROUPS: Unmoderated akr, biz, comp, misc, news, rec, or sci
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- If you must post a binary to Usenet, please post it *only* to an
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- Please direct public feedback to news.admin.net-abuse.misc and private
- feedback to red@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us. Thanks.
- Best wishes,
- Dick
- --
- Richard E. Depew, Munroe Falls, OH red@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us (home)
- It's over, and can't be helped, and that's one consolation, as they
- always say in Turkey, when they cut the wrong man's head off''
- -- Charles Dickens
- Article: 16254
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsxfer2.itd.umich.edu!news.eecs.umich.edu!umn.edu!newsstand.tc.umn.edu!usenet
- From: Eva Zygmunt <zygm0001@gold.tc.umn.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Writing logo clip question
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 18:42:07 GMT
- Organization: University of Minnesota
- Lines: 12
- Message-ID: <4k6dtv$l5e@epx.cis.umn.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dialup-14-c-47.gw.umn.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (Macintosh; I; 68K)
- X-URL: news:comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Im sure this has been answered here many times before, but would someone
- be kind enough to forward me some tips on making the process of an
- instrument writing/carving a logo into a material. I know there is
- probably a clip map involved in making the transition between the blank
- and the booleaned (for carved) surfaces that follows the instrument
- doing the writing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- thanks
- john
- Article: 16255
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: robanims@aol.com (RobAnims)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: PictureBlack
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 15:50:36 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 5
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k6les$f5l@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <3166B9CE.4A0E@erinet.com>
- Reply-To: robanims@aol.com (RobAnims)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Thanks Andrew. Looks Like I'll have to Get a PVR. I'm still neting from
- the Alpha to a PAR on my Amiga 3000.
- Tnx
- Article: 16256
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!netnews
- From: Elliot Bain <ebain@ix.netcom.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Web Design & Pantone to RGB
- Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1996 23:58:52 -0500
- Organization: Laurell Creative Services
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <3165FA0C.3F75@ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4jsbc9$r79@news1.io.org> <4jt0c9$d7d@nntp1.best.com> <316346F9.167E@wn.planet.gen.nz> <wturber.64.3E0586BE@primenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ix-col2-21.ix.netcom.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-NETCOM-Date: Fri Apr 05 8:56:41 PM PST 1996
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (WinNT; I)
- Walter (Jay) Turberville (III) wrote:
- > ------------snip---------
- >
- > As everybody here has agreed, the colors don't match. Part of the
- > problem is the difference between CMYK and RGB color space but I think a
- > bigger problem is that a monitor is radiating color while printed material is
- > reflecting. There are different brightnesses and contrasts working against
- > you.
- > Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- > Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- > http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- I think the problem is even more basic than that. As soon as you shine a light
- on a LW object, everything changes. You get shadows, highlights and hotspots.
- Then the client has to bring in lighting coordinators....
- --
- Elliot Bain
- Laurell Creative Services
- 614.459.4404
- Article: 16257
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!usc!newshub.cts.com!cg57.esnet.com!torment!mad
- From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Frames Per Second?
- Message-ID: <mad.616p@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Date: 6 Apr 96 09:05:49 PST
- Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
- Lines: 31
- On Fri 5-Apr-1996 2:36p, David Hopkins wrote:
- DH> In article <mad.5y7s@torment.tmisnet.com>, mad@torment.tmisnet.com says...
- DH> >
- DH> >On Mon 1-Apr-1996 6:16p, William A. Mendez wrote:
- DH> >W> Hello To All,
- DH> >
- DH> >
- DH> >W> I am currently working on a animation of a logo that rotates around
- DH> the
- DH> >W> Earth. The logo currently rotates too quickly, My questions is how can
- DH> >W> I slow it down. The speed I want it to loop is 6 frames per second it
- DH>
- DH> Actually, I believe you meant SCALE, now SHIFT. Of course, a scale of 2
- DH> would
- DH> make an animation setup at 30 fps take 60 fps, a scale of .5 would make it
- DH> 15
- DH> fps...
- DH> -David
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- You'er right. I did mean to say Scale and not Shift. But it boils down to he
- wanted to slow down his animation and the way to do it, as far as I know,
- would be to add more frames and not less....right? I know that in preview you
- can look at an animation with the different frame settings but I didn't know
- of a way to do it once you want to render it since video plays back at 30
- frames and to my knoledge that's the only way LW can render out.
- .........md
- Article: 16258
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: toastrguy@aol.com (ToastRGuy)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Animation Question
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 16:43:31 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 11
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k6oi3$g8q@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <3156B21C.41C67EA6@gie.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- In article <3156B21C.41C67EA6@gie.com>, David Forbus <forbus@gie.com>
- writes:
- >You will be limited as to how much movement is in the scene.
- Rule of thumb... your animated overlay should be no more than a quarter of
- the screen. It will crap out after frame 1 if there's a problem
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Don James The Computer Room Colorado's Desktop Video Specialists
- 2760 S. Havana St. Aurora, CO 80014 (303) 696-8973
- Article: 16259
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!news.enteract.com!news.inap.net!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!cssun.mathcs.emory.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsb
- From: toastrguy@aol.com (ToastRGuy)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: I can't get LightWave 4.0 to save my animations... HELP!
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 16:44:11 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 21
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k6ojb$g9i@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <B.F.Bosch.13.00116A2A@kub.nl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- In article <B.F.Bosch.13.00116A2A@kub.nl>, B.F.Bosch@kub.nl (HardCad)
- writes:
- >When I make an animation with LightWave and go to the record menu, and
- look
- >at
- >the animation file format, there is nothing there... It says -none- And
- when
- >I click on it, the only option I have is none. When I'm finished
- rendering,
- >and I have given my animation a name, nothing is saved on disk...
- >How come??? I have more experience with 3DS, but is LightWave better???
- What platform are you on?
- If it's the Flyer, go to layout/options and click on add plug ins. Choose
- Lightwave/clipsaver.
- If it's another platform, you need to add the correct plug-in
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Don James The Computer Room Colorado's Desktop Video Specialists
- 2760 S. Havana St. Aurora, CO 80014 (303) 696-8973
- Article: 16260
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!news.unt.edu!news
- From: tekell@art.unt.edu (steve)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Pc ZIP disks in a MAC zip drive??
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 22:23:02 GMT
- Organization: UNT Visual Arts
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <4k6qs6$6ul@hermes.acs.unt.edu>
- References: <4juu58$ad1@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> <4jvrsa$9up@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lab2tcpc2.art.unt.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- In article <4jvrsa$9up@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, chewie8625@aol.com says...
- >
- >>>>Here is the question..Say i have a ZIP disk formatted in a Pc zip
- >drive..IF I use PC-Exchange on the mac, will teh Mac Zip drive read teh
- >PC zip disk????<<<
- >
- >Sure will, do it all the time.
- >
- >-Emile Edwin Smith
- >-An about to graduate student in Visual Arts
- >-Need a janitor?
- Have you had any problems with this? Curious - I have. Some MACs here will
- read them and others don't (yes PCExcange and ZIP Tools are installed). I
- have also had my Hiearchical File Structure destroyed when copying folders of
- folders onto a PCDisk a couple of times.
- Article: 16261
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: jkrause357@aol.com (JKrause357)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 17:35:40 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 2
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k6rjs$h6r@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: jkrause357@aol.com (JKrause357)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Looking for Michigan Lightwave Artist for a few brush up lessons.
- can pay $50.00 per hour
- Article: 16262
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: phonecop@aol.com (PHONE COP)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: WTB: Intel/PC LW 4.0 latest rev
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 17:39:57 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 5
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k6rrt$h94@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: phonecop@aol.com (PHONE COP)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Please reply if you or someone you know has LW 4.0 for sale.
- Thanks,
- Terry
- Article: 16263
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!in-news.erinet.com!usenet
- From: Andrew Hofman <andyh@erinet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: PictureBlack
- Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 18:06:55 -0500
- Organization: LumaQuest Productions, Dayton, OH
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <3166F90F.742A@erinet.com>
- References: <3166B9CE.4A0E@erinet.com> <4k6les$f5l@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: edlp025.erinet.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB1 (Win95; I)
- RobAnims wrote:
- >
- > Thanks Andrew. Looks Like I'll have to Get a PVR. I'm still neting from
- > the Alpha to a PAR on my Amiga 3000.
- >
- > Tnx
- It works with the Amiga PAR also! The procedure is just a little
- different, as there is no button in the PAR interface (at least not the
- last version I used, months ago). Anyway, to activate zeroblack, you
- need to add the line SETUP=0 to your icon info for the PAR. Then restart
- the software.
- --
- Andrew Hofman
- LumaQuest Productions
- andyh@erinet.com
- 513-643-7333
- Article: 16264
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Cel Look and Macroform plugins? Was Re: experimental features?!?
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 23:45:58 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <4k6vnm$p43@news.accessone.com>
- References: <31659F41.3C77@online.ultranet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > Jason Andreas <jason.andreas@online.ultranet.com> writes:
- > > DO NOT DOWNLOAD cartoon.zip. It was placed on ftp.newtek.com for someone (adam chrystie)
- > to try for a specific scene. To get the latest version for intel, amiga, alpha and SGI
- > goto to http://tomahawk.grandi.com or http://isys.ml.org
- > The filenames will be carb_*.zip The "cartoon.zip" bares no resemblance to the more
- > upto date version. Within the next fews day I will release a rev. C that is even better
- > looking with more features/options.
- WooHOO! Great work, thanks Jason!
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16265
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.sol.net!daily-planet.execpc.com!earth!pana
- From: pana@earth.execpc.com (Blake Porter)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Not enough memory for RGB buffs?
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 00:04:36 GMT
- Organization: Exec-PC
- Lines: 7
- Message-ID: <4k70qk$dek@daily-planet.execpc.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: earth-le1.execpc.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- 2-Chip 16-Fast: Why do I have a memory problem? I'm compositing a back
- ground Image [Live video] and forground Image [live video] with Text.
- It will not render, as there is " NOT ENOUGH MEMORY FOR RGB BUFFERS"
- I'm sure this is memory intensive but...
- Any suggestions
- Blake
- Article: 16266
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
- From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 19:05:22 -0500
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 15
- Message-ID: <316706C2.3CEC@osu.edu>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31633351.3E7C@osu.edu> <4k4463$vov@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip5-6.acs.ohio-state.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB2 (WinNT; I)
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14345 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16266 comp.graphics.animation:33995
- > Well in the above statements I see nothing that brings any value to the list.
- > If someone feels a need to carry on this thread at least list ALL these
- > great features Max has that LW don't. If you can't bring anything to the
- > table other than when my puppy is born it's going to br better than your dog
- > then give it a rest. I think this multi list stuff sucks. If I want to read
- > about max I know where the 3dS list is, I can go there. BTW if you do compile
- > a list of all these killer features restrict it to those that only come with
- > the program. If you don't have the info then your not really in a position
- > to be saying anything
- For a features list and some screen shots of MAX check out...
- http://server1.autodesk.com/prod/mm/3dmax.htm
- Jeff
- Article: 16267
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!EU.net!sun4nl!xs4all!usenet
- From: Remko Steenstra <rsteenst@xs4all.nl>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Matrox Millenium and Orion Conspiracy ?
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 01:44:12 -0800
- Organization: none
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <31678E6C.409E@xs4all.nl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: asd07-14.dial.xs4all.nl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win16; I)
- Hi folks
- This question is rather out of place here, but since there's no
- Matrox Millenium newsgroup, and a lot a Matrox owners seem to
- frequent this one, I'll give it a try. Won't do it again. :)
- Has anyone with a Matrox been able to run 'The Orion Conspiracy' ?
- On my system it locks up just after the intro. I've installed a
- patch which was supposed to fix this problem, but to no effect.
- Please mail any experiences with this problem.
- Thanks for your patience.
- Remko
- <rsteenst@xs4all.nl>
- Graduate student of Image- & MediaTechnology
- Freelance ElectroGig operator
- Article: 16268
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Star Wars and LightWave
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 07:40:38 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 40
- Message-ID: <4k575m$qj@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <19960325.77BFE80.FC26@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca20-17.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Sat Apr 06 1:40:38 AM CST 1996
- In <19960325.77BFE80.FC26@bbs.newtek.com> chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck
- Baker) writes:
- >
- >On Sat 16-Mar-1996 19:12 , Jay wrote:
- >
- >J> >pin-hole light sources. Models tend to have round specular
- highlights
- >J> >instead of elongated bursts seen on real objects. Look at an ad
- for a
- >J> >new car and you'll see what I mean. These issues are addressable,
- but
- >J> >they requier alot of work on the part of the artist. In fact.
- >
- >J> The highlights you see on new car ads are not generally "natural".
- >J> Photographing cars for ads is a semi-speciality in itself. Those
- >J> highlights are obtained by using very long and wide light sources
- so that
- >J> there is one continuous reflection along the car's body. Beverages
- ads for
- >J> beverages that are packaged in bottles use the same technique.
- >
- >Look at a new car ad and you're seeing a tribute to the airbrush,
- either the
- >literal thing or the virtual one in somebody's software package. Both
- print
- >and video ads undergo considerable post-processing and are no
- indicators of
- >what a natural look is. They do look "cool".
- Not true. While they do undergo considerable retouching, the overall
- appearence of the reflected light sources is due to the shape of the
- reflecting surface and that of the source light. The airbrush is not
- responsible for the "look" seen in ads, but rather, the other way
- around.
- GT
- Article: 16269
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
- From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 19:21:17 -0500
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 30
- Message-ID: <31670A7D.7EE7@osu.edu>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31633351.3E7C@osu.edu> <wturber.66.3E21931D@primenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip5-6.acs.ohio-state.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB2 (WinNT; I)
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14347 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16269 comp.graphics.animation:33997
- > As I recall, most of the bugs with the 4.0 pre-release were related to the
- > HIIP filters. Additionally, 4.0 was a port to a completely different
- > platform!! 5.0 release won't have either these issues to deal with so it
- > really doesn't make a lot of sense to compare the 4.0 pre-release with a 5.0
- > release. I had 4.0 pre-release and found that it was stable. The program was
- > not inclined to crash - whether rendering or not. It was perfectly acceptable
- > for our production work (video graphics). In fact, most of the bugs had no
- > effect on us at all since we did not have a need for the HIIP filters.
- >
- > This doesn't mean that 5.0 will not be buggy. It could go either
- > way depending on how much is changed and how much has been tested. The
- > situations surrounding 4.0 pre-release and the rumored 5.0 release are
- > significantly different though.
- >
- > So - will MAX have a competitive upgrade offer?
- I really didn't mean it as an attack, it just seemed odd that NewTek was releasing
- 5.0 so soon. I guess MAX and Softimage will keep them with their faces glued to
- their code for a while. Maybe now that NewTek is really on the defensive by
- competing on the PC animation market we will see new even wilder stuff that will
- make us all ewww and ahh. I would like to see a 5.0 version with all the niceties
- of MAX or Softimage at a fraction of the price. I'm just hopeing that NewTek isn't
- rushing 5.0 out the door to meet MAX's ship date. You have to remember that the Yost
- group has been working on MAX for about 2 years, Newtek doesn't need to rush anything
- to the market that isn't ready yet. Hopefully that since they have been able to
- work most the bugs out with 4.0 that 5.0 has been easy fixes and a few new features.
- I guess we can only wait and see what happens at NAB. Not sure if Autodesk offers
- cometitive pricing, does anyone else know?
- Jeff
- Article: 16270
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!netnews
- From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW faster than 3DS ?
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 07:55:15 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 27
- Message-ID: <4k5813$7po@cloner3.netcom.com>
- References: <3165465A.187E@darmstadt.netsurf.de>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca20-17.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Fri Apr 05 11:55:15 PM PST 1996
- In <3165465A.187E@darmstadt.netsurf.de> Andreas Resch
- <Andreas.Resch@darmstadt.netsurf.de> writes:
- >
- >I have been working with 3DS 4 on a PC and with PowerAnimator on an
- >
- >I heard (from NewTek) that Lightwave is much faster than 3DS in
- >rendering/raytracing.
- >
- >I would like to know : IS IT TRUE ??
- >
- >and how much faster is it ?
- >
- >Any comments welcome
- >
- >Andreas Resch
- On simple scenes with few lights and objects, 3DS will render
- considerably faster than LW. On complex scenes however, LW has the
- advantage, especially with scenes involving many lights.
- Raytracing is slow in LW, but it is selective, so you can trace only
- parts of the image which does speed things up a lot.
- GT
- Article: 16271
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 08:08:28 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <4k58ps$1oc@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <wturber.66.3E21931D@primenet.com> <4k4ohd$sgs@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca20-17.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Sat Apr 06 2:08:28 AM CST 1996
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14349 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16271 comp.graphics.animation:33999
- >
- --->NewTek's hold in Hollywood for television visual effects is
- tenuous.<----
- Possibly, but it's starting to make significant inroads to the feature
- film industry. And I'm not talking about films like Freddy's Revenge
- Part IX, but the "A" marquee type films reserved for major studios.
- GT
- gregt@d2.com
- Article: 16272
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!news00.sunet.se!sunic!mn6.swip.net!mn5.swip.net!news
- From: videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se (Johan Otterstrom)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: CybergraphicX on LightWave 4.0??
- Date: 07 Apr 96 02:28:36 -500
- Organization: -
- Lines: 38
- Message-ID: <1694.6671T148T1821@mbox200.swipnet.se>
- References: <509.6667T702T88@mbox200.swipnet.se> <3166fb49.18596185@news.infi.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dialup102-4-7.swipnet.se
- NNTP-Posting-User: 3a9622cd6c88f300a7e6b08629051e1a
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- >Use NewMode to promote JUST the Modeler screen and the Layout
- >screen.... make sure that it is ONLY promoting those screens.
- I'm well aware about NewMode. The problem is in Layout when you promote
- it, animation preview no longer works (invisible!). This renders ;) LightWave
- quite useless for animation work (the reason I got it in the first place).
- Also when you promote Layout things get really SLOW!!! I don't know why? I use
- a Piccolo SD64 4Mb with CGX, which really rock 'n' rolls in all other
- aplications, even modeler is really quick.
- I think it's a big joke that NewTek dont realise/care that the Amiga version
- of LightWave needs a true CybergraphX screenmode for Layout! But it's easy to
- forget who made you rich when the PC market is so large.
- The only time I got Layout to work (showing animation previews) was with my
- old Retina Z2, which forced it to refresh. But since the Z2 card is really
- slow the speed was'nt quite enough.
- This is also a reason to why I want someone with a Draco to tell me how it
- works with LW4.0. (Draco uses a special version of Retina Z3, which is
- really the fastest around, easily outperforms Cybervision, due to the fact
- that the card is in a Draco directslot 35Mb/sec against the processor).
- >There is also a Cybergraphics render device posted on Aminet.
- I saw this one at a friends house and it really worked great!! But this is
- really what should have been included by NewTek!!
- >I am running LW on Cybergraphics version 2.16 and they fixed all the
- >buggies with screen refreshes, i.e. the grid in modeler now refreshed
- >properly.
- I know the modeler is not a problem! You just cant have a moving solid
- preview.
- videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se
- Article: 16273
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Frames Per Second?
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 96 02:05:24 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 24
- Message-ID: <N.040696.180524.66@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <mad.616p@torment.tmisnet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- On 4/6/96 9:05AM, in message <mad.616p@torment.tmisnet.com>, Mark Dunakin
- <mad@torment.tmisnet.com> wrote:
- >
- > You'er right. I did mean to say Scale and not Shift. But it boils down to he
- > wanted to slow down his animation and the way to do it, as far as I know,
- > would be to add more frames and not less....right? I know that in preview you
- > can look at an animation with the different frame settings but I didn't know
- > of a way to do it once you want to render it since video plays back at 30
- > frames and to my knoledge that's the only way LW can render out.
- >
- > .........md
- Mark,
- Actually, Lightwave doesn't render at ANY speed. It renders individual
- frames. How fast you play them back is up to you. If you put them out to
- film, the speed will depend on how fast that film is projected, with 24fps
- being the standard in this country for sound film. If you put it to video,
- once again it depends how fast you play it back, with 30fps or 60 *fields* per
- second being the standard in this country. Lightwave itself has nothing to do
- with any of this.
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 16274
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: chewie8625@aol.com (Chewie8625)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Pc ZIP disks in a MAC zip drive??
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 21:14:59 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 10
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k78f3$lfk@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4k6qs6$6ul@hermes.acs.unt.edu>
- Reply-To: chewie8625@aol.com (Chewie8625)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- The only problems I have had have to do with space on the disk. If you put
- too much info on the drive when it is on a PC you may not leave enough
- room on the disk for the mac's desktop info such as the trash, etc. It has
- worked for me everytime otherwise though, are you turning on and off
- extensions to do video or some such other intensive work that needs a
- clean system? Maybe you are forgetting to turn back on PC exchange
- sometimes. Good luck.
- -Emile Edwin Smith
- -An about to graduate student in Visual Arts
- -Need a janitor?
- Article: 16275
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: lightwave for pc
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 03:12:03 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 16
- Message-ID: <4k7bq3$2nt@news.accessone.com>
- References: <4k5f6q$89r@argentina.it.earthlink.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > "Warren W. James" <wwjames@earthlink.net> writes:
- > >> Why don't you just buy LW like everyone else?? Yeah I know you want to
- > >> leach off of everyone else. You are a disgrace to this industry.
- > >
- > >Why don`t we all club together and buy the guy it.
- > >
- >
- > Better yet, why don't we all just get together and club the guy.
- I'll buy the club.
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16276
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 03:13:33 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 12
- Message-ID: <4k7bst$2nt@news.accessone.com>
- References: <4k3n0i$hfh@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan) writes:
- > No, they often ship when the economics require that they ship. And with
- > sales where they have been, <SNIP!>
- Wow, they still show you the sales figures, Lee?
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16277
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW faster than 3DS ?
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 03:15:45 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4k7c11$2nt@news.accessone.com>
- References: <3165465A.187E@darmstadt.netsurf.de>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > Andreas Resch <Andreas.Resch@darmstadt.netsurf.de> writes:
- > I have been working with 3DS 4 on a PC and with PowerAnimator on an SGI
- >
- > I heard (from NewTek) that Lightwave is much faster than 3DS in
- > rendering/raytracing.
- >
- > I would like to know : IS IT TRUE ??
- I don't think ANYBODY knows. BYTE magazine used to have a "standard" 3d
- scene that they would render to comparitively benchmark across applications, but
- even that was questionable.
- Without benchmark scenes, I feel that opinions don't matter much.
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16278
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: chipdaddy@aol.com (ChipDaddy)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW and Edge3D
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 23:12:47 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 2
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k7fbv$nsi@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <31594F5A.D82@xs4all.nl>
- Reply-To: chipdaddy@aol.com (ChipDaddy)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- What is "Edge3D"?
- Thanks
- Article: 16279
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news2.acs.oakland.edu!server3.mich.com!pm001-21.dialip.mich.com!marrocco
- From: Sam Marrocco <marrocco@mich.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Pc ZIP disks in a MAC zip drive??
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 04:20:42 GMT
- Organization: mich.com, Inc., Farmington, Michigan
- Lines: 4
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4k7fqq$bcl@server3.mich.com>
- References: <4juu58$ad1@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pm001-21.dialip.mich.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- X-Newsreader: Nuntius 2.0.3_PPC
- X-XXMessage-ID: <AD8CAD14F7011116@pm001-21.dialip.mich.com>
- X-XXDate: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 04:21:56 GMT
- Try formatting the Zip cartidges as DOS in your MAC. I've had lots of
- trouble reading Zips on my Macs when they were formatted with
- Amiga/CrossDOS or on a PC (SCSI-ZIP). Once they are formatted in the Mac,
- I never have any trouble. Good Luck!
- Article: 16281
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 22:05:49 -0500
- Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <3167310D.3EE3@pilot.msu.edu>
- References: <4k6rjs$h6r@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cnc045197.concentric.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- JKrause357 wrote:
- >
- > Looking for Michigan Lightwave Artist for a few brush up lessons.
- > can pay $50.00 per hour
- Where are you located in Michigan?
- --
- Bryant Reif
- mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- Article: 16282
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.sojourn.com!news.eecs.umich.edu!nntp.neu.edu!johnson
- From: From:
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95,alt.2600,alt.bi
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 04:52:04 GMT
- Organization: Organization:
- Lines: 21
- Sender: pa_bdg@hendrix.coe.neu.edu
- Message-ID: <316739ae.18791819@>
- References: <315df4e7.30083078@nntp.loop.com> <31601c49.6539557@news.compuserve.com> <316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com> <3161a179.438764@news.earthlink.net>
- Reply-To: Reply-To:
- NNTP-Posting-Host: a-206-41.sp.neu.edu
- Summary: Smart ass kid
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99c/16.141
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34005 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16282 comp.graphics.apps.photoshop:13335 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14353 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x:1367 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95:7610 alt.26
- At exactly Tue, 02 Apr 1996 21:54:41 GMT, the user known as hybridv,
- hybridv wrote:
- [relevant discussion snipped]
- ---shut the FUCK up loser... Win95 Does better multitasking then os/2
- by
- ---far obviously you have either a shitty computer or you just suck...
- ---
- ---i can run 3d studio, 2 versions of netscape, 2 versions of agent,
- and
- ---adobe premiere 4.2 all at the same time with no noticble slow down
- or
- ---crashes... therefor you dont know how to fucking setup your
- computer
- ---or your just a dumbass...
- ---
- ---HybridV
- ---
- Maybe you would do better by running Mario teaches typing and MS
- Bookshelf at the same time. Go skip your high school study hall and
- get hooked on phonics dickhead.
- Article: 16283
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news.interlog.com!news
- From: Hammed Malik <hmalik@interlog.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: realistic reflections when compositing.
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 01:21:36 -0500
- Organization: InterLog Internet Services
- Lines: 13
- Message-ID: <31675EF0.46B@interlog.com>
- References: <3165D567.680F@iea.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ip93-9.tor.interlog.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB1 (Win95; I)
- David R. Stromberger wrote:
- > The problem is that chrome reflects
- > the "shadow alpha" objects, which is NOT what I
- > want.... since the "shadow alpha" objects are
- > supposed to be solid black, this makes for some
- > really ugly looking reflections.
- Turn on 'unseen by rays' for the shadow planes. This will allow
- the planes to recieve shadows and not show up in reflections.
- hammed
- Article: 16284
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!news.enteract.com!news.inap.net!uwm.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: tpsm99@aol.com (TPSM99)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: NewTek@NAB
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 03:37:19 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 19
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k7rbf$rmr@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: tpsm99@aol.com (TPSM99)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- "Hi,
- I've been asked to tell you (in case you have not heard) the following;
- NewTek will hold its NAB96 soiree and product/users meeting on Tuesday
- April 16th, 9PM at "The Beach" across from the Las Vegas Convention
- Center. Tickets will be required as space is limited!
- Tickets will be available _ONLY_ on a first come, first serve basis,
- starting Monday morning at
- the NewTek Booth #M51952.
- Be there or be a four sided 3D object of rectangular shape! ;)
- All The Best,
- Tom Patrick
- Editor
- Video Toaster User
- PS Watch VTU and LIGHTWAVEPRO for _all_ the details!"
- Article: 16285
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!lori.albany.net!magik.albany.net!not-for-mail
- From: dwarner@magik.albany.net (David Warner)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Star Wars and LightWave
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 07:38:58 GMT
- Organization: AlbanyNet - E-mail info@albany.net
- Lines: 13
- Message-ID: <4k7rei$btj@lori.albany.net>
- References: <19960329.7A505D0.B8D9@bbs.newtek.com> <2744.6662T882T800@execpc.com> <4joi4l$9ec$1@melbourne.DIALix.oz.au> <5340.6665T635T2956@execpc.com> <Pine.SUN.3.92.960405021334.15928F-100000@access1.digex.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: magik.albany.net
- X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
- Ernie Wright (erniew@access.digex.net) wrote:
- : What you need here is a *force* diagram.
- WHAT?! No formula? Geez Ernie, I'm disappointed. =)
- -David Warner
- dwarner@albany.net
- http://www.albany.net/~dwarner
- Only 8 days until the Lightspeed Animation Contest deadline!!
- -
- Article: 16286
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 60,000 point limit?
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 07:48:18 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <4k7s02$brq@news.accessone.com>
- References: <Pine.SUN.3.92.960405015028.15928E-100000@access1.digex.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net> writes:
- > > -- Mike "too bad C is such a cruddy language" Bartman --
- >
- > Hay, NO WAY doooooooooood!!!!!!!!! C is
- > the
- > kewlest!!!!!!!!!
- >
- > flame flame what irrelevant newsgroup can I crosspost this to???????
- >
- > - Ernie
- > (where's my medication...)
- I got it right here: extra foam, right?
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16287
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 07:51:53 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4k7s6p$brq@news.accessone.com>
- References: <4k4463$vov@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com () writes:
- > Well in the above statements I see nothing that brings any value to the list.
- > If someone feels a need to carry on this thread at least list ALL these
- > great features Max has that LW don't.
- How about NOT continuing the thread? A much better place IMHO for this is in
- comp.graphics.animation, not either of the two dedicated groups.
- Too flammable.
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16288
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Star Wars and LightWave
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 07:55:15 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4k7sd3$brq@news.accessone.com>
- References: <4k4ahm$bpg@scoop.eco.twg.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > mike@vishnu.eco.twg.com (This space intentionally left blank) writes:
- > In article <dloubet.966.31631D62@origin.ea.com>, dloubet@origin.ea.com (Denis Loubet) writes:
- > Good! Personally I like a universe where all isn't goodness and light, or
- > all darkness and shaddows. ST is all wonderfullness. S:A&B is all darkness
- > and danger. B5 is still trying to decide which way it will go and I like
- > watching to see.
- weeeEEEELLLllll, actually JMS has already decided: it's just, when is he
- gonna tell US?
- > Schizophrenia beats being alone.
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16289
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!netnews
- From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan )
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.graphics,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.sgi.graphics,alt.design.graphics,comp.graphics.apps.alias
- Subject: Re: Web Design & Pantone to RGB
- Date: 6 Apr 1996 18:12:54 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <4k6c76$pou@reader2.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4jsbc9$r79@news1.io.org> <4jt0c9$d7d@nntp1.best.com> <316346F9.167E@wn.planet.gen.nz> <wturber.64.3E0586BE@primenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca2-21.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Sat Apr 06 10:12:54 AM PST 1996
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.sys.amiga.graphics:47204 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16289 comp.sys.sgi.graphics:14612 alt.design.graphics:1685 comp.graphics.apps.alias:1503
- In <wturber.64.3E0586BE@primenet.com> wturber@primenet.com (Walter
- (Jay) Turberville (III)) writes:
- >
- >We have a Pantone Swatch book. I enter the CMYK values printed on the
- >swatch into Photoshop's color picker and then note the RGB values that
- were
- >generated. This gets you in the ballpark.
- Why go to all that trouble? Photoshop has a Pantone set built in under
- Custom Colors in the Picker.
- AC
- Article: 16290
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 05:07:20 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 19
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k80k8$sro@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4k7s6p$brq@news.accessone.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- ------------------------
- How about NOT continuing the thread? A much better place IMHO for
- this is in
- comp.graphics.animation, not either of the two dedicated groups.
- ----------------------------------
- I dunno - I don't read comp.graphics.animation....substantive arguments
- are fine by me....don't read the thread if you don't want the heat....
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16291
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!nuhou.aloha.net!news
- From: Todd Mizomi <mcgyver@aloha.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Image Sequences & Pyromania
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 01:43:33 -1000
- Organization: Hawaii OnLine - Honolulu, HI
- Lines: 15
- Message-ID: <3167AA65.493E@aloha.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: maui-49.u.aloha.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
- Sorry if this topic has been discussed before. (Could someone put it in
- the FAQ?)
- We're having trouble using Pyromania image sequences in lightwave. When
- we load an image sequence in, map it onto something and do a test
- render, no image sequence. We are NOT test rendering frame 0, always
- something like frame 30 or 50, where there the image sequence should be
- well underway, but so far zip.
- If anyone has solutions or tips, please email us at mcgyver@aloha.net
- Thank You
- Todd Mizomi
- Photographics Maui
- Maui, Hawaii
- Article: 16292
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!laura.pcug.co.uk!scribendum!stephenb
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Message-ID: <1197@scribendum.win-uk.net>
- References: <19960401.7953E30.EEAE@bbs.newtek.com> <4jti7a$oc1@irk.zetnet.co.uk><4k5f6q$89r@argentina.it.earthlink.net>
- Reply-To: stephenb@scribendum.win-uk.net (Stephen Benson)
- From: stephenb@scribendum.win-uk.net (Stephen Benson)
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 10:07:00 GMT
- Subject: Re: lightwave for pc
- Lines: 16
- >>> Why don't you just buy LW like everyone else?? Yeah I know you want to
- >>> leach off of everyone else. You are a disgrace to this industry.
- >>
- >>Why don`t we all club together and buy the guy it.
- >>
- >
- >Better yet, why don't we all just get together and club the guy.
- >
- Better yet, why don't we all assume we all already know that a fair
- number of people get really irritated by someone getting something
- for free which they paid for.
- We could up the signal/noise ratio no end without the endless
- posts by individuals competing to demonstrate the intense quality of
- their righteous indignation....
- Article: 16293
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!sun4nl!xs4all!usenet
- From: The Hitchhiker <roko@xs4all.nl>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW and Edge3D
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 14:40:29 +0200
- Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses
- Lines: 16
- Message-ID: <3167B7BD.17BD@xs4all.nl>
- References: <31594F5A.D82@xs4all.nl> <4k7fbv$nsi@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: asd07-25.dial.xs4all.nl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
- ChipDaddy wrote:
- >
- > What is "Edge3D"?
- > Thanks
- The Edge3D is an Windows95 2D-3D accelerator. It supports every
- Microsoft DirectX API, (Direct3D verry soon). It can do realtime 3d
- rendering,(when the software supports it)!
- It's a giant in chains. When Microsoft releases Direct3D it will be
- unchained and then the result will be unbelievable!!
- On my page are some link to other Edge info, check it out....
- ____ __ __ ___ ____ __ __ ___
- / / |/ \/ \/ _/ GreetZzzz from Rob Koopman / / |/ \/ \/ _/
- _/ / ^ | ^ / ^ / _/ roko@xs4all.nl _/ / ^ | ^ / ^ / _/
- /__/_/|_|/\_\/\_\__/ http://www.xs4all.nl/~roko /__/_/|_|/\_\/\_\__/
- Article: 16294
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!news.compulink.co.uk!cix.compulink.co.uk!usenet
- From: glynw@cix.compulink.co.uk ("Glyn Williams")
- Subject: Re: LW faster than 3DS ?
- Message-ID: <DpHv56.Mqz@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Organization: Compulink Information eXchange
- References: <3165465A.187E@darmstadt.netsurf.de>
- Distribution: world
- Date: Sun, 7 Apr 1996 13:36:42 GMT
- X-News-Software: Ameol
- Lines: 28
- > I have been working with 3DS 4 on a PC and with PowerAnimator on an SGI
- >
- > I heard (from NewTek) that Lightwave is much faster than 3DS in
- > rendering/raytracing.
- >
- > I would like to know : IS IT TRUE ??
- >
- > and how much faster is it ?
- >
- > Any comments welcome
- >
- > Andreas Resch
- Andreas,
- If you create an ultra simple scene a single lit cube. And you
- wish to render it with a single lightsource and full antialiasing - 3DS
- will abolutely stuff Lightwave by a factor of about 10 to 1.
- In a rendering of a architectural scene - running on a 486 -
- Lightwave was rendering video res frames (with sun-cast shadows) in about
- 15mins. 3DS (rendering without shadows) was taking about 11 hours per
- frame!
- 3DS version 1 through 4 have appalling virtual memory support
- which means that if the memory requirements for a rendered scene exeed
- the actual memory of a machine. You might as well give up. I have heard
- that running under OS2 improves this situation considerably.
- None of this applies to MAX
- Glyn Williams - Particle Systems Ltd.
- Article: 16295
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newshost.vvm.com!usenet
- From: Paul Lara <lara@vvm.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: lightwave for pc
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 09:35:54 -0500
- Organization: VDO Productions
- Lines: 16
- Message-ID: <3167D2CA.3B04@vvm.com>
- References: <4k5f6q$89r@argentina.it.earthlink.net> <4k7bq3$2nt@news.accessone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip8.vvm.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB1 (Win95; I)
- jeric@accessone.com wrote:
- "Warren W. James" <wwjames@earthlink.net> writes:
- Why don't you just buy LW like everyone else?? Yeah I know you want to
- leach off of everyone else. You are a disgrace to this industry.
- Why don`t we all club together and buy the guy it.
- Better yet, why don't we all just get together and club the guy.
- I'll buy the club.
- I've already lined the trunk of my car with plastic liner, so the little turd's
- blood won't be a problem (O.J. showed me this cool trick)
- Article: 16296
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newshost.vvm.com!usenet
- From: Paul Lara <lara@vvm.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NewTek@NAB
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 09:40:12 -0500
- Organization: VDO Productions
- Lines: 7
- Message-ID: <3167D3CC.7232@vvm.com>
- References: <4k7rbf$rmr@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip8.vvm.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB1 (Win95; I)
- >
- > Be there or be a four sided 3D object of rectangular shape! ;)
- Hey Tom, last time I looked, my simple 3D objects had 6 sides!! :^)
- I hope to see you there at NAB! Why no Toaster User's Pavillion this year?
- Article: 16297
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!earth.superlink.net!usenet
- From: snidely@toontown.com (Snidley Whiplash)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95,alt.2600,alt.26
- Subject: Re: HOW TO DO A BATCH HTTP FILE DOWNLOAD hybridv=putz - NO HybridV's RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG BOXHOLDER (see inside)
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 15:23:39 GMT
- Organization: ToonLand
- Lines: 215
- Sender: WesternUnion, tele@WesternUnion
- Message-ID: <3167b4d6.963211544@news.superlink.net>
- References: <315df4e7.30083078@nntp.loop.com> <31601c49.6539557@news.compuserve.com> <316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com> <3161a179.438764@news.earthlink.net> <4k5bvp$d28@usenet7.interramp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: e28.superlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34013 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16297 comp.graphics.apps.photoshop:13352 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14362 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x:1370 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95:7628 alt.26
- The definition of concurrent multi-tasking is exactly as HybridV
- implied in his post. It is the execution of multiple tasks (or jobs,
- programs) within a single computer (in fact, the number of processors
- involved is, strictly speaking, irrelevant - but it is usually one).
- And, unfortunately there are only two methods to achieve this, non
- pre-emptive or pre-emptive. The first is the method used by Windows
- 3.x, voluntary surrender of the processor by each application, and the
- second, pre-emptive (the operating system employs a mechanism, usually
- an interval timer interrupt, to seize the processor) is employed by
- Windows 95. Since the pre-emptive method is considered to be the more
- advanced, or best for most purposes, (well, at least, easier to fairly
- allot system resources among contending tasks) it could be accurately
- stated that Windows 95 uses the best method available for
- multi-tasking. And, it does indeed use an advanced, self-tuning,
- highly dynamic task switching algorithm to accomplish this.
- The only significant shortcoming occurs when 16-bit, real-mode apps
- begin to hog resources. That's the penalty, or compromise, that
- Microsoft purposely built-in to accomodate this legacy software. It's
- no secret, Microsoft does not attempt to conceal this fact, and if you
- can live without those old real-mode apps, Windows NT provides a
- highly advanced platform (that also supports multiPROCESSING) without
- the legacy app compromise. And, like 95, it can STILL run most 16-bit
- WINapps without noticable performance penalties for the 32-bit tasks.
- In your heated exchange with HybridV, you are confusing the very terms
- with which you are attempting to prove your, unfortunately 180 degree
- out-of-phase, point. That is to say, you are confusing the definition
- of multiprocessing with that of multi-tasking. I think most experts
- will agree that multiprocessing, when strictly interpreted does not
- necessarily need to imply multi-tasking. In fact, there are a large
- number of (classic model) multi-processing applications in which a
- number of simultaneous calculations takes place within a single
- application. Strictly speaking, one must call these simultaneous
- activities application threads, but, in this model, it is common for
- only one application to be present within the computer.
- In fact, many early, and most current, implementations of
- multi-processing systems, were/are unable to assign processors to
- application *tasks*, rather, they usually dedicated ONE processor to
- ALL application tasks/jobs while using another for operating system
- processing and, often, a third for disk ops, a fourth for
- communications I/O, etc. This architecture is termed asymmetric
- multiprocessing due to the fact that the processors are functionally
- non-symmetrical in function (caused by the extreme difficulty in
- dynamically switching tasks amongst processors *on the fly* using
- software or software/hardware).
- Perversely, the very CDC 6400 you spoke of worked almost exactly the
- same way as Windows 95 when it comes down to processing APPLICATION
- tasks. In that model, ALL of them were, in fact, handled by the
- central or master processor (we could call this the Central Processing
- Unit or CPU here too). The slave processors were simply intelligent
- (albeit programmable) controllers capable of performing bus-mastering
- DMA through cycle-stealing. And, argue though you may, this
- architecture was quite similar to that of the IBM 360 series which
- called its slave processors *channels* and, heirarchically further
- down the line, *control-units* (however, these units were programmable
- only using non-volatile firmware). They did, however, execute
- high-level programs that were passed to them by the operating system
- but resident in main storage.
- You could extend this argument without a great deal of exaggeration to
- say that my own Windows 95 and NT machines, while they employ only 1
- Pentium each, perform multiprocessing on a level somewhat similar to
- your beloved 6400 due to the fact that I have installed intelligent
- controllers (with on-board programmable processors) to perform SCSI
- I/O, Digiboard controllers for Async & Sync serial I/O and 3D graphics
- accelerators (programmable) for video. Yes, I know you can't accept
- this but it is, nevertheless, functionally quite equivalent.
- Interestingly, Seymour Cray's elegantly designed CDC 6400 was, like
- many of CDC's products, ahead of its time, but NOT to the extent that
- it achieved symmetrical multi-processing. And, unfortunately, like
- virtually all other computers of the second, third and fourth hardware
- generations, it was forced into relative obscurity in the shadow of
- IBM's incredible marketing, sales and support phenomenon. And, like
- the products of all of the other vendors, the lack of this type of
- vendor support resulted in these machines having a reputation for
- unreliability and extreme difficulty of installation.
- For example, back in 1969 my fiance worked, as a systems analyst, for
- a company (time-sharing vendor) that had 2 CDC 6400s and some GE 5XXs.
- These machines were ALWAYS undergoing service and, to my knowlege,
- they were never 100% up - something was always undergoing
- repair/diagnosis. The covers were open, 'scopes and diagnostic boxes
- hanging out of them, etc. Furthermore, when they installed the second
- 6400, it took 4 months to get the machine running well enough to put
- into production and even then it crashed daily for another 2 months.
- This place was around the corner from where I worked, and in those
- innocent pre security-conscious days I would cut through (my fiance's
- employer's) computer room almost every day for 3 years to get to her
- office, so I saw this first-hand. I often had detailed conversations
- about some of the on-going installation or maintenance activities with
- the operations staff and CDC engineers, while waiting for my fiance.
- During that same time-frame, in the IBM shop, where I was a systems
- programmer, we commonly experienced 99%-plus uptime, and, with the
- exception of an occasional printer, tape-drive or console typewriter
- outage we rarely saw a machine open.
- Don't get me wrong, I believe that the CDC 6400 was a better
- architecture and, with the blue plexiglass cabinetry and dual round,
- blue console CRTs, certainly a visually striking machine; but the I/O
- devices were Yugos and the production and mechanical engineering
- needed for reliability just wasn't there for the electronics either.
- These machines didn't cost more than the high-end IBM iron we were
- using - at least in terms of initial purchase price - the reason "damn
- few companies" could afford them was that they couldn't afford the
- down-time. IBM simply made superbly engineered electronic AND
- mechanical equipment that was unquestionably superior to any product
- (of ANY type - auto, aircraft, building, watch, computer) I've seen
- before or since.
- Why is it that every technical discussion in these groups always
- degenerates into a name-calling, insult-slinging, sexual-preference
- questioning, personal-hygene impugning, bestiality and necromania
- accusing, political-belief ridiculing, racial overtone carrying tirade
- whenever someone expresses an opinion? Are we all so closed minded
- that we can't even ENTERTAIN the idea of someone having an opinion
- that differs from our own? Or are we SO afraid we're wrong?
- NAH... it's fun! You stupid, cock-sucking, dog-shit eating,
- dead-camel fucking, baby-raping, altzheimer-ridden, senile,
- boxholding, miserable douche-bag excuse for a room-temperature IQed
- technical expert. Next time clean the shit out of your eyes, ears,
- nose and throat; take the time to get YOUR fucking terminology
- straight; engage what's left of your clearly defective,
- single-threaded, 8008-powered, COBOL-coded, ISAM-searching, brain
- before you verbally drop your pants and butt-fuck yourself with your
- own flame-thrower on nation-wide media again. I know, don't say it,
- you've forgotten more than you ever knew.
- On Sat, 06 Apr 1996 09:01:10 GMT, BOXHOLDER@OCCUPANT.FedEx.net
- (Boxholder) wrote:
- >On Tue, 02 Apr 1996 21:54:41 GMT, hybridv, hybridv wrote:
- >
- >>On Tue, 02 Apr 1996 12:48:53 -0800, "Frank O. Schaefer"
- >><psycho@europeonline.com> wrote:
- >>
- >>>Rascal wrote:
- >>>>
- >>>> On Sun, 31 Mar 1996 03:04:36 GMT, spader@idt.com (Spader) wrote:
- >>>>
- >>>> >Ever want to just leave your computer to download 5 files? Now you
- >>>> >can (you can download as many files as you want, one by one)!!
- >>>> >
- >>>> >Visit:
- >>>> >
- >>>> >http://www.loop.com/~maeder/
- >>>> >
- >>>> >
- >>>> >Your Welcome,
- >>>> >
- >>>> >Spader
- >>>> If you use WIN95 you can download multipule files.
- >>>> M-U-L-T-I-T-A-S-K-I-N-G!!!!!!!
- >>>
- >>>If you haven't already noticed:
- >>>Win95 does not do real multitasking Win95 is pure SHIT !
- >>>You should use a real multitasking environment instead !
- >>>And if your on a PC the only thing for YOU is OS/2 !!
- >>>
- >>>--
- >>>THE DARK SITE - Psycho's Hompepage...
- >>>http://www-city.europeonline.com/cyberhome/psycho/home.htm
- >>
- >>
- >>shut the FUCK up loser... Win95 Does better multitasking then os/2 by
- >>far obviously you have either a shitty computer or you just suck...
- >>
- >>i can run 3d studio, 2 versions of netscape, 2 versions of agent, and
- >>adobe premiere 4.2 all at the same time with no noticble slow down or
- >>crashes... therefor you dont know how to fucking setup your computer
- >>or your just a dumbass...
- >>
- >>HybridV
- >>
- >NO, I say again, NO WAY does WIN95 do "Multi-Tasking"! There is but
- >one processor and it is working on one program at a time!
- >
- >You may seem to be running a bunch of programs, but all you are doing
- >is splitting the clock cycles. Granted the Pxxx chip does the execute
- >shuffel rather fast so one would hardly notice the it is only working
- >on one executaable program at a time. BUT, it is doing just that "one
- >at a time". Unless you have a multi processor (eg a dual or quad
- >pentium) you are not and never will do multi tasking. It just aint
- >possible for one processor to think about two programs at once.
- >
- >The first popular multiprocessing computer was the CDC 6400 in the mid
- >to late 1960's and damn few places could afford one. It did have a
- >large redundant system of processors feeding off a single controll
- >processor. capable of running 22+ printers, 16 tape drives, 16 disk
- >pak units 4 7foot diameter 32 platter disk units, 200 telex hookups
- >and a few dozen card reader and other input mediums. that my little
- >twit is multitasking.
- >
- >What you are refering so proudly to is job switching. - - - So who is
- >the fucking ass hole here ??? Me thinks it is you fart face. Your
- >talking about things you only wish you knew. Try going to school in
- >stead of playing in sme chat room trying to impress the teeny bopper
- >jail bait.
- >
- >And yea I was writing in binary and octal before you were an evel
- >thought your father never should have carried out!
- >***************************************************
- >Exxon and Exon - What a team they make! One shits on
- >the environment while the other shits on the people.
- > ***** FUCK the CDA of 1996. *****
- >This message brought to you in spite of the loss of
- >our Bill of Rights. Member - The Outer Rim(less)
- >***************************************************
- Article: 16298
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!hsno.wco.com!news.wco.com!news
- From: nite@asis.com (NiteShadow)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95,alt.2600,alt.26
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 22:58:12 GMT
- Organization: West Coast Online's News Server - Not responsible for content
- Lines: 34
- Message-ID: <4k9ha4$bpr@news.wco.com>
- References: <316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com><316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com> <4jr45s$h53@pheidippides.axion.bt.co.uk>
- Reply-To: nite@asis.com
- NNTP-Posting-Host: port6.asis.com
- X-Newsreader: NeoLogic News for OS/2 [version: 4.5 YO Beta]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34015 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16298 comp.graphics.apps.photoshop:13357 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14366 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x:1375 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95:7631 alt.26
- In message <4jr45s$h53@pheidippides.axion.bt.co.uk> - stuart@aeolians.bt.co.uk
- (Stuart Smith)2 Apr 1996 11:48:12 GMT writes:
- :>
- :>In article <316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com>, "Frank O. Schaefer"
- <psycho@europeonline.com> writes:
- :>>> >Spader
- :>>> If you use WIN95 you can download multipule files.
- :>>> M-U-L-T-I-T-A-S-K-I-N-G!!!!!!!
- :>>
- :>>If you haven't already noticed:
- :>>Win95 does not do real multitasking Win95 is pure SHIT !
- :>>You should use a real multitasking environment instead !
- :>>And if your on a PC the only thing for YOU is OS/2 !!
- ..
- :>Oh, and I take it you are referring to WARP. not OS/2?
- It's OS/2 Warp. WARP is OS/2 v3.0. Guess you are little "ignorant" in the
- area huh?
- :>And for most people Win95 will run multiple download sessions
- :>quite adequately for their needs.
- :>
- :>You don't say what wonderful computer you are using? Is it a
- :>NCube transputer box ?
- :>
- :>If it's a home computer, the Amiga is still the only truly
- :>pupose built OS multi-tasking computer available.....
- Win95 only provides speed increased when you are running 100% 32bit apps
- (including drivers!).
- -NiteShadow (nite@asis.com)
- Article: 16299
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!athena.cytanet.com.cy!zeus.cc.ucy.ac.cy!newsfeed.ACO.net!CARNet.hr!news
- From: dinko.cepak@zg.tel.hr (Dinko Cepak)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Modeler stops to work !!!
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 00:09:03 GMT
- Organization: CARNet, CROATIA
- Lines: 19
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4k9i2p$4af@bagan.srce.hr>
- Reply-To: dinko.cepak@zg.tel.hr
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cs4-p9-draskoviceva.tel.hr
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
- Hi there !!!
- Something strage just happend to me .........
- Today i have started my machine and Modeler won`t work any more
- Everything seams O.K. yesterday but today when i started Modeler it
- appears only for few moments and than pops out ( like there is no
- dongle ) but Lightwave works good........Any suggestions or help
- on this.............I have tried to reinstall software but that did
- not help ..........Than i have moved all to second machine and same
- there.......All that is hapening on P5-133 under NT 3.51.......(also
- same thing with Modeler rev. 4.0b , 4.0c and 4.0d).............
- One more thing....who can i conntact if my dongle get screwd (but if
- that is truth how can Lightwawe and screamernet still work ???)
- Any help ?????
- Thanks
- Article: 16300
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.exodus.net!news.alt.net!newspost1.alt.net!usenet
- From: tkrego@norden1.com (Tim Krego)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Growing Flares
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 18:22:04 GMT
- Organization: pro.image
- Lines: 8
- Message-ID: <31680796.4597410@news.alt.net>
- References: <4jtdps$ds9@news.enterprise.net> <4k1mgu$u5$1@melbourne.DIALix.oz.au>
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
- On 5 Apr 1996 09:38:06 +1000, stevok@melbourne.DIALix.oz.au (Steven
- Johansen) wrote:
- > Hope im not being too offensive here,but
- > You are not reading the manuals(if you have them)
- > You are asking for help(and waiting for it)
- > instead of exploring the programs features.
- This is a country of mediocrity! ;)
- Article: 16301
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Invite to Cool NAB Event
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 23:56:20 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 24
- Message-ID: <4k9kn4$d2v@news.accessone.com>
- References: <31664240.58A0@play.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > Kiki Stockhammer <kiki@play.com> writes:
- > Hi,
- >
- > Just a note to readers<SNIP!>
- > I hope no one minds my posting
- > non-Lightwave stuff here in the Lightwave group but many old friends
- > from my Toaster days read this conference and I wanted you to be able to
- > attend in case you're interested.
- >
- Uh-oh.,......did anyone send Kiki that "Mmmmmmmmm, Kiki..." thread we had
- going here last month?
- All her true fans are here!
- > See you there!
- >
- > Kiki
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16302
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: jbooth411@aol.com (JBooth411)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 60,000 point limit?
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 16:25:54 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 22
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k98ci$9mr@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4k40eu$5hn@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- In article <4k40eu$5hn@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu>, mbc@po.cwru.edu (Michael B.
- Comet) writes:
- >> Whoever you spoke to did not know a thing about modeler. It's well
- >> known that it has a point and polygon limit of 65384. It will create
- >> objects above this, but will not save them..
- >
- > I may be wrong but aren't all the limits listed somewhere in
- >the manuals?
- >
- >
- I don't know.. I rarely read the manuals, at least anymore..
- Jason Booth
- Second Nature, Inc.
- "I'm programing a raytracer that only outputs in ASCII art! I'LL BE
- RICH!!!!"
- Article: 16303
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 20:05:15 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 73
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k9l7r$dsv@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Pardon the rather meldodramatic thread title. It was to get you to read
- it.
- But this will be the most important show in NewTek's history. I can say
- this without hesitation.
- Many people left NAB '95 hopeful, but wondering.
- We waited for 4.0 to ship. NewTek was savvy enough to ship a
- "pre-release" version of LightWave, satisfying customers temporarily and
- giving them more time to complete their platform changes. The idea that
- they shipped 4.0 because they absolutely had to came up, and more people
- wondered.
- The idea always implied by NewTek was that they would hit the ground
- running with 4.0, and upgrades would be soon to follow. 4.0 was enough to
- scare Autodesk into moving on 3DS MAX, obviously a LightWave-killer, among
- other things.
- But 4.0 lagged. There were delays, and bugs, but we didn't worry. NewTek
- had a jumpstart on the NT market, a better interface than 3DS, and they
- couldn't let a vapor product like MAX actually beat them out, could they?
- We wondered.
- After an initial buzz on multiplatform 4.0, intrest trailed off. Time
- marched on. As I have discussed to absolute bordom, NewTek marketing
- trickled down to a drip. And if LightWave was a drip, Video Toaster for
- Windows was invisible.
- 4.0 finally shipped, and final glitches are being ironed out as we speak.
- But momentum has shifted to SoftImage NT, who's connection to Micro$oft
- and Play guarantees them both as the talk of the show, and MAX, who by all
- accounts is ready to ship, has addressed all the limitations of 3DS, and a
- serious competitor to all comers, not even considering the positive
- accolades a trueSpace gets.
- So, here we are at NAB '96, the make-or-break show for NewTek and
- LightWave.
- They must show a ship a multithreaded, shaded-preview version of LightWave
- which is fully OpenGL compliant, featuring more advanced spline modeling,
- IK and keyframe control of surfacing attributes. In addition, rendering
- time is going to have to go down significantly, if you believe the
- advanced reports from MAX.
- And that's just to stay level with the competition.
- Also, we are going to have to see progress from the 3rd party market. Not
- that it has to be equal to the amount Autodesk has, since they've had some
- time to develop that. But it has to be enough to show it is a growing,
- not declining market. If NewTek has to pay for 3rd party support, then
- that's what they have to do.
- Possibly more important than all of this, is that NewTek has to convey to
- the customer that their products are viable, and will continue. Because
- our wondering has turned to worry. And people don't buy products they're
- worried about. Especially at this critical juncture, where we will be
- offered a choice between programs.
- If offered, will we choose a $500 upgrade to 5.0, or a $1000 upgrade to
- MAX?
- Autodesk, by all accounts has responded to competition with one heck of a
- program. Certainly not the be-all-end-all, but a serious tool. Now, it
- is NewTek's turn to respond in kind. Will NewTek, with its problems of
- delivering on time, be left standing when everyone takes a seat? I hope
- not.
- And I didn't even get into the Toaster for Windows. It is going to be one
- heck of an interesting show. See you all there Monday.
- --Brian
- http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/
- http://members.aol.com/equinoxii/
- Article: 16304
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Is there an "Official" Web Site?
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 20:11:40 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 6
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k9ljs$e08@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <31680ccc.6776684@news.digex.net>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- >That should be www.newtek.com for the Newtek web site.
- DOH!!! Thanks.
- --Brian
- http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/
- http://members.aol.com/equinoxii/
- Article: 16305
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!nntp.news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip113.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Help with output to VHS required...
- Date: 5 Apr 1996 21:55:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 37
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.68.3E75084B@primenet.com>
- References: <4k3kov$dtl$1@mhade.production.compuserve.com>
- X-Posted-By: ip113.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <4k3kov$dtl$1@mhade.production.compuserve.com> James Osborne <100706.3126@CompuServe.COM> writes:
- >From: James Osborne <100706.3126@CompuServe.COM>
- >Subject: Help with output to VHS required...
- >Date: 5 Apr 1996 17:20:30 GMT
- >Hi!
- >I have just completed the scene file for a pretty cool
- >(BIG) animation (for my Demo Reel) but I now need some advice on
- >how best to go about transferring this (and future anims) to VHS
- >tape. I really need to keep the cost to a minimum (no surprise
- >there).
- >Anyhow I currently have a P120 with 32Mb, 1Gb IDE HD, and a
- >Stealth GT 2mb Vram card. I guess I will need a big, fast (scsi
- >AV?) HD and an output card of some kind.
- >Has anybody got any ideas. The Fast F60 MJPEG card sounds okay
- >but is this the only option?
- >Thanks in advance,
- Get a used PAR. I don't know about the less expensive "consumer" oriented
- MJPEG devices, but a used PAR will allow you to get Beta SP quality output on
- many animations if you have one of the "FireBall" drives.
- The value to a PAR or similar device that isn't immediately apparent is how
- much better your animations are because you can make tests relatively
- painlessly. If you are really serious, you need something like this. My
- guess is that lesser quality units are too much of a dead end. You can do
- work and get paid for it with a PAR. Then you can buy that PVR and the LW
- upgrade that is rumored.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 16306
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!nntp.news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip113.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Help: Sound and LW Output? How to Sync Audio and Anim?
- Date: 5 Apr 1996 22:03:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 45
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.69.3E7C29B1@primenet.com>
- References: <4k0kt2$a3h@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu>
- X-Posted-By: ip113.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <4k0kt2$a3h@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu> mbc@po.cwru.edu (Michael B. Comet) writes:
- >From: mbc@po.cwru.edu (Michael B. Comet)
- >Subject: Help: Sound and LW Output? How to Sync Audio and Anim?
- >Date: 4 Apr 1996 14:04:18 GMT
- >Hi,
- > Does anyone know what is invloved with syncing audio,
- >voice, music, sound effects whatever with Lightwave Animations?
- >I currently use LW 4.0 Intel, and a DPS PAR board. I also have
- >an old Sounds Blaster PRO. I currently output from the PAR to
- >SVHS.
- > Is there some way to get the PAR board to sync with some
- >type of audio, perhaps WAV or VOC files? Does the Perception do
- >this?
- > Thanks a ton!
- > Mike Comet
- > comet@apk.net
- > mbc@po.cwru.edu
- >--
- >| Michael B. Comet - mbc@po.cwru.edu
- Sell your PAR to the guy who posted about being on limited funds and needed to
- output to VHS. Then go buy a PVR. It will sync to .wav files. It is odd
- that it won't save the .wav synchronization in the .ply files, but it is
- mostly an inconvenience.
- What we do is capture the sound with a standard Sound Blaster type 16 bit
- audio card. We then display the .wav file and note the timing in 30 fps
- increments on a piece of note paper. Once you have done this, you can simply
- build your animation around the timing of the sound file. The PVR will make
- sure the .wav file starts on time. We have only used the PVR for
- synchronization that is less than 30 seconds. I don't know how the sync will
- hold up over time.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 16307
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!nntp.news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 5 Apr 1996 23:07:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)395-1010
- Lines: 55
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4k51m5$qtk@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr2.primenet.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14368 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16307 comp.graphics.animation:34022
- Stranahan <stranahan@aol.com> wrote:
- : As I have said before, I _love_ Lightwave, but MAX has some
- : awesome features (which will hopefully promote the same in Lightwave).
- : -----------------------------------------------------
- : Well, MAX still isn't shipping, right? LightWave is rumoured to be
- : shipping 'soon'....so is it fair to say LW is playing 'catch-up' if they
- : ship first?
- Considering that RSN was practically coined to describe Newtek shipping
- dates (the original Toaster came out over a year after initially
- predicted, though it was significantly better than the initial product)
- and let's not forget announcement of availability of "The Screamer", PC
- Lightwave, etc. Rumored to be shipping "soon"? You don't get a much
- softer release date than that, and it sounds like a last ditch attempt to
- keep people from checking out MAX at NAB.
- I certainly hope Newtek is seriously researching the competition.
- Their interface and integration is definately behind the times, and the
- excellent work being done with Lightwave is more an indication of sheer
- determination by artists using it than by the excellence in design of the
- program.
- Like, why are layout and modeling still separate? Where are the NURBS?
- Where's the multi-target deformation, GL shading or equivalent *in the
- Layout* module, editing of slope with tangents in the animation editor,
- user definable hot keys, interactive lighting, expressions usable in
- Layout, integration with the renderer in Layout, etc? Is 5.0 going to go
- that far? MAX is in lotsa hands right now, I know quite a few people in
- Hollywood with it. I'll bet only a handful are on 5.0 beta, and then it
- goes into pre-release, the stage MAX is in now and has been for well over
- a month.
- I wish Newtek good luck, since I'd certainly go with a program equal to
- MAX at less than half the price. I'm just a little skeptical, and with
- damned good reason, of Newtek and their early product announcements.
- In any case, good luck with the CD-ROM. It looks really interesting.
- : Lee Stranahan
- : A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg "Whenever I truly think something can't be
- steph@primenet.com done, that is when I redouble my efforts to
- prove myself wrong."
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 16308
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: instntguts@aol.com (InstntGuts)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 21:50:51 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 11
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k9rdr$g2q@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4k9l7r$dsv@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: instntguts@aol.com (InstntGuts)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- <<LW 4.0 was enough to scare Autodesk into moving on 3DS MAX, obviously a
- LightWave-killer, among other things.>>
- Brian,
- Uh, no, it wasn't. 3D Studio MAX has been under development for 3 years,
- and has been coding for over 2 years -- long before NewTek announced LW
- for the PC. LW PC had absolutely nothing to do with Autodesk developing
- MAX as an NT application -- its development was already well under way.
- -- Jon
- Article: 16309
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!cats.ucsc.edu!adamchry
- From: adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu (Adam Ives Chrystie)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: New Features for Lightwave 5.0
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 02:19:10 GMT
- Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <4k9t2u$ns6@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
- References: <4k8no9$kbj@orb.direct.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: si.ucsc.edu
- X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #1 (NOV)
- In <4k8no9$kbj@orb.direct.ca> kharmel@Direct.CA (Kurt Harmel) writes:
- >We know 5.0 will support open GL, but what else do we know?
- >Some one out there in the vastness of Lightwave land must have
- >some info on what else we can expect. A few hints would be nice!
- You will hear the wonderful sounds of silence until NAB probably. All
- zippers seem to be pretty well sealed. :) I think it is just wonderful
- that we do not know what to expect in __________. Kinda makes it all more
- interesting not knowing what to expect than waiting for what you hear
- about...
- Adam Chrystie
- adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu
- --
- ----------------------------------
- Adam Chrystie LightWave 3D Animator
- Cinema/Video Major, Senior
- University Of California at Santa Cruz
- Article: 16310
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!info.ucla.edu!library.ucla.edu!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!cats.ucsc.edu!adamchry
- From: adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu (Adam Ives Chrystie)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 02:28:11 GMT
- Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz
- Lines: 9
- Message-ID: <4k9tjr$nve@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
- References: <4k9l7r$dsv@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ese.ucsc.edu
- X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #1 (NOV)
- It really is best to write about such topics after we see them :)
- Adam
- --
- ----------------------------------
- Adam Chrystie LightWave 3D Animator
- Cinema/Video Major, Senior
- University Of California at Santa Cruz
- Article: 16311
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: robanims@aol.com (RobAnims)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Install Hware driver in NT4.0
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 22:37:24 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 19
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4k9u54$h4d@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <ereality-0704961053230001@s16.cs00.io.kdcol.net>
- Reply-To: robanims@aol.com (RobAnims)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- I had the very same problem. and it is not in the manuals.
- Our setup is NT 3.51 on an Alpha but I assume NT3.51 on the Intel is the
- same.
- The Version 4.0 upgrade from our pre-release version on the Dec Alpha did
- not replace the modeler and Lightwave EXECUTE Files. We had to delete the
- old ones and replace with the updated ones on our Version 4.0 CD.
- We informed a Tech rep of Newtek of the problem back in January.
- Another problem might be the Sentinal Driver. Even though the Sentinal
- Driver shows up in your drivers pref window it can become corrupt. This
- happened to us and a simple call to Tech Newtek said to just to update the
- Sentinal Driver again.
- We did and walla...Working ever since.
- Hope this resolves your dilema.
- Cheers
- Article: 16312
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.bctel.net!nntp.pinc.com!usenet
- From: ics@pinc.com (Ivan Sinclair)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: B5 spaceship design
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 20:33:58 GMT
- Organization: Softwords Research International Ltd.
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <3168260e.74703827@news.pinc.com>
- References: <mad.60vn@torment.tmisnet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: spider.pinc.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
- On 5 Apr 96 23:17:28 PST, mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- wrote:
- >I've been reading all this stuff about everyone debating and complaining about
- >the way the spaceships look on B5. I got to say, that of all the demos that
- >you see everyone else making, I don't see how anyone of them can even make any
- >kind of remarks about it. Since NONE of them, "or at least most" of them can't
- >even come close to the quality on that program, or for that matter, any TV
- >space show.
- If you want to be blown away by a ship model take a look at:
- http://www.free.cts.com/sd/c/corvine/
- Unfortunately it was done with 3D Studio (but that makes no
- difference. It's the artist that makes the difference)
- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
- Ivan Sinclair - ics@pinc.com
- Softwords Research - http://vvv.com/
- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
- Article: 16313
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news3.digex.net!access1.digex.net!erniew
- From: Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Image Sequences & Pyromania
- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 00:08:25 -0400
- Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
- Lines: 22
- Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.92.960407235952.371A-100000@access1.digex.net>
- References: <3167AA65.493E@aloha.net> <3167F584.773B@ECLECTIC-MEDIA.COM>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: access1.digex.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Sender: erniew@access1.digex.net
- In-Reply-To: <3167F584.773B@ECLECTIC-MEDIA.COM>
- Karl Dittman wrote:
- > I seem to recall from the Pyromania CD that the image sequences are
- > numbered funky (i.e. they don't start at 001, instead it's something
- > like 1001. I may be somewhat off on the actual numbers, but the concept
- > you need to be aware of is that the image number has to correspond to
- > the frame number. Thus you must copy the images to your hard disk and
- > rename them to a nomenclature that Lightwave can comprehend.
- I don't know how the image sequences are named on the Pyromania CD, but
- if it's something like
- frame 1 pic1001.tga
- frame 2 pic1002.tga ...
- you should be able to use Frame Offset on the Images Panel to load them,
- rather than having to copy and rename them. An offset of 1000 will work
- in the above example.
- - Ernie
- Article: 16314
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news1.digex.net!news3.digex.net!access1.digex.net!erniew
- From: Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Star Wars and LightWave
- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 00:20:35 -0400
- Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
- Lines: 9
- Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.92.960408001550.371B-100000@access1.digex.net>
- References: <19960329.7A505D0.B8D9@bbs.newtek.com> <2744.6662T882T800@execpc.com> <4joi4l$9ec$1@melbourne.DIALix.oz.au> <5340.6665T635T2956@execpc.com> <Pine.SUN.3.92.960405021334.15928F-100000@access1.digex.net> <4k7rei$btj@lori.albany.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: access1.digex.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Sender: erniew@access1.digex.net
- In-Reply-To: <4k7rei$btj@lori.albany.net>
- David Warner wrote:
- > WHAT?! No formula? Geez Ernie, I'm disappointed. =)
- Ha. Don't tempt me, sir.
- - Ernie
- Article: 16315
- Path: news2.cais.com!mcbones
- From: djmccoy@pacificnet.net (Daniel J. McCoy)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: B5 spaceship design
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 96 04:54:30 GMT
- Organization: Capital Area Internet Service, Inc.
- Lines: 38
- Message-ID: <4ka5vg$sdp@news2.cais.com>
- References: <mad.60vn@torment.tmisnet.com> <3168260e.74703827@news.pinc.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <3168260e.74703827@news.pinc.com>, ics@pinc.com (Ivan Sinclair) wrote:
- >On 5 Apr 96 23:17:28 PST, mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- >wrote:
- >>I've been reading all this stuff about everyone debating and complaining about
- >>the way the spaceships look on B5. I got to say, that of all the demos that
- >>you see everyone else making, I don't see how anyone of them can even make any
- >>kind of remarks about it. Since NONE of them, "or at least most" of them can't
- >>even come close to the quality on that program, or for that matter, any TV
- >>space show.
- >
- >If you want to be blown away by a ship model take a look at:
- >
- >http://www.free.cts.com/sd/c/corvine/
- >
- >Unfortunately it was done with 3D Studio (but that makes no
- >difference. It's the artist that makes the difference)
- One point that may have been brought up already (having not followed this
- thread to any detail) is that while, yes, higher detailed models could be
- created, other matters may dictate the level of detail you put forth in an
- object. Things like budgets and render time for higher detailed objects all
- factor in. Take the above object for instance at the CTS site. How long did
- it take to render that object in just one frame? How long would it take to
- render this object in a longer animated sequence? Can it be done on time (ie:
- within a week's worth of time and heaven forbid the producer changes something
- on you). You get the picture... :)
- Take a look at the premier of B5 (hell, the first season). Then compare it to
- the second and third season. The CGI DID improve. Tools get better, artists
- perfect their talents and systems get faster (holy cow do they get faster!).
- This doesn't change no matter what software a person chooses.
- Have fun,
- Dan
- --
- Daniel J. McCoy - djmccoy@pacificnet.net or dan@acti.com
- WWW - http://www.pacificnet.net/~djmccoy
- Article: 16316
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news.ios.com!usenet
- From: David Forbus <forbus@gramercy.ios.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 04:57:16 GMT
- Organization: ARARAT Productions
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4ka6bc$31h@news.ios.com>
- References: <4k9l7r$dsv@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4k9rdr$g2q@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp-28.ts-1.hou.idt.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.2 (Windows; U; 16bit)
- To: instntguts@aol.com
- instntguts@aol.com (InstntGuts) wrote:
- ><<LW 4.0 was enough to scare Autodesk into moving on 3DS MAX, obviously a
- >LightWave-killer, among other things.>>
- >
- >Brian,
- >
- >Uh, no, it wasn't. 3D Studio MAX has been under development for 3 years,
- >and has been coding for over 2 years -- long before NewTek announced LW
- >for the PC. LW PC had absolutely nothing to do with Autodesk developing
- >MAX as an NT application -- its development was already well under way.
- >
- >-- Jon
- I saw MAX demonstrated back in October. If what I saw had been under
- development for three years, then AutoDesk had been taking their time.
- Of course the development of MAX has been influenced by the presence of
- LightWave. AutoDesk would be foolish to do otherwise.
- Article: 16317
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!info.ucla.edu!agate!news.ossi.com!pagesat.net!cg57.esnet.com!torment!mad
- From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Is it true?
- Message-ID: <mad.63km@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Date: 7 Apr 96 22:13:21 PST
- Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
- Lines: 17
- Is it true? I so far am unable to find a way to mirror my surface maps on
- objects. I'm going to dig through my manuals and books again to see, but as
- far as I can tell, the only way to do this is to make your textures to have
- matching edges first in a paint program before you map them onto any object.
- And then I was reviewing the Ron Thorton video tape on textures and he said
- that whenever you are going to have a texture wrap around and meet itself,
- that you need to make sure that the edges are the same, so as to not leave a
- seam. Of course this all makes plenty of sence, but I would have thought that
- an awesome program like LW would have a mirroring setting like in Strata or
- for that matter, practically any other 3D program that I can think of.
- So, please if anyone knows of such a way to do this, "mirroring", of textures
- then could you let me know. It really sucks having to go and crop, clip, and
- paste all of everyone of my textures just to make them "appear" to be
- seamless........
- TIA..............md :)
- Article: 16318
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.abest.com!usenet
- From: "Andrew S. Milkis" <andrewm@tnp.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: FS: Lightwave 3D for SGI
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 01:57:02 -0400
- Organization: Digital Euphoria
- Lines: 10
- Message-ID: <3168AAAE.2CB5@tnp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: tnp145.tnp.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
- For Sale:
- Lightwave 3D for Sgi. Lists for $2495, asking $1650. Please respond
- via email address below.
- Thanks!
- -Andrew Milkis
- andrewm@tnp.com
- www.aroundtheblock.com
- Article: 16319
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!usc!newshub.cts.com!usenet
- From: root@spacelink.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: LW4.0 wont save to AVI?
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 05:54:05 GMT
- Organization: CTS Network Services
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4ka9mg$knn@newshub.cts.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: phobos.spacelink.com
- I'm using LW4.0 on a Pentium machine with 32MB ram and 3 GB disk
- under Win95. I've created an animation sequence which I am trying to
- render out to an .AVI file. I've gone to the OPTIONS menu and "Add
- plug-ins" selection. There, I selected "hiip\hiipsave" and received a
- message that the plug-in's were successfully added. next, I go to the
- 'RECORD" menu and select "Save Animation", supply a filename and then
- select "HIip-avi16(.avi)" from the animation type selections. Next, I
- render. LW goes through the motions and actually renders my
- animation. HOWEVER, nothing is ever saved to disk.. anywhere.
- Any suggestions on why this doesn't work? Should this work? If not,
- what is the best way to generate an .AVI file of one's LW4.0
- animations?
- Thanks for any suggestions,
- -Jim
- Article: 16320
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!nntp.crl.com!rci
- From: rci@crl.com (Michael Powell)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Star Wars and Lightwave
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 06:07:07 GMT
- Organization: CRL Dialup Internet Access (415) 705-6060 [Login: guest]
- Lines: 48
- Message-ID: <4kaaec$r7i@nntp.crl.com>
- References: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960324183633.9633A-100000-100000@iasmh.bsu.edu> <4jai9a$gq2@news.accessone.com> <315920BF.5C58@ix.netcom.com> <315AB69F.C20@erinet.com> <shfDp5uLr.96J@netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: crl2.crl.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Stuart Ferguson (shf@netcom.com) wrote:
- : Who could *forget* the rocket bus? It was hovering on jets,
- [snip]
- : The ladders, floors and obvious up-down orientation in parts of the
- : Discovery were all supposed to be consensual fictions to provide the
- : crew with an orderly model for how to move around in the ship in
- : zero-G. A bit like the file folders, trash cans, and paper documents
- : you find on a modern computer desktop, these are elements of familiar
- : environment transplanted in order to provide psychological footholds
- : in an unfamiliar environment. Today we know that seasoned spacemen
- : like Bowman and Poole would fly graceful, minimum energy trajectories
- : from room to room. They would be as uncomfortable trying to use a
- : ladder as an old Amiga hacker would be struggling with a Mac.
- : --
- Nice to see someone else who knows the film well... I really
- can't count the times I've seen it.
- I ran into a *great* book that was published only within
- the last two years called 2001:filming the future by
- Piers Bizony (with forward by A.C. Clarke). It seems well
- researched, and there are some fantastic photos that I have
- not seen before of the spacecraft models under construction
- and some rare behind-the-scenes shots, drawings, etc.
- That so little material is available is a real tragedy.
- But to relate this to Star Wars and Lightwave... 2001
- clearly took the first 'small step' toward dirty models...
- abandoning the aerodynamic 'bullet-shape' ships, and
- even providing very carefully weathered surfaces that are
- in many ways identical to the Star Wars look, only less
- severe.
- 2001: is an outstanding film for it's effects... not only
- holding up by today's standards, but quite frankly *rarely*
- surpassed by modern films. Kubrick intentionally stayed
- well within established effects techniques in most instances,
- avoiding 'pushing' the technology (you simply don't see
- spacecraft crossing over other spacraft or planets for example).
- One obvious exception was the slit-scan techniques that Trumbull
- developed for the journey beyond the infinite.
- Michael Powell
- Article: 16321
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox II)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 02:24:31 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 15
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kabev$lor@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4k9tjr$nve@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
- Reply-To: equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox II)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Well, I pretty much know what 5.0 is going to offer, except I don't know
- the price, or ship date, have heard from beta testers of MAX, and read all
- the lit that's currently out on both.
- I'm just letting NewTek know, again, what they need to be doing for the
- show, since it's rather pointless to tell them afterward. Wouldn't you
- agree?
- Sometimes corporations (the one I work for being no exception) need to be
- reminded of what the goals are, and what needs to be done. And don't
- worry, once I see NAB, I'll have a lot more to say. I just want to start
- it with "They sure did the right thing this time!"
- --Brian
- Equinox Images, Inc.
- http://members.aol.com/equinoxii/
- Article: 16322
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!iol!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!nntp.crl.com!rci
- From: rci@crl.com (Michael Powell)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Modeler stops to work !!!
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 06:16:48 GMT
- Organization: CRL Dialup Internet Access (415) 705-6060 [Login: guest]
- Lines: 24
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4kab0g$r7i@nntp.crl.com>
- References: <4k9i2p$4af@bagan.srce.hr>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: crl2.crl.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Dinko Cepak (dinko.cepak@zg.tel.hr) wrote:
- : Hi there !!!
- :
- : Something strage just happend to me .........
- : Today i have started my machine and Modeler won`t work any more
- : Everything seams O.K. yesterday but today when i started Modeler it
- : appears only for few moments and than pops out ( like there is no
- : dongle ) but Lightwave works good........Any suggestions or help
- : on this.............I have tried to reinstall software but that did
- : not help ..........Than i have moved all to second machine and same
- : there.......All that is hapening on P5-133 under NT 3.51.......(also
- : same thing with Modeler rev. 4.0b , 4.0c and 4.0d).............
- : One more thing....who can i conntact if my dongle get screwd (but if
- : that is truth how can Lightwawe and screamernet still work ???)
- Your dongle has, in all likelyhood, died. If you have
- Lightwave (layout) 4.0 rev B, try firing it up... if it
- does no work either, then it's dongle-related.
- New-Tek can fix your dongle with a very quick turn-around
- time.
- Michael Powell
- Article: 16323
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!nntp.crl.com!rci
- From: rci@crl.com (Michael Powell)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Star Wars and Lightwave
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 06:21:09 GMT
- Organization: CRL Dialup Internet Access (415) 705-6060 [Login: guest]
- Lines: 9
- Message-ID: <4kab8l$r7i@nntp.crl.com>
- References: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960324183633.9633A-100000-100000@iasmh.bsu.edu> <4jai9a$gq2@news.accessone.com> <315920BF.5C58@ix.netcom.com> <315AB69F.C20@erinet.com> <315DECA2.281A@ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: crl2.crl.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- BTW, re: Star Wars, I just put up a cool avi of the
- Rebel Blocade Runner (the Corvette) doing a flyby...
- It's available on the Render-Cam web site:
- http://www.crl.com/~rci/rcigal.htm
- Michael Powell
- Article: 16324
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
- From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 03:00:37 -0400
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <3168B995.2CB6@osu.edu>
- References: <4k9l7r$dsv@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4k9rdr$g2q@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4ka6bc$31h@news.ios.com>
- Reply-To: jasper.7@osu.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip5-9.acs.ohio-state.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0B2 (WinNT; I)
- > >Uh, no, it wasn't. 3D Studio MAX has been under development for 3 years,
- > >and has been coding for over 2 years -- long before NewTek announced LW
- > >for the PC. LW PC had absolutely nothing to do with Autodesk developing
- > >MAX as an NT application -- its development was already well under way.
- > I saw MAX demonstrated back in October. If what I saw had been under
- > development for three years, then AutoDesk had been taking their time.
- > Of course the development of MAX has been influenced by the presence of
- > LightWave. AutoDesk would be foolish to do otherwise.
- No he was right, they started work on MAX right after they released version 2
- of 3D Studio. That is direct from Gary Yost. I think most of MAX's
- development ideas came from SGI programs. Now that LW is on the PC, I'm sure
- Autodesk has it's watchfull eye on it, but back when MAX was being developed
- there wasn't any move to put LW on the PC.
- Jeff
- Article: 16325
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox II)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 02:55:41 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 33
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kad9d$m5j@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4ka6bc$31h@news.ios.com>
- Reply-To: equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox II)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- In a message dated 96-04-07 21:50:56 EDT, you write:
- > LW PC had absolutely nothing to do with Autodesk developing
- >MAX as an NT application -- its development was already well under way.
- Absolutly nothing? That's rather hard to believe. "Under Development" is
- pretty meaningless, since saying "we should make this program" can mean
- under development to companies.
- Even if they've been coding for *two years* on version one, multi-platform
- LightWave was *announced* July 94, but not exactly any secret before then
- either. Serious talk was around as early as NAB. So they're about as old
- as each other, except LightWave actually shipped first.
- LightWave multi-platform was expected to ship January 95. Which would
- have caught many companies flat-footed. Except they didn't, and everyone
- got a reprieve to make sure to properly retaliate against the newcomer.
- And you can't tell me that the product marketing pushes, and their timing
- against NewTek annoucements had nothing to do with LightWave. If they
- didn't then Autodesk is stupider, yet luckier than I imagined. Autodesk
- was considered the only real game in that price range until LightWave was
- announced. And whether the comparision was accurate or not, you can't
- tell me they didn't feel some heat, and respond to it, as any company with
- half a brain cell would do.
- What I thought was the funniest thing, in the "coincidence or not, you
- decide" column, was that Strata cut the price on Studio Pro for the Mac in
- half, to the range of LightWave, the same time multi-platform was
- announced. And we'll probably never see a Mac OS version of LightWave.
- --Brian
- Equinox Images, Inc.
- http://members.aol.com/equinoxii/
- Article: 16326
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!iol!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 03:34:48 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 19
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kafio$md1@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kad9d$m5j@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- What I thought was the funniest thing, in the "coincidence or not, you
- decide" column, was that Strata cut the price on Studio Pro for the Mac in
- half, to the range of LightWave, the same time multi-platform was
- announced. And we'll probably never see a Mac OS version of LightWave.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----
- It looks to me like NewTek MAY be announcing a Mac (& Sun) version at this
- NAB....
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16327
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Best of LightWave Pro
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 03:57:26 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 21
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kagt6$mnm@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4im2l4$3j0@news.voicenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- I'm sorry of this question has appeared on here recently, but here goes
- anyway...
- Has anyone received their copy of The Best Of LightWave Pro yet? I ordered
- four copies, and expected to get them at the end of December. My Visa card
- got charged, but nothing appeared through the post. A quick telephone call
- to AMG to find out what was going on and I was told that the printers had
- made a mistake (or something) and the book would be out around the end of
- March....
- It's April and I'm starting to think that AMG has done the old dodge of
- gorilla marketing...... Publish the goodies and see what the response is,
- and if it's good create the product..... If it's bad, what the hell, you
- have managed to earn some interest on the money received and Joe Bloggs
- gets his cash back in the end.
- Any HARD FACTS on this matter would be appreciated.
- Article: 16328
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!newshub1.wanet.net!ucsnews!newshub.sdsu.edu!soma
- From: lacey@rohan.sdsu.edu (Mitch Lacey)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95,alt.2600,alt.26
- Subject: Re: HOW TO DO A BATCH HTTP FILE DOWNLOAD hybridv=putz
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 96 06:18:33 GMT
- Organization: SDSU
- Lines: 49
- Message-ID: <4k7mhu$h1s@hole.sdsu.edu>
- References: <315df4e7.30083078@nntp.loop.com> <31601c49.6539557@news.compuserve.com> <316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com> <3161a179.438764@news.earthlink.net> <4k5bvp$d28@usenet7.interramp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: annex2p19.sdsu.edu
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34027 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16328 comp.graphics.apps.photoshop:13379 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14382 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x:1379 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95:7651 alt.26
- ok you two, i dont mean to butt in, but.....Win95 can do partial multitasking.
- it depends on whether or not the program in question is using the win32 or the
- win16 resource heaps. if you are running a 16 bit app in the so called 32 bit
- os of win95, you're still running the win16 subsystem. win16 code is
- non-reentrant, meaning the program you are running cannot be interrupted in
- teh middle of its processing. if two programs run non reentrant code at the
- same time, the win16 subsystem can collapse. since win95 CAN run cheesy
- win3.x programs, it is, theoretically, acting just like win3.x. now, win32
- code will use the 32bit dll files instead of the 16bit user and gdi .exe's.
- win32 proggies can have processor time/os time shared, streamlining each
- application being ran at any given time.
- personally, i dont like windows95, but some ppl do. use what you like. if
- you want to use what ppl tell you to use, and you just have to have a
- microsoft product running your computer, get NT. otherwise get linux, its
- much more fun.
- Mitch
- In article <4k5bvp$d28@usenet7.interramp.com>, boxholder@anon.pissy.fi wrote:
- >>>Win95 does not do real multitasking Win95 is pure SHIT !
- >>>You should use a real multitasking environment instead !
- >>>And if your on a PC the only thing for YOU is OS/2 !!
- >>>THE DARK SITE - Psycho's Hompepage...
- >>shut the FUCK up loser... Win95 Does better multitasking then os/2 by
- >>far obviously you have either a shitty computer or you just suck...
- >>i can run 3d studio, 2 versions of netscape, 2 versions of agent, and
- >>adobe premiere 4.2 all at the same time with no noticble slow down or
- >>crashes... therefor you dont know how to fucking setup your computer
- >>or your just a dumbass...
- >>HybridV
- >NO, I say again, NO WAY does WIN95 do "Multi-Tasking"! There is but
- >one processor and it is working on one program at a time!
- >You may seem to be running a bunch of programs, but all you are doing
- >is splitting the clock cycles. Granted the Pxxx chip does the execute
- >shuffel rather fast so one would hardly notice the it is only working
- >on one executaable program at a time. BUT, it is doing just that "one
- >at a time". Unless you have a multi processor (eg a dual or quad
- >pentium) you are not and never will do multi tasking. It just aint
- >possible for one processor to think about two programs at once.
- blah blah blah....
- Article: 16329
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!news.uoregon.edu!news.islandnet.com!news.islandnet.com!not-for-mail
- From: dretch@islandnet.com (Christopher Stewart)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: NewTek@NAB
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 01:49:30 -0700
- Organization: Island Net in Victoria, B.C. Canada
- Lines: 28
- Message-ID: <4kajuq$nhf@islandnet.com>
- References: <4k7rbf$rmr@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: islandnet.com
- In a message dated 7 Apr 1996 03:37:19 tpsm99@aol.com writes:
- T> Be there or be a four sided 3D object of rectangular shape! ;)
- A four sided 3D object would be a pyramid structure. How
- you'd make one rectangular beats me... Wouldn't a "square"
- be 2D and a "cube" 3D? Can't even throw a good slur, much
- less get my subscription to my door...
- Netherless, I won't be there. Somebody post the juicy tidbits
- from the site huh?
- T> PS Watch VTU and LIGHTWAVEPRO for _all_ the details!"
- Well, I'll read them anyway...
- Christopher
- **********************************************
- Primordial * Christopher Stewart dretch@islandnet.com * Graphics
- Soup * http://primordial.victoria.bc.ca/ * WWW
- Animation * Home of the Lightwave 3D Search Engine * Training
- **********************************************
- * Offline Orbit 0.73c *
- Article: 16330
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!news.uoregon.edu!news.islandnet.com!news.islandnet.com!not-for-mail
- From: dretch@islandnet.com (Christopher Stewart)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: volumetric shadows
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 01:49:37 -0700
- Organization: Island Net in Victoria, B.C. Canada
- Lines: 23
- Message-ID: <4kajv1$ni8@islandnet.com>
- References: <4k4j3q$nu0@bolivia.it.earthlink.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: islandnet.com
- In a message dated Sat, 06 Apr 1996 01: saddoris@earthlink.net writes:
- S> I just saw the ad for 3dsMAX in New Media. Is there a way to do
- S> volumetric lighting/shadows in LW4? (Other than creating a bunch of
- S> opacity mapped cones)
- Grrr... no. I just saw an ElectricImage rendered game test with
- TONS of volumetrics. He just pressed buttons.... Grrr...
- Christopher
- **********************************************
- Primordial * Christopher Stewart dretch@islandnet.com * Graphics
- Soup * http://primordial.victoria.bc.ca/ * WWW
- Animation * Home of the Lightwave 3D Search Engine * Training
- **********************************************
- * Offline Orbit 0.73c *
- Article: 16331
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!news.uoregon.edu!news.islandnet.com!news.islandnet.com!not-for-mail
- From: dretch@islandnet.com (Christopher Stewart)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: vrml...
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 01:49:43 -0700
- Organization: Island Net in Victoria, B.C. Canada
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <4kajv7$nir@islandnet.com>
- References: <828808866.25604@artworks.demon.co.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: islandnet.com
- In a message dated Sat, 06 Apr 1996 16: ade@artworks.demon.co.uk writes:
- A> any-one using LW4 for vrml creation,and have anytips?
- A> thanks in advance,
- "http://www.islandnet.com/~dretch/text/lightwavevrml.html"
- Christopher
- **********************************************
- Primordial * Christopher Stewart dretch@islandnet.com * Graphics
- Soup * http://primordial.victoria.bc.ca/ * WWW
- Animation * Home of the Lightwave 3D Search Engine * Training
- **********************************************
- * Offline Orbit 0.73c *
- Article: 16332
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!news.uoregon.edu!news.islandnet.com!news.islandnet.com!not-for-mail
- From: dretch@islandnet.com (Christopher Stewart)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Writing logo clip question
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 01:49:51 -0700
- Organization: Island Net in Victoria, B.C. Canada
- Lines: 27
- Message-ID: <4kajvf$nja@islandnet.com>
- References: <4k6dtv$l5e@epx.cis.umn.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: islandnet.com
- In a message dated 6 Apr 1996 18:42:07 zygm0001@gold.tc.umn.edu writes:
- Z> Im sure this has been answered here many times before, but would someone
- Z> be kind enough to forward me some tips on making the process of an
- Z> instrument writing/carving a logo into a material. I know there is
- Z> probably a clip map involved in making the transition between the blank
- Z> and the booleaned (for carved) surfaces that follows the instrument
- Z> doing the writing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- Check out the page in the tagline below. Just do a keyword search
- for "text".
- Christopher
- **********************************************
- Primordial * Christopher Stewart dretch@islandnet.com * Graphics
- Soup * http://www.islandnet.com/~dretch/ * WWW
- Animation * Home of the Lightwave 3D Search Engine * Training
- **********************************************
- * Offline Orbit 0.73c *
- Article: 16333
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!psuvax1!news.math.psu.edu!chi-news.cic.net!news.nd.edu!news.bsu.edu!iasmh.bsu.edu!darius
- From: Shadowbird <darius@iasmh.bsu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: B5 spaceship design
- Date: Sun, 7 Apr 1996 02:33:37 -0500
- Organization: Ball State University
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960407023214.19571B-100000@iasmh.bsu.edu>
- References: <dloubet.964.3162B0B8@origin.ea.com> <4jvg0o$5uq@news.accessone.com> <dloubet.967.3165534B@origin.ea.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: iasmh.bsu.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- In-Reply-To: <dloubet.967.3165534B@origin.ea.com>
- > I asked our B5 guru what ships have been seen in atmosphere. Not many, it
- > seems, and most of them are too alien to address my argument. The only true
- > atmospheric ship I've seen was the ship that takes them down to the planet the
- > B5 station is orbiting. Unfortunately, I can't remember if I didn't like the
- > way it looked.
- Check out this week's episode, with the new version of the
- Starfury, the "Thunderbolt." It's the bomber you'll see bombing the Mars
- colonies. Looked really nice...
- +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------+
- | And though the bird may seem serene | |>arius Wei (Shadowbird) |
- | With eyes aflame he can dispell | darius@iasmh.bsu.edu |
- | Light that all the world has seen | http://www.iasmh.bsu.edu/~darius |
- | For no one knows the depth of hell... | IASMH Computer Lab Technician |
- | | IASMH Solar Car Team |
- | from 'Nighthawk' | Founder, Arcanum Magicae |
- | ---Dwei 1/4/95 | |
- +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------+
- Article: 16334
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!sgigate.sgi.com!sdd.hp.com!svc.portal.com!shell.portal.com!jobe.shell.portal.com!drakon
- From: drakon@shell.portal.com (Harry Benjamin Gibson)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: vrml...
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 13:08:16 GMT
- Organization: Portal Communications Company -- 408/973-9111 (voice) 408/973-8091 (data)
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4kb340$ni7@news1.shell>
- References: <828808866.25604@artworks.demon.co.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jobe.shell.portal.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Ade Rutter (ade@artworks.demon.co.uk) wrote:
- : any-one using LW4 for vrml creation,and have anytips?
- :
- There are some limitations to VRML that you should be aware of.
- First and formost is that VRML does not like concave polygons. If you need a
- flat surface that has a dip in it, be sure to break it such that ther are no
- concave polyugons.
- Second VRMl is limited to flat mapping at this time. Not a biggie, but should
- be remembered.
- Ben Gibson
- Dd
- d
- thanks in advance,
- Article: 16335
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.kei.com!wang!uunet!in2.uu.net!bull.hkstar.net!usenet
- From: chiyung@hkstar.com (Aldoliu Chan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Is any software that support scripts like function?
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 12:08:59 GMT
- Organization: Hong Kong Star Internet LTD.
- Lines: 13
- Message-ID: <4kb36l$74m@bull.hkstar.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pnstar201.hkstar.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Hi,
- I am now looking for a graphics software that support scripts like
- function that can let user change the options as they want. Because I
- want to put some products into computer graphics and let our customers
- to change its color, style and the combination.
- No matter it is support 3D or not.
- If possible please reply by email.
- Thanks in advance.
- Aldoliu Chan
- Article: 16336
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsjunkie.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!prodigy.com!panix!not-for-mail
- From: vector@panix.com (Charles Sung Lee)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Points to Polys for Alpha
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 09:19:27 -0400
- Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and UNIX, NYC
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4kb3ov$6hu@panix3.panix.com>
- References: <31680C65.6E76@erinet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: panix3.panix.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Andrew Hofman (andyh@erinet.com) wrote:
- : Has the Points to Polys macro been ported to Alpha?
- I think it came with my Alpha final CD (sounds odd :).
- It won't be found under the Objects/Custom menu, you'll find it under the
- Tools/Custom menu once you install it. (I can't remember if I d/led it
- from an ftp site or it came with the final 4.0... sorry.)
- But rest assured, it definitely exists on the Alpha. I just used it
- 20 seconds ago :)
- o===============================o=======================================o
- |: _ _ _ _ :| Charles Lee, Animator In Chief |
- |:. \\// \\// .:| vector@panix.com |
- |:::...\/ ector \/ isions...:::| Tel: (212)684-5888 Fax: (212)684-7802 |
- o-------------------------------o WWW page: http://www.panix.com/~vector|
- | A Lightwave 3D Rendering Farm | The Unofficial Beretta 92FS page |
- o===============================o=======================================o
- Article: 16337
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!sun4nl!xs4all!mail
- From: RM@WWE.easynet.co.uk
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LWO format
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 15:05:10 +0200
- Organization: Hack-Tic International, Inc.
- Lines: 28
- Sender: daemon@utopia.hacktic.nl
- Message-ID: <199604081305.PAA23874@utopia.hacktic.nl>
- Reply-To: an521236@anon.penet.fi
- NNTP-Posting-Host: utopia.hacktic.nl
- X-To: mail2news@utopia.hacktic.nl
- Comments: Hack-Tic may or may not approve of the content of this posting
- Comments: Please report misuse of this automated remailing service to
- Comments: <postmaster@utopia.hacktic.nl>
- X-Mail2News-Complaints-To: postmaster@utopia.hacktic.nl
- In article <>, Ernie Wright (erniew@access.digex.net) writes:
- >Omar Eljumaily wrote:
- >
- >> Anybody know if there's a subtle difference in the way LW 4.0
- >> scene layout and LW modeler read LWO files? Our product needs to write
- >> to LWO format and our objects read corerectly in the scene builder, but
- >> I get a error from the modeler.
- >
- I've noticed something like this when patch modelling -- I think
- it's because I've got point order messed up or something, but a
- model that looks fine to Modeller and Powerview connects
- points/creates polys totally differently in Layout -- this new
- configuration then appears when loaded in Modeller too. It reminds
- me of the exploding vertices problem with some 3DS cracks and had
- me worried about my exe (which should be legal AFAIK).
- This has happened to all my efforts at complicated patching so far.
- Simple stuff works fine.
- >You have an error in your files, then. Modeler writes the SRFS chunk
- >before the PNTS chunk, and Layout does it the other way around, but
- >there's no semantic difference, and each (obviously) reads the other's
- >files.
- Article: 16338
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!spool.mu.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!news.unimelb.EDU.AU!inferno.mpx.com.au!news.mel.aone.net.au!ur002968
- From: imagine@h130.aone.net.au (Kevin Gleeson)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW and Edge3D
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 96 01:39:54 GMT
- Organization: Imagine It
- Lines: 33
- Message-ID: <4k9qlf$3oo@news.mel.aone.net.au>
- References: <31594F5A.D82@xs4all.nl> <4k7fbv$nsi@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <3167B7BD.17BD@xs4all.nl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d11-1.cpe.hobart.aone.net.au
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <3167B7BD.17BD@xs4all.nl>, The Hitchhiker <roko@xs4all.nl> wrote:
- >ChipDaddy wrote:
- >>
- >> What is "Edge3D"?
- >> Thanks
- >
- >The Edge3D is an Windows95 2D-3D accelerator. It supports every
- >Microsoft DirectX API, (Direct3D verry soon). It can do realtime 3d
- >rendering,(when the software supports it)!
- >It's a giant in chains. When Microsoft releases Direct3D it will be
- >unchained and then the result will be unbelievable!!
- >
- >On my page are some link to other Edge info, check it out....
- > ____ __ __ ___ ____ __ __ ___
- > / / |/ \/ \/ _/ GreetZzzz from Rob Koopman / / |/ \/ \/ _/
- > _/ / ^ | ^ / ^ / _/ roko@xs4all.nl _/ / ^ | ^ / ^ / _/
- > /__/_/|_|/\_\/\_\__/ http://www.xs4all.nl/~roko /__/_/|_|/\_\/\_\__/
- Will it support OpenGL? I believe it doesn't at the moment and as OpenGL seems
- to be where LW5 will be heading it might not be much use to us here.
- Cheers
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Kevin Gleeson
- Imagine It
- 3D animation and graphics
- Hobart
- Tasmania
- Australia
- The Librarian Rules! - OOOK!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Article: 16339
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!lerc.nasa.gov!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!po.cwru.edu!mbc
- From: mbc@po.cwru.edu (Michael B. Comet)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Help: Sound and LW Output? How to Sync Audio and Anim?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 14:05:48 GMT
- Organization: Case Western Reserve University
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <4kb6fs$cqf@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu>
- References: <4k0kt2$a3h@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu> <4k2emt$737@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: sushi.ins.cwru.edu
- X-Newsreader: CWRU GnomeNews for Windows
- In a previous article billhrgtn@aol.com (Bill Hrgtn) said:
- > Use the PAR VCR Windows player (not the main program) to sync audio with
- > animation files. Look under the Configure menu for "Device". Set your
- > sound association file and any off sync neccessary, and then save as a
- > project.
- Is there a PAR windows player? I am running Win95 with the
- DOS PAR software right now. I was under the impression there was no
- Win95 PAR software. Maybe it would work under 3.1/NT ?
- mbc
- --
- | Michael B. Comet - mbc@po.cwru.edu
- | http://inswww.ins.cwru.edu/php/comet/
- | LW FAQ, 3D Graphics & Animation and more!
- Article: 16340
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!c-cg.demon.co.uk
- From: Carousel <presents@c-cg.demon.co.uk>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Hello
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 13:03:08 GMT
- Organization: Carousel Computer Graphics
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <223994226wnr@c-cg.demon.co.uk>
- Reply-To: presents@c-cg.demon.co.uk
- X-NNTP-Posting-Host: c-cg.demon.co.uk
- X-Broken-Date: Monday, Apr 08, 1996 13.03.08
- X-Newsreader: Newswin Alpha 0.7
- X-Mail2News-Path: relay-4.mail.demon.net!post.demon.co.uk!c-cg.demon.co.uk
- Hello to all you lightwaves people out there!
- Ive got 3DS (please dont laught) ive tried and tried with newtek to get
- an eval copy of lightwave for PC but i cant get one.
- I want to know if there is anyone out there that could lend be
- lightwave or sell me lightwave for the PC.
- PS. Is it dongalised ????
- Please help!!!!
- email russell@c-cg.demon.co.uk
- Thankyou
- -- Carousel Computer Graphics
- 56A Palmerston Place
- 0131 539 7399
- http://www.carousel-c-g.co.uk
- Article: 16341
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!info.ucla.edu!agate!news.ossi.com!pagesat.net!origin.ea.com!newsmaster
- From: Bryan Pritchard <bpritcha@origin.ea.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: (no subject)
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 10:23:40 -0500
- Organization: Origin Systems
- Lines: 3
- Message-ID: <31692F7C.7B45@origin.ea.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bpritchard.origin.ea.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
- I would have to disagree. The 3DS engine renders a little plasticy.. but I think that that is just a problem with the users. I mean I've been
- able to do animations in 3DS and have people actually think they were done in Alias. You see with 3DS you just have to know more about mapping.
- That is the key to removing the apparent plastic look to your scenes.
- Article: 16342
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!homer.alpha.net!usenet
- From: syndesis@inc.net (John Foust)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 15:46:03 GMT
- Organization: Syndesis Corporation
- Lines: 16
- Message-ID: <4kbcbr$5qi@homer.alpha.net>
- References: <151405@cup.portal.com> <4k3n0i$hfh@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: s27c.globaldialog.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- In article <4k3n0i$hfh@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, stranahan@aol.com says...
- >
- >The PC Toaster was a 'smoking mirrors' product, as I've mentioned before.
- >I don't think 'Phoenix' will ever ship - it just doesn't make any sense
- >with the advent of DVC camcorders and better quality non-linear systems
- >that are cheaper.
- That's "smoke and mirrors." And I wrote the software for the PC Toaster
- in Visual BASIC, connecting an Amiga Toaster under the table to a PC
- via the serial port, sending ARexx commands from the PC when you clicked
- its "croutons" and it won one of those crystal awards from COMDEX,
- as the "best new product" or something like that. It's in the
- NewTek museum.
- - John
- Article: 16343
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!homer.alpha.net!usenet
- From: syndesis@inc.net (John Foust)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 15:50:50 GMT
- Organization: Syndesis Corporation
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4kbckq$5qi@homer.alpha.net>
- References: <wturber.66.3E21931D@primenet.com> <4k4ohd$sgs@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: s27c.globaldialog.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14386 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16343 comp.graphics.animation:34031
- In article <4k4ohd$sgs@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, stranahan@aol.com says...
- >
- >So - will MAX have a competitive upgrade offer?
- >-------------------------
- >
- >Good question. As much as NewTek's lack of marketing acumen bugs me,
- >Autodesk has about maybe .2 more of a clue. At a lower price point, MAX
- >could have OWNED the market - LW didn't take advantage of the window to
- >capture 3DS seats, and SoftImage is great, but pricey.
- If you already own 3DS for DOS, I believe the upgrade price is $495.
- > At around $1000 my curiousity dies altogether.
- Why, because you think you couldn't use it to make $1,000 as a return
- on your investment? I'm sure some people will buy it as an insurance
- policy, just to "know" Max. Chance favors the prepared mind.
- - John Foust
- Article: 16344
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 12:28:10 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 17
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kbeqq$scb@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kbcbr$5qi@homer.alpha.net>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- That's "smoke and mirrors." And I wrote the software for the PC Toaster
- in Visual BASIC, connecting an Amiga Toaster under the table to a PC
- via the serial port, sending ARexx commands from the PC when you clicked
- its "croutons" and it won one of those crystal awards from COMDEX,
- as the "best new product" or something like that. It's in the
- NewTek museum.
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16345
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 12:28:54 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 16
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kbes6$sco@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kbcbr$5qi@homer.alpha.net>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- That's "smoke and mirrors."
- ---------------------
- I know it's supposed to be 'smoke and mirrors', but the NewTek
- pronunciation seems to be 'smoking mirrors'. Well, Brad Carvey's, at
- least....
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16346
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!pipeline!not-for-mail
- From: justin@nyc.pipeline.com (Michael Justin Austin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,
- Subject: Re: LW and Edge3D
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 11:50:49 -0400
- Organization: Pipeline
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <4kbckp$ktn@pipe11.nyc.pipeline.com>
- References: <3167B7BD.17BD@xs4all.nl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pipe11.nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeUser: justin
- X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeGCOS: (Michael Austin)
- X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
- On Apr 07, 1996 14:40:29 in article <Re: LW and Edge3D>, 'The Hitchhiker
- <roko@xs4all.nl>' wrote:
- >ChipDaddy wrote:
- >>
- >> What is "Edge3D"?
- >> Thanks
- >
- >The Edge3D is an Windows95 2D-3D accelerator. It supports every
- >Microsoft DirectX API, (Direct3D verry soon). It can do realtime 3d
- >rendering,(when the software supports it)!
- >It's a giant in chains. When Microsoft releases Direct3D it will be
- >unchained and then the result will be unbelievable!!
- >
- Why is this better than open gl?
- whats the difference?
- real time ray tracing? or what?
- Because if it is not real time ray tracing then
- its just a toy :-)
- regards
- Article: 16347
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!news1.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!alpha1.chapman.edu!ts1p11s42.chapman.edu!zimmerma
- From: zimmerma@chapman.edu (Dan Zimmerman)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Best Setup for PVR?
- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 06:11:03
- Organization: EuroTech Productions
- Lines: 15
- Message-ID: <zimmerma.3.00062F55@chapman.edu>
- References: <313EA8D9.1FA2@ic.net> <31585e21.72896229@netnews.voicenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts1p11s42.chapman.edu
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A]
- In article <31585e21.72896229@netnews.voicenet.com> marlon@voicenet.com (Marlon Beltz) writes:
- >From: marlon@voicenet.com (Marlon Beltz)
- >Subject: Re: Best Setup for PVR?
- >Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 16:30:53 GMT
- >>
- >I'm using Speed Razor on an Alpha and I've found at least 5 major
- >bugs, and I get crashs all over the place. I have not had a chance
- >yet to evaluate Premiere 4.2 for NT but I loved Premiere 4.0a. Never
- >had any problems.
- Does anybody work with Premiere 4.2 for NT? Is it out yet?
- Dan Zimmerman
- Article: 16348
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!news1.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!alpha1.chapman.edu!ts1p11s42.chapman.edu!zimmerma
- From: zimmerma@chapman.edu (Dan Zimmerman)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 95 InterFace for NT !
- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 06:12:37
- Organization: EuroTech Productions
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <zimmerma.4.0006360A@chapman.edu>
- References: <4im2l4$3j0@news.voicenet.com> <31511499.1D91@xs4all.nl> <4ircah$5el@irk.zetnet.co.uk> <3158CD73.44E2@cyberportal.net> <3159CC0F.739A@cats.ucsc.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts1p11s42.chapman.edu
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A]
- In article <3159CC0F.739A@cats.ucsc.edu> Adam Chrystie <adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu> writes:
- >From: Adam Chrystie <adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu>
- >Subject: Re: 95 InterFace for NT !
- >Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 23:15:27 +0000
- >Actually, i remember john saying IT did not slow down
- >rendering..I have not noticed ANY slowdown in my render
- >speeds. I've been using the 95 shell for months now.
- >Adam Chrystie
- >www2.ucsc.edu/people/adamchry
- Somebody here posted that everything works fine under the new shell but the
- Perception software. I have the same problem/experience. Does anybody have a
- workaround (other than using both versions)?
- Dan Zimmerman
- Article: 16349
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!udel!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!news1.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!alpha1.chapman.edu!ts1p11s42.chapman.edu!zimmerma
- From: zimmerma@chapman.edu (Dan Zimmerman)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 95 InterFace for NT ! (NT4 kicks bottom)
- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 07:52:26
- Organization: EuroTech Productions
- Lines: 13
- Message-ID: <zimmerma.5.0007DFFA@chapman.edu>
- References: <3158CD73.44E2@cyberportal.net> <Doy6DF.Kxs@cix.compulink.co.uk> <4jctqq$61l@news.paonline.com> <4jej2a$dom@voyager.iii.org.tw>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts1p11s42.chapman.edu
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A]
- In article <4jej2a$dom@voyager.iii.org.tw> dan@acti.com (Daniel J. McCoy) writes:
- >From: dan@acti.com (Daniel J. McCoy)
- >Subject: Re: 95 InterFace for NT ! (NT4 kicks bottom)
- >Date: Thu, 28 Mar 96 17:54:54 GMT
- >I've got a P133 with a Perception card running NT 4.0 beta 1. The only thing
- >I can't do is create new projects within the PVR software itself nor can I
- >render directly to it. But it plays back just fine. :)
- How do you open files in the PVR under the new shell? I can't open the file
- requester at all. Anybody else experiencing that?
- dan
- Article: 16350
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!admaix.sunydutchess.edu!ub!acsu.buffalo.edu!mcohen
- From: mcohen@acsu.buffalo.edu (Mark A Cohen)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Where is the FTP site?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 17:05:48 GMT
- Organization: UB
- Lines: 5
- Message-ID: <4kbh1c$bdf@azure.acsu.buffalo.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: orichalc.acsu.buffalo.edu
- NNTP-Posting-User: mcohen
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Has anyone had problems getting to Newtek's FTP site? Is it still
- ftp.newtek.com? Is there anywhere else that I can download Rev. C for
- Intel?
- Thanks much,
- Mark
- Article: 16351
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 13:12:08 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 29
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kbhd8$t7e@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kbes6$sco@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Somehow, my response got screwed up...
- John Foust wrote...
- -------------------
- That's "smoke and mirrors." And I wrote the software for the PC Toaster
- in Visual BASIC, connecting an Amiga Toaster under the table to a PC
- via the serial port, sending ARexx commands from the PC when you clicked
- its "croutons" and it won one of those crystal awards from COMDEX,
- as the "best new product" or something like that. It's in the
- NewTek museum.
- ------------------
- This is (honestly) the first I've heard of this. NewTek has been accused
- of doing this sort of thing before - I've had people SWEAR the original
- Flyer demo wasn't real, but I KNOW it was.
- If it is true that the PC Toaster demo was a -complete- sham - and it
- sounds like it is, considering the source....very very disturbing.
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16352
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!utcsri!newsflash.concordia.ca!not-for-mail
- From: jja_che@alcor.concordia.ca (Andy Chen)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Now I'm confused... LIGHTWAVE 4.0 or 3D MAX?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 17:30:08 GMT
- Organization: Concordia University
- Lines: 41
- Message-ID: <4kbif0$55q@newsflash.concordia.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: alcor.concordia.ca
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
- NNTP-Posting-User: jja_che
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.5
- I posted a while a back for a home animation studio hardware setup. The
- software of choice is Lightwave 4.0 (Intel version). BUT now with all the
- big yahoo.. I am getting a bit mixed up.
- I haven't actually used Lightwave (Amiga or PC) at all, but see how some
- people handled it with ease. I take it as being a good animation program
- because of its results for TV shows like B5, ST:Voyager, etc... But how does
- it handles?
- I have used 3DS for quite sometime and gotten used to its rendering systems
- and methods, BUT I didn't like its in capablility to do good lighting effects,
- raytracing, and texture maping.
- I tried Calagari (a TINY bit) and didn't like the univeral 3D positioning of
- items and stuff (get really confusing with various planes, etc).
- I am now going on the fact that "professionals" use other programs like
- Lightwave, Alias and SoftImage for special effects in movies and stuff and
- thereby those *should* be the better ones in comparison to 3DS or Caligari.
- Lightwave is used a lot for TV special effects and stuff (in comparison to
- 3DS), but 3DS is used probrably more for CAD design and stuff. Boy I am
- getting myself more confused.... please help clear it up for me. <sigh>
- Is Lightwave 4.0 that easy to use?(in comparison to 3DS) Don't want to blow
- all my money away on something that I can't use.
- Argh, and would 3DS MAX work on the hardware configuration that I posted
- before? (Perception card, Matrox vid card, NT O/S, 64 MB RAM, P166?)
- Thanks for any reply...
- Andy Chen
- --
- =----------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- Andy Chen (jja_che@alcor.concordia.ca) COMPUSERVE:103651.3174@compuserve.com
- Homepage:(http://alcor.concordia.ca/~jja_che) for SW:CCG, MT:G, WC2,and DOOM
- Co-Editor of the Nut & Bolt (The Official Newsletter of the ECA)
- Concordia University, Montreal CANADA
- =----------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- Article: 16353
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!udel!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!sun4nl!Utrecht.NL.net!rubens.telebyte.nl!news
- From: Dennis van Orsouw <vartex@dso.nl>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Not enough memory for RGB buffs?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 16:58:03 GMT
- Organization: Telebyte
- Lines: 12
- Message-ID: <4kbgir$3qi@rubens.telebyte.nl>
- References: <4k70qk$dek@daily-planet.execpc.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: db-0-21.telebyte.nl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.2N (Windows; I; 16bit)
- Maybe you can try to lower your undo-levels.
- I had the same experience with the message "Internal Buffers too small"
- so i tought, there's no more mem left.
- But lowering the undo-levels solved the problem.
- Greetinx
- Dennis
- Article: 16354
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!EU.net!sun4nl!Utrecht.NL.net!rubens.telebyte.nl!news
- From: Dennis van Orsouw <vartex@dso.nl>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW4.0 wont save to AVI?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 17:05:10 GMT
- Organization: Telebyte
- Lines: 15
- Message-ID: <4kbh06$3qi@rubens.telebyte.nl>
- References: <4ka9mg$knn@newshub.cts.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: db-0-21.telebyte.nl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.2N (Windows; I; 16bit)
- You'd better try to install AVI32.DLL in the windows\system directory and
- select AVI32 to save your animation. I had the same problem but Lightwave
- does not save in AVI16 format.
- Greetz from Falcore & Vartex. From Holland.
- Come and see our pages at
- http://www.telebyte.nl/~falcore/home.htm
- or
- http://www.telebyte.nl/~vartex/home.htm
- Article: 16355
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!EU.net!sun4nl!Utrecht.NL.net!rubens.telebyte.nl!news
- From: Dennis van Orsouw <vartex@dso.nl>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Newtek FTP-Site trouble
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 17:09:31 GMT
- Organization: Telebyte
- Lines: 9
- Message-ID: <4kbh8b$3qi@rubens.telebyte.nl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: db-0-21.telebyte.nl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.2N (Windows; I; 16bit)
- I'm trying to get contact to Newtek's FTP-site for a few weeks now, but i
- can't get a connection...
- PS. One day i was lucky and got in (5 minutes)
- Article: 16356
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!imci4!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!mr.net!news.mr.net!scream.ing.com!cyberoptics.com!usenet
- From: Nate Hayes <nhayes@cyberoptics.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: WANTED: LW 4.0 TRADE
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 13:22:15 -0500
- Organization: CyberOptics Corp.
- Lines: 24
- Message-ID: <31695957.4EEA@cyberoptics.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: vidhound.cyberoptics.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
- Hi Folks,
- I'm wondering if anyone with a version of LightWave 4.0 Intel would
- consider a trade for one or many of the following software packages
- (heck, I'll even trade you ALL of them for LW 4.0):
- Adobe Premiere 4.0a (still shrinkwrapped)
- Caligari trueSpace 2.0
- Software Audio Workshop multitrack sound editor (shrinkwrapped)
- Martin Hash's 3D Animation 3.18
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2.0
- SimCity 2000 for Win95 CD-ROM
- All software comes with license and is fully upgradable.
- I also have a 1 GIG Conner Fast SCSI-2 hard-drive (CFP1060S) I'd
- consider in a trade of some sort.
- If interested, please e-mail me at nhayes@cyberoptics.com (where I check
- e-mail 3-4 times a day).
- Thanks!
- Nate hayes
- Article: 16357
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!lerc.nasa.gov!lerc.nasa.gov!gregkimnach-nov.lerc.nasa.gov!Kimnach
- From: Kimnach@popserve.lerc.nasa.gov (Greg L. Kimnach)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.hardware,rec.video.desktop,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: framestore/cg troubles on toaster
- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 14:58:28
- Organization: NASA Lewis Research Center
- Lines: 69
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <Kimnach.571.000EF9F2@popserve.lerc.nasa.gov>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: gregkimnach-nov.lerc.nasa.gov
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.sys.amiga.hardware:129901 rec.video.desktop:18846 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16357
- this weekend some troubled cropped up with my a4000/vt4000/flyer system. the trouble more
- than likely has something to do with the a4000/warp engine.
- first off, my amiga system configuration is:
- a4000 with buster rev11
- warp engine 3040 with two 32meg double sided simms
- maxtor 1.6gig ide drive (system--including toaster/flyer s/w)
- vt4000/flyer 4.1
- soundswitch
- personal componenet adapter
- all of this is in a highflyer expansion chassis
- and i have a toshiba 3401b (2x scsi cd-rom) in an external enclosure. the flyer drives, tape
- backup, video distribution amp, personal v-scope, and kitchen sync are housed in a "flight
- recorder" mid-tower case.
- as for the problem which suddenly began on saturday: i cannot create a framestore (cg page or
- captured image from one of the toaster inputs).
- the cg renders and is saved, but trying to load it in a project (or just double-clicking on its icon on
- the ide system drive, where it is located) results in roughly the top 20% of the fs loading. a
- second attempt causes the system to give me a guru error (didn't right down the number for the
- sw and task numbers). furthermore, i cannot load a fs cg page, which i created, into toasterpaint.
- the system locks up. same with a framestore that i capture from video.
- interestingly enough, none of this occurs with the flyer s/w supplied framestores. i can load those
- into tp or into the dv_ buffers. however, as i was trying to figure out what was happening, i
- loaded two of the flyer framestores (the vt and vt4000 logos) consecutively into a project,
- assigned them a duration of 15 seconds, and hit play. the following error popped up:
- Problem discovered:
- Possible unknown sequencing error
- Possible Solutions:
- Check for SCSI cable/termination problems
- Try voidall to alleviate possible head problems
- Can also be caused by corrupt clip.
- now, keep in mind that these frames stores are on the ide system drive (not scsi) and that the
- flyer hard drives have been "freshly" formatted. so i digitized a video sequence to one of the
- video drives, and placed it between the two aforementioned croutons in the project.
- fs [15sec] ==> video clip [15sec] ==> fs [15sec]
- this now plays! remove the video clip, and i get the error again.
- there is something amiss with either my flyer software, my a4000, or my toaster/flyer hardware:-(
- any ideas?
- thanks,
- greg
- p.s. i have no trouble with key, scroll, and crawl pages. it seems to be limited to my dv buffers
- (framestores).
- p.p.s. i am going to replace the ide system drive with a scsi drive on the
- w.e.3040.
- regards,
- greg
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "ED Beta is simply the best consumer videotape format available."
- --Video Magazine (Nov.1992, p. 30)
- "Manufacturers may have a point when they perceive the U.S. consumer
- electronics market as unsophisticated." --VideoMaker (March 1993, p. 88)
- I opted for Betamax, the world for VHS. I for Amiga, the world for IBM clones.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 16358
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!csn!news-1.csn.net!gw1.att.com!gw2.att.com!nntphub.cb.att.com!news
- From: Lyle Milton <lmilton@whstar.wh.att.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: RE: MacroForm
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 18:48:10 GMT
- Organization: AT&T
- Lines: 53
- Message-ID: <4kbn1a$4na@nntpa.cb.att.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: 135.5.44.*
- Mime-Version: 1.0
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- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1 (Windows; U; 16bit)
- To: pfinch@best.com
- pfinch@best.com (Phillip Finch) wrote:
- ....
- >And, what the heck happened to Macroform for Intel? It's been months
- >since they released it in Arexx...an NT version can't be *that* tough.
- >(Maybe somebody ought to slip these guys a copy of BML).
- Phillip, your post implies that there have been delays in the release of
- MacroForm or that we are incompetent as devolopers. I take exception to
- this because we have tried to be truthful and honest to our current users
- and have tried to project a very professional image; and, your post may
- undermine our efforts by erroneously giving our users (and potential
- users) the wrong impression about our company, One And Only Media.
- In truth, MacroForm was not slated for release until end-of-first to the
- beginning-of-second quater of 96. If you have ever visited our web page or
- contacted us directly you would know this. It is now the beginning of the
- second quater, and yes there have been a couple of delays that will set
- our schedule back by ~1 month (which, still keeps us in the beginning of
- second quater timeframe). This is very good targeting in the software
- development business.
- We have only been working on the plug-in version since 12/95 (upon return
- from the VTU Expo 95). Given that we had LW, dongle and hardware
- compatibility problems and had to learn the LW plug-in architecture, our
- total plug-in MacroForm developement time to date is ~3.5 months.
- You should also keep in mind that MacroForm has only been available for ~8
- months; there is still a great deal of time devoted to supporting and
- maintaining our current user base (any of our users that have contacted us
- can attest to customer focus).
- Having said that, it is important to note that we are a not a large
- company; we are plug-in developers. We all have to wear multiple hats.
- When you consider that fact, there is an average of ~4 hours a day
- actually spent working on the plug-in version of MacroForm. Now that ~3.5
- months is looking more like ~1.75 months.
- At the risk of sounding cocky, if you are capable of producing plug-ins as
- complex as MacroForm (which is actually 2 plug-ins BTW) in ~3 months send
- your resume to One And Only Media, P.O. Box 218, Vauxhall,NJ 07088...we
- may be looking for freelancers in the near future.
- To those of you who already own MacroForm, rest assured you will be the
- first to be notified of MacroForm 2.0's availability. Until then...Enjoy
- MacroForm!
- Lyle Milton
- One And Only Media
- oaomedia@chelsea.ios.com
- http://chelsea.ios.com:80/~oaomedia
- Article: 16359
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!info.ucla.edu!library.ucla.edu!news.bc.net!news.mindlink.net!van-bc!ddsw1!news.mcs.net!usenet
- From: sales@mt-inc.com (MicroTech)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: PictureBlack
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 19:18:05 GMT
- Organization: MCSNet Internet Services
- Lines: 35
- Message-ID: <1426.6672T710T2375@mt-inc.com>
- References: <4k64i6$9hh@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: mtinc.pr.mcs.net
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP)
- On 06-Apr-96 11:02:14, RobAnims (robanims@aol.com) posted:
- > Hello.
- > I'm I lightwave 4.0 user running on a 275 dec alpha. Doing Corporate
- > animations I have a general question for the learned out in Cyberspace.
- > Some of my clients are asking for Picture Black or SuperBlack when I dub
- > my Lightwave Anims to BetacamSP. Can I achieve this through a lightwave
- > panel option that I am not familiar with? Or Is this a hardware only
- > addon and if so what do I need?
- > Thanks
- This is really more a feature of your hardware output graphics system
- rather than the software. You don't mention what you use, but the
- Perception and PAR have settings for this.
- If you're feeding the frames back to a Toaster for layout, the Toaster
- forces the output to 'NTSC-legal' black of 7.5 IRE, and does not allow
- 0 IRE (super black).
- John Crookshank
- MicroTech
- --
- ______________________________________________________________
- / MicroTech Sales Staff | Raptor3 DEC Alpha Workstations \
- | MicroTech Solutions, Inc. | Lightwave 3D, Toaster/Flyer |
- | Desktop Video Systems Dealer | JVC Professional Video Products |
- | NewTek Systems Group Dealer | PVR, Speed Razor, Amiga Dealer |
- |------------------------------|---------------------------------|
- | sales@mt-inc.com http://www.mt-inc.com/ |
- \______________________________________________________________/
- Article: 16360
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox II)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 15:19:48 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 12
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kbosk$2j6@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kbhd8$t7e@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox II)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Unbelievable. I had to read it over three times, just to make sure it
- wasn't some sort of joke.
- It sure explains why everytime anyone asked about how it would do
- anything, they would just repeat the mantra of "LightWave" over and over,
- as if by invoking it all their problems would be solved. I guess they
- thought if they announced it, by sheer force of will it get done later.
- --Brian
- Equinox Images, Inc.
- http://members.aol.com/equinoxii/
- Article: 16361
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Star Wars and Lightwave
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 19:22:07 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <4kbp0v$94d@news.accessone.com>
- References: <4kaaec$r7i@nntp.crl.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > rci@crl.com (Michael Powell) writes:
- > 2001: is an outstanding film for it's effects... not only
- > holding up by today's standards, but quite frankly *rarely*
- > surpassed by modern films. Kubrick intentionally stayed
- > well within established effects techniques in most instances,
- > avoiding 'pushing' the technology (you simply don't see
- > spacecraft crossing over other spacraft or planets for example).
- Indeed. The last time I saw "2001", last year, I was FLOORED by how
- modern it looked. It hadn't aged a day, even with all those defunct company
- logos in the background.
- A seminal achievement in cinema.
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16362
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!van-bc!ddsw1!news.mcs.net!usenet
- From: sales@mt-inc.com (MicroTech)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: CybergraphicX on LightWave 4.0??
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 19:18:47 GMT
- Organization: MCSNet Internet Services
- Lines: 47
- Message-ID: <2280.6672T749T2053@mt-inc.com>
- References: <509.6667T702T88@mbox200.swipnet.se> <3166fb49.18596185@news.infi.net> <1694.6671T148T1821@mbox200.swipnet.se>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: mtinc.pr.mcs.net
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP)
- On 07-Apr-96 02:28:36, Johan Otterstrom (videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se) posted:
- > The problem is in Layout when you promote
- > it, animation preview no longer works (invisible!). This renders ;)
- > LightWave quite useless for animation work (the reason I got it in the
- > first place).
- The reason for this is that Lightwave used a programming trick of the Amiga
- copper to do the animated wireframes, so it is displayed using 0 CPU
- cycles, the Amiga graphics hardware is doing all the work. There is no
- graphics emulation available for the copper - none of the Amiga graphics
- cards can do that. It would require something like an OpenGL card.
- This is not possible on any of the Amiga graphics cards, unless someone
- came up with perhaps an Amiga OpenGL card or something similar. It is the
- same reason that this feature is not present on any of the cross-platform
- versions of Lightwave, only on the Amiga. It would bog the system down too
- much to have the CPU doing all that redrawing while you are modeling.
- It's not a bug, it's just the natural limitation of the hardware. I believe
- Stuart mentioned this in one of their seminars, and said that trying to do
- it through the CPU so that it would work like the native Amiga display
- version would generate such poor performance that no one would like it
- anyway, so it was left out on purpose.
- Amiga graphics cards emulate many aspects of the Amiga custom graphics
- chipset. I myself use a Spectrum card with Cybergraphics, and I believe
- Stuart at one time mentioned that he had a Picasso card. But the real-time
- animation capabilities of the Amiga is not one of the things that can be
- emulated well by any Amiga graphics card.
- Regards,
- John Crookshank
- MicroTech
- --
- ______________________________________________________________
- / MicroTech Sales Staff | Raptor3 DEC Alpha Workstations \
- | MicroTech Solutions, Inc. | Lightwave 3D, Toaster/Flyer |
- | Desktop Video Systems Dealer | JVC Professional Video Products |
- | NewTek Systems Group Dealer | PVR, Speed Razor, Amiga Dealer |
- |------------------------------|---------------------------------|
- | sales@mt-inc.com http://www.mt-inc.com/ |
- \______________________________________________________________/
- Article: 16363
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.exodus.net!news.wni.com!news1.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ix.netcom.com!netnews
- From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 05:59:33 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 32
- Message-ID: <4kaa05$dmu@cloner3.netcom.com>
- References: <N.040596.225958.58@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <4k6cjb$cbt@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca25-10.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Sun Apr 07 10:59:33 PM PDT 1996
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34040 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16363 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14399
- >
- --->Fnny you should say that, becuase Autodesk has been doing feature
- >films with 3Dstudio for a while now. Who do you think did the
- >animation for Johny Neumonic??
- >
- >mjm<---
- The cyber sequence in Johnny Neumonic was done with both Alias amd 3DS.
- These are not the type of F/X that I'm talkig about though. I'm
- talking about more subtle, "invisible" effects where the viewer dosen't
- realize that what they're looking at is synthetic. Although the stuff
- in Johnny Neumonic looked cool, it didn't fool anybody into thinking
- that this environment existed in reality. It was obviously computer
- generated, which was probably the point.
- There are two kinds of F/X shots, the "Oh my God! Look at that" type
- effect, and then the "I don't see anything unusual" type effect.
- Although the first type is often fun to produce and cool to watch, the
- later is often times much more technically difficult and demanding. It
- is in these areas that LW is making some great progress, thanks in part
- to it's continued development in high profile F/X facilities.
- GT
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Digital Domain : gregt@d2.com
- Netcom : gregtee@ix.netcom.com
- Real World : Greg Teegarden
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Article: 16364
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 15:47:15 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 16
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kbqg3$34a@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kbosk$2j6@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- I talked to John Foust on the phone - despite how the post read, he was
- NOT referring to last year's NAB showing of 'PC Toaster' - but to
- something that happened YEARS ago, about the Mac-ToasterLink time frame...
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16365
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan )
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Image Sequences & Pyromania
- Date: 7 Apr 1996 19:14:01 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <4k945p$s4m@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <3167AA65.493E@aloha.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca1-01.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Sun Apr 07 2:14:01 PM CDT 1996
- In <3167AA65.493E@aloha.net> Todd Mizomi <mcgyver@aloha.net> writes:
- >
- >Sorry if this topic has been discussed before. (Could someone put it
- in
- >the FAQ?)
- >
- >We're having trouble using Pyromania image sequences in lightwave.
- When
- >we load an image sequence in, map it onto something and do a test
- >render, no image sequence. We are NOT test rendering frame 0, always
- >something like frame 30 or 50, where there the image sequence should
- be
- >well underway, but so far zip.
- >
- >If anyone has solutions or tips, please email us at mcgyver@aloha.net
- Your Pyro image sequences have 5 digits in them, something like
- ZG03045.TGA or so. This fools Lightwave's autoreader, so much so that
- once you doubleclick on an image, notice that the basename is now ZG.
- You have to specify 5 sequence digits. Also note that pyro sequences
- start at numbers way above 0 - 3045 is the first image, for example. So
- your frame offset must be set to 3045.
- AC
- Article: 16366
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!nntp.uio.no!ns.ftns.no!kether!art
- From: art@kether.follonett.no (Arthur Hagen)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.graphics,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.sgi.graphics,alt.design.graphics,comp.graphics.apps.alias
- Subject: Re: Web Design & Pantone to RGB
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 20:02:20 GMT
- Organization: Interactive Design
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4kbrcc$9mg@nic.ftns.no>
- References: <4jsbc9$r79@news1.io.org> <prink-0404962328170001@ppp132.bcpl.lib.md.us>
- Reply-To: art@mother.idg.no
- NNTP-Posting-Host: kether.follonett.no
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.sys.amiga.graphics:47247 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16366 comp.sys.sgi.graphics:14633 alt.design.graphics:1709 comp.graphics.apps.alias:1511
- In article <prink-0404962328170001@ppp132.bcpl.lib.md.us>, prink@mail.bcpl.lib.md.us writes:
- > When doing Web graphics, I always kick my monitor down to 256 colors as a
- > "least common denominator", and then use an RGB color picker. This gives
- > the most predictable results.
- To be "safe", only use the 216 available colors from a standard windows
- colormap, i.e. colors #ffcc99 #663300 and various combinations of these.
- Netscape 2+ now displays true colors for gifs if you have 24-bits, but if you
- use java, gifs are dithered to the standard colormap no matter what the input
- is, and no matter what the display of the viewer is.
- More info at http://mother.idg.no/~art/colors/
- --
- Arthur Hagen, Sysadmin, Interactive Design
- Business: art@design.idg.no / http://www.design.idg.no/
- Personal: art@mother.idg.no / http://mother.idg.no/~art/
- Flames: billg@microsoft.com /
- Article: 16367
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!news.2sprint.net!news.iadfw.net!usenet
- From: Lance Gray <empire@airmail.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Flyer Clip for PC patch
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 16:20:49 -0700
- Organization: Empire Productions Inc.
- Lines: 13
- Message-ID: <31699F51.13E4@airmail.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dal04-18.ppp.iadfw.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; U)
- I saw a message posted yesterday (which I can't find anymore)
- referring to the Flyer Clipsave for PC LightWave---is this available
- elsewhere other than the NewTek Ftp site...since I can't seem to get on
- lately (is their site down????)
- thanks...Lance <><
- --
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Lance Gray (empire@airmail.net) **25 GIG Flyer & PC LightWave equipped**
- "If you are insulted because of the name of CHRIST, you are blessed,
- for the spirit of GOD rests on you." 1 Peter 14
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Article: 16368
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!news.physics.uiowa.edu!news.uiowa.edu!usenet
- From: Benn Dunnington <bdunning@ccad.uiowa.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Pro/E to LW conversion possible?
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 15:37:22 -0600
- Organization: University of Iowa
- Lines: 15
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <31698712.4439@ccad.uiowa.edu>
- Reply-To: bdunning@ccad.uiowa.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: benn.mac.ccad.uiowa.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
- Hello- I need to convert some 3D objects from Pro/ENGINEER (HP Unix flavor)
- to LightWave or LightWave-readable format.
- If Pro/E output DXF or 3DS or OBJ, it would be no problem, but as far as I
- can tell, it won't. PielPro is no help, and I don't think interchange
- Any ideas??? Commercial or PD?
- (besides HP Unix and Amiga Toaster 4000 I also have access to PowerMac, but
- no Windoze platform).
- Thanks in advance, -Benn
- --
- Benn Dunnington / Media Coordinator | bdunning@ccad.uiowa.edu
- Center for Computer Aided Design | voice: (319) 335-2481
- The University of Iowa | FAX: (319) 335-3380
- 444 IATL / Iowa City, IA 52242-1000 | http://www.ccad.uiowa.edu/~bdunning/
- Article: 16369
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!uwm.edu!lll-winken.llnl.gov!enews.sgi.com!decwrl!amd!netcomsv!uu4news.netcom.com!netcomsv!uu3news.netcom.
- From: twilcox@ix.netcom.com (Tim Wilcox)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Pc ZIP disks in a MAC zip drive??
- Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 21:24:22 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 24
- Message-ID: <4k9c34$r9g@cloner2.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4juu58$ad1@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca24-04.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Sun Apr 07 2:29:08 PM PDT 1996
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu (Adam Ives Chrystie) wrote:
- >Here is the question..Say i have a ZIP disk formatted in a Pc zip
- >drive..IF I use PC-Exchange on the mac, will teh Mac Zip drive read teh
- >PC zip disk????
- >Adam Chrystie
- >--
- >----------------------------------
- >Adam Chrystie LightWave 3D Animator
- >Cinema/Video Major, Senior
- >University Of California at Santa Cruz
- If you use the guest driver on the zip tools disk (for the MAC), the
- MAC wil read the PC formatted disk ok. If you don't have the driver
- for the MAC, try www.iomega.com..........
- tim
- Article: 16370
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.fibr.net!nntp.news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip18-091.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Now I'm confused... LIGHTWAVE 4.0 or 3D MAX?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 16:12:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 55
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.70.4B435BEF@primenet.com>
- References: <4kbif0$55q@newsflash.concordia.ca>
- X-Posted-By: ip18-091.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <4kbif0$55q@newsflash.concordia.ca> jja_che@alcor.concordia.ca (Andy Chen) writes:
- >From: jja_che@alcor.concordia.ca (Andy Chen)
- >Subject: Now I'm confused... LIGHTWAVE 4.0 or 3D MAX?
- >Date: 8 Apr 1996 17:30:08 GMT
- >I posted a while a back for a home animation studio hardware setup. The
- >software of choice is Lightwave 4.0 (Intel version). BUT now with all the
- >big yahoo.. I am getting a bit mixed up.
- [stuff snipped]
- >Argh, and would 3DS MAX work on the hardware configuration that I posted
- >before? (Perception card, Matrox vid card, NT O/S, 64 MB RAM, P166?)
- >Thanks for any reply...
- >Andy Chen
- >--
- Your hardware configuration should be fine for either of the programs. Both
- programs run unter NT. I personally would never use 3DS because it is a DOS
- program and I'd really miss the multitasking. 3DS MAX "sounds" like a
- contender. It is possible that it could end up being THE program - who knows.
- The problem is that oppinions will differ and it will take some time to find
- out what the true advantages are.
- LW costs about $800 street price. It is available now. 3DS MAX is expected
- very soon - about 30 days and costs somewhere around $2500? Even if it ships
- on time, who knows when you can get it in your hands.
- If I were to risk money on a product, I'd rather risk it on the lower priced
- product first. Lets say you bought LW tomorrow. Lets say you decide it is
- crap and you should have bought 3DS MAX. What is your downside? $800. If
- you go the other way, what is your downside?
- As a final note - remember that this is not necessarily some pivotal crossroad
- where the choice you make will lock you into some direction forever. You
- could probably re-sell either program at a small loss. I bet LW would go
- quickly at $500 with a letter transfering ownership. So don't stress out over
- this.
- We use LW. We will look at 3DS MAX because it is stupid not to explore
- options. However, I must admit that I don't like the idea that the software
- used on a machine costs a significant percentage of the machine itself. With
- multiple seats, this adds up. Assuming 5 seats, MAX costs around $10,000 more
- to use. That's enough to get a DEC Alpha for rendering. So for me, the costs
- of 3DS MAX and the fact that I have most of my experience with LW weigh
- heavily toward staying with LW. Everybody's situation is different. In the
- end ya gotta just make a decision and do it. Maybe your best decision would
- be to go to NAB and see for yourself.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 16371
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Dongle Failure
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 19:12:03 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 15
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kc6g3$7cu@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <31680b1f.6347577@news.digex.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- Well, after reading about the reliability of the dongle I've just had one
- of mine drop dead in front of me!
- I ran the new modeller patch, ran the new modeller and then the program
- reported that the dongle was not there. Thinking that there was some kind
- of screw up in the patch, I installed everything again and still got the
- same problem. After using one of my other dongles in the machine, the
- software kicked in without any problems!
- So..... let's see how long it will take for NewTek to replace my dongle
- (in the United Kingdom), and also how much I'm going to be stung in
- shipping. A report will appear here if anything interesting happens.....
- Article: 16372
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.fibr.net!nntp.news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip18-091.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 16:28:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 55
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.71.4B514C8E@primenet.com>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31633351.3E7C@osu.edu> <wturber.66.3E21931D@primenet.com> <31670A7D.7EE7@osu.edu>
- X-Posted-By: ip18-091.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14408 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16372 comp.graphics.animation:34048
- In article <31670A7D.7EE7@osu.edu> Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu> writes:
- >From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- >Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- >Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 19:21:17 -0500
- >> As I recall, most of the bugs with the 4.0 pre-release were related to the
- >> HIIP filters. Additionally, 4.0 was a port to a completely different
- >> platform!! 5.0 release won't have either these issues to deal with so it
- >> really doesn't make a lot of sense to compare the 4.0 pre-release with a 5.0
- >> release. I had 4.0 pre-release and found that it was stable. The program was
- >> not inclined to crash - whether rendering or not. It was perfectly acceptable
- >> for our production work (video graphics). In fact, most of the bugs had no
- >> effect on us at all since we did not have a need for the HIIP filters.
- >>
- >> This doesn't mean that 5.0 will not be buggy. It could go either
- >> way depending on how much is changed and how much has been tested. The
- >> situations surrounding 4.0 pre-release and the rumored 5.0 release are
- >> significantly different though.
- >>
- >> So - will MAX have a competitive upgrade offer?
- >I really didn't mean it as an attack, it just seemed odd that NewTek was releasing
- >5.0 so soon.
- I too agree that it is odd. I suspect it is a premature announcement.
- However, that isn't what you said. You said that LW 4.0 prerelease was buggy
- so you expect that LW 5.0 would also be buggy. There is no necessary
- connection.
- >I guess MAX and Softimage will keep them with their faces glued to
- >their code for a while. Maybe now that NewTek is really on the defensive by
- >competing on the PC animation market we will see new even wilder stuff that will
- >make us all ewww and ahh. I would like to see a 5.0 version with all the niceties
- >of MAX or Softimage at a fraction of the price. I'm just hopeing that NewTek isn't
- >rushing 5.0 out the door to meet MAX's ship date.
- Me too.
- >You have to remember that the Yost
- >group has been working on MAX for about 2 years, Newtek doesn't need to rush anything
- >to the market that isn't ready yet. Hopefully that since they have been able to
- >work most the bugs out with 4.0 that 5.0 has been easy fixes and a few new features.
- >I guess we can only wait and see what happens at NAB. Not sure if Autodesk offers
- >cometitive pricing, does anyone else know?
- >Jeff
- With MAX selling at around three times the price of LW - it better be a
- smokin' program or have a competitive upgrade program if they want to win over
- LW users.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 16373
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 17:08:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)395-1010
- Lines: 29
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4kc9p1$gj0@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31633351.3E7C@osu.edu> <wturber.66.3E21931D@primenet.com> <31670A7D.7EE7@osu.edu> <wturber.71.4B514C8E@primenet.com>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr3.primenet.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14410 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16373 comp.graphics.animation:34049
- Walter (Jay) Turberville (III) <wturber@primenet.com> wrote:
- : In article <31670A7D.7EE7@osu.edu> Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu> writes:
- : >I really didn't mean it as an attack, it just seemed odd that NewTek was releasing
- : >5.0 so soon.
- : I too agree that it is odd. I suspect it is a premature announcement.
- : However, that isn't what you said. You said that LW 4.0 prerelease was buggy
- : so you expect that LW 5.0 would also be buggy. There is no necessary
- : connection.
- OK, every release of Lightwave since 1.0 has been buggy. There is no
- reason to assume 5.0 will be any different.
- Of course, I've yet to see any software that wasn't buggy on a major
- upgrade. It seems like being a 3D animator puts you in perpetual beta
- testing mode.
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg "Whenever I truly think something can't be
- steph@primenet.com done, that is when I redouble my efforts to
- prove myself wrong."
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 16374
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!interaccess!mfrazin.interaccess.com!mfrazin
- From: mfrazin@interaccess.com (Shadow)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: NEWBIE QUESTIONS lw 4.0 on win95
- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 19:35:37 -0600
- Organization: InterAccess,Chicagoland's Full Service Internet Provider
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <mfrazin.33.01EE8C79@interaccess.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d197.nnb.interaccess.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- I just upgraded to lw 4.0 on the PC and have two questions so far.
- 1) on the amiga you could save a series of framestores or images to the
- harddrive and then send them as a series of images to a single frame
- animation recorder (much easier on the recorder hardware) at a later
- time. Can you do this on the PC and if so, how?
- 2) on the PC using win95 will things render faster if you minimize layout to
- the task bar?
- thank you.
- Article: 16375
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!jupiter.planet.net!earth.planet.net!tlisanti
- From: tlisanti@earth.planet.net (Tony Lisanti)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Best of LightWave Pro
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 00:44:13 GMT
- Organization: Planet Access Networks - Stanhope, NJ
- Lines: 21
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <960302014214454@FrontierTech.COM>
- References: <4im2l4$3j0@news.voicenet.com> <4kagt6$mnm@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: tlisanti@earth.planet.net
- NNTP-Posting-Host: nutl9.planet.net
- X-Newsreader: SuperHighway Access 2 for Windows Version 95.11
- In message <4kagt6$mnm@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
- writes:
- >I'm sorry of this question has appeared on here recently, but here goes
- >anyway...
- >
- >Has anyone received their copy of The Best Of LightWave Pro yet? I ordered
- >four copies, and expected to get them at the end of December. My Visa card
- >got charged, but nothing appeared through the post. A quick telephone call
- >to AMG to find out what was going on and I was told that the printers had
- >made a mistake (or something) and the book would be out around the end of
- >March....
- >
- I was told that it would ship in april. I think they should really do
- something for all of us who have been awaiting this package all this time.. At
- least a bonus book or CD or a discount coupon or something..
- Tony
- Article: 16376
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!info.ucla.edu!library.ucla.edu!news.cs.ucla.edu!drivel.ics.uci.edu!not-for-mail
- From: jcahill@pacific.ics.uci.edu (Jason M. Cahill)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: HELP! Need lightwave plug-in code/docs... HELP!
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 17:33:21 -0700
- Organization: UC Irvine Department of ICS
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <4kcb8h$3bb@pacific.ics.uci.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pacific.ics.uci.edu
- I just bought a copy of Lightwave a few days back, and ever since have been
- trying to log on to ftp.newtek.com (and the alternate). Neither of these
- are running, and I need a copy of the plug-in SDK. Can someone with this
- file(s) please email it to me, or better yet, give me a non-NewTek FTP
- site address with this software. Much thanks!
- Jason M. Cahill
- Graduate Student of Computer Graphics
- University of California, Irvine
- jcahill@ics.uci.edu
- Article: 16377
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,
- Subject: Re: LW and Edge3D
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 22:01:11 -0400
- Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- Lines: 13
- Message-ID: <3169C4E7.4CB5@pilot.msu.edu>
- References: <3167B7BD.17BD@xs4all.nl> <4kbckp$ktn@pipe11.nyc.pipeline.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: crc11-fddi.cris.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- Michael Justin Austin wrote:
- > Because if it is not real time ray tracing then
- > its just a toy :-)
- >
- > regards
- You're just joking here, right?
- --
- Bryant Reif
- mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- Article: 16378
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!lll-winken.llnl.gov!enews.sgi.com!decwrl!pa.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!nntpd.lkg.dec.com!marbls.enet.dec.com!leimberger
- From: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: B5 spaceship design
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 20:35:54 GMT
- Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation
- Lines: 30
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4kbtba$glc@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- References: <dloubet.964.3162B0B8@origin.ea.com> <4jvg0o$5uq@news.accessone.com> <2649.6668T560T443@execpc.com>
- Reply-To: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- NNTP-Posting-Host: marbls.enet.dec.com
- |> Part of the design appears to be artistic choice. I find the
- |>appearance of the ships to be unusual, unlike other TV effects, but I
- |>can't say that the hull patterns look unrealistic.
- |>
- |> OTOH, perhaps Ron Thorton & Co. could explain their reasoning behind
- |>the hull panel pattern, other than "it looks good to me". I can think
- |>of some reasons, involving use of new materials, but I don't know that
- |>they are correct. I suppose I could drop by the B5 newsgroups and find
- |>out? ;)
- |>
- |>--
- |>*-__________________________ | *Starfire* | _________________________-*
- |>Jeff Jones email:jeffsj@execpc.com *//* Amiga Lives! |Born
- |>*TFG* *Starfire* Design Studio *\\//* 1985-1994, |again 1995!
- |>--
- |>
- WGL> Ron Thornton goes into design and texturing in his Modeler and Texturing
- Spacecraft series of tapes. I just watched the modeler tape agisn this weekend.
- He explaines the use of nernies for adding texture (not to be confused with
- image map testuring). He goes to great length to explain modeling to make the
- most out of specularity ect. The tapes are full of hints and his perspective
- on why he does things the way he does. As for B5 lighten up its only TV.
- I think the people here tend to get carried away sometimes. They may have a
- better idea/method, but Ron Thorton is making money today! As for the
- the reason "It look good to me" I find that fine. Maybe hte priority is
- on making the deadlines as opposed to developing new image maps.
- -bill
- Article: 16379
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!lll-winken.llnl.gov!enews.sgi.com!decwrl!pa.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!nntpd.lkg.dec.com!marbls.enet.dec.com!leimberger
- From: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW faster than 3DS ?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 20:57:08 GMT
- Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation
- Lines: 140
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4kbuj4$glc@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- References: <3165465A.187E@darmstadt.netsurf.de> <3165BBD9.6497@pilot.msu.edu>
- Reply-To: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- NNTP-Posting-Host: marbls.enet.dec.com
- In article <3165BBD9.6497@pilot.msu.edu>, Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu> writes:
- |>Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!pa.dec.com!decwrl!enews.sgi.com!sgigate.sgi.com!swrinde!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- |>From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- |>Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- |>Subject: Re: LW faster than 3DS ?
- |>Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1996 19:33:29 -0500
- |>Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- |>Lines: 26
- |>Message-ID: <3165BBD9.6497@pilot.msu.edu>
- |>References: <3165465A.187E@darmstadt.netsurf.de>
- |>NNTP-Posting-Host: crc11-fddi.cris.com
- |>Mime-Version: 1.0
- |>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- |>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- |>X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
- |>
- |>Andreas Resch wrote:
- |>>
- |>> I have been working with 3DS 4 on a PC and with PowerAnimator on an SGI
- |>>
- |>> I heard (from NewTek) that Lightwave is much faster than 3DS in
- |>> rendering/raytracing.
- |>>
- |>> I would like to know : IS IT TRUE ??
- |>>
- |>> and how much faster is it ?
- |>>
- |>> Any comments welcome
- |>>
- |>> Andreas Resch
- |>
- |>From what I have heard 3DS is slightly faster than LW in scanline
- |>rendering. BUT in a comparison of LW's raytracer and 3DS w/ ray plug-in
- |>LW's is MUCH faster I believe. This is due to the control that LW gives
- |>you in selecting what does and does not get traced. (i.e. you can have
- |>a sphere that only reflects one object out of many, or objects that
- |>don't cast nor receive shadows.)
- |>--
- |>
- |>Bryant Reif
- |>mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- |>http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- |>
- In article <3165BBD9.6497@pilot.msu.edu>, Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu> writes:
- |>Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!pa.dec.com!decwrl!enews.sgi.com!sgigate.sgi.com!swrinde!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- |>From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- |>Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- |>Subject: Re: LW faster than 3DS ?
- |>Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1996 19:33:29 -0500
- |>Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- |>Lines: 26
- |>Message-ID: <3165BBD9.6497@pilot.msu.edu>
- |>References: <3165465A.187E@darmstadt.netsurf.de>
- |>NNTP-Posting-Host: crc11-fddi.cris.com
- |>Mime-Version: 1.0
- |>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- |>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- |>X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
- |>
- |>Andreas Resch wrote:
- |>>
- |>> I have been working with 3DS 4 on a PC and with PowerAnimator on an SGI
- |>>
- |>> I heard (from NewTek) that Lightwave is much faster than 3DS in
- |>> rendering/raytracing.
- |>>
- |>> I would like to know : IS IT TRUE ??
- |>>
- |>> and how much faster is it ?
- |>>
- |>> Any comments welcome
- |>>
- |>> Andreas Resch
- |>
- |>From what I have heard 3DS is slightly faster than LW in scanline
- |>rendering. BUT in a comparison of LW's raytracer and 3DS w/ ray plug-in
- |>LW's is MUCH faster I believe. This is due to the control that LW gives
- |>you in selecting what does and does not get traced. (i.e. you can have
- |>a sphere that only reflects one object out of many, or objects that
- |>don't cast nor receive shadows.)
- |>--
- |>
- |>Bryant Reif
- |>mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- |>http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- |>
- In article <3165BBD9.6497@pilot.msu.edu>, Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu> writes:
- |>Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!pa.dec.com!decwrl!enews.sgi.com!sgigate.sgi.com!swrinde!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- |>From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- |>Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- |>Subject: Re: LW faster than 3DS ?
- |>Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1996 19:33:29 -0500
- |>Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- |>Lines: 26
- |>Message-ID: <3165BBD9.6497@pilot.msu.edu>
- |>References: <3165465A.187E@darmstadt.netsurf.de>
- |>NNTP-Posting-Host: crc11-fddi.cris.com
- |>Mime-Version: 1.0
- |>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- |>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- |>X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
- |>
- |>Andreas Resch wrote:
- |>>
- |>> I have been working with 3DS 4 on a PC and with PowerAnimator on an SGI
- |>>
- |>> I heard (from NewTek) that Lightwave is much faster than 3DS in
- |>> rendering/raytracing.
- |>>
- |>> I would like to know : IS IT TRUE ??
- |>>
- |>> and how much faster is it ?
- |>>
- |>> Any comments welcome
- |>>
- |>> Andreas Resch
- |>
- |>From what I have heard 3DS is slightly faster than LW in scanline
- |>rendering. BUT in a comparison of LW's raytracer and 3DS w/ ray plug-in
- |>LW's is MUCH faster I believe. This is due to the control that LW gives
- |>you in selecting what does and does not get traced. (i.e. you can have
- |>a sphere that only reflects one object out of many, or objects that
- |>don't cast nor receive shadows.)
- |>--
- |>
- |>Bryant Reif
- |>mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- |>http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- |>
- Bryant,
- How can anybody really compare the two programs ? Look at LW, it defaults
- to trace shadows in the camera setup. Then you can select all kinds of
- options some related to scenes, some to objects and lights. Their are enough
- variables to deal with that it really makes comparison hard, unless the
- person is an expert in both programs with the ability to filter the
- options used so the ground is at least flat if not equal.
- -bill
- BTW I saw you on the mailing list. I thought you had opted to go with 3DS due
- to the student discount.
- Article: 16380
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!lll-winken.llnl.gov!enews.sgi.com!decwrl!pa.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!nntpd.lkg.dec.com!marbls.enet.dec.com!leimberger
- From: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 22:11:06 GMT
- Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation
- Lines: 73
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4kc2tq$lpi@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- References: <4k4463$vov@nntpd.lkg.dec.com> <4k7s6p$brq@news.accessone.com>
- Reply-To: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- NNTP-Posting-Host: marbls.enet.dec.com
- In article <4k7s6p$brq@news.accessone.com>, jeric@accessone.com writes:
- |>Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!pa.dec.com!decuac.dec.com!haven.umd.edu!purdue!lerc.nasa.gov!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- |>From: jeric@accessone.com
- |>Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- |>Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- |>Date: 7 Apr 1996 07:51:53 GMT
- |>Organization: AccessOne
- |>Lines: 20
- |>Message-ID: <4k7s6p$brq@news.accessone.com>
- |>References: <4k4463$vov@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- |>NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- |>X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- |>
- |>> leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com () writes:
- |>
- |>> Well in the above statements I see nothing that brings any value to the list.
- |>> If someone feels a need to carry on this thread at least list ALL these
- |>> great features Max has that LW don't.
- |>
- |>
- |> How about NOT continuing the thread? A much better place IMHO for this is in
- |>comp.graphics.animation, not either of the two dedicated groups.
- |>
- |> Too flammable.
- |>
- |>
- |>
- |>******************************************************************************
- |>** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- |>** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- |>** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- |>
- |>
- In article <4k7s6p$brq@news.accessone.com>, jeric@accessone.com writes:
- |>Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!pa.dec.com!decuac.dec.com!haven.umd.edu!purdue!lerc.nasa.gov!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- |>From: jeric@accessone.com
- |>Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- |>Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- |>Date: 7 Apr 1996 07:51:53 GMT
- |>Organization: AccessOne
- |>Lines: 20
- |>Message-ID: <4k7s6p$brq@news.accessone.com>
- |>References: <4k4463$vov@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- |>NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- |>X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- |>
- |>> leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com () writes:
- |>
- |>> Well in the above statements I see nothing that brings any value to the list.
- |>> If someone feels a need to carry on this thread at least list ALL these
- |>> great features Max has that LW don't.
- |>
- |>
- |> How about NOT continuing the thread? A much better place IMHO for this is in
- |>comp.graphics.animation, not either of the two dedicated groups.
- |>
- |> Too flammable.
- |>
- |>
- |>
- |>******************************************************************************
- |>** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- |>** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- |>** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- |>
- |>
- I LIKE IT ! I'll support not answering this thread anymore. BTW I have
- an answer in the works but NO MORE.
- -bill
- Article: 16381
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!lll-winken.llnl.gov!enews.sgi.com!decwrl!pa.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!nntpd.lkg.dec.com!marbls.enet.dec.com!leimberger
- From: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 20:01:32 GMT
- Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation
- Lines: 16
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4kbras$glc@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31633351.3E7C@osu.edu> <wturber.66.3E21931D@primenet.com> <31670A7D.7EE7@osu.edu>
- Reply-To: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- NNTP-Posting-Host: marbls.enet.dec.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14412 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16381 comp.graphics.animation:34052
- |>I really didn't mean it as an attack, it just seemed odd that NewTek was releasing
- |>5.0 so soon.
- I haven't seen a release date for 5.0. When is it. Aside from that
- why is it odd ? In little over a year they released 4.0 for the PC, Alpha
- SGI, and Amiga. Now the ports are on place so they can get back to
- adding features ect. Not to mention they aquired a few good folks that
- have already displayed their abilities with other software. I mean
- people make it sound like AutoDesk is the only company in the world
- with software developers. LightWave is great today, why not expect it to be
- better tomorrow ?
- -bill
- |>
- Article: 16382
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!lll-winken.llnl.gov!enews.sgi.com!decwrl!pa.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!nntpd.lkg.dec.com!marbls.enet.dec.com!leimberger
- From: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.anima
- Subject: Re: TV: Why always LW and not 3DS?
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 20:48:04 GMT
- Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation
- Lines: 25
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4kbu24$glc@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- References: <71333.42-1903961019380001@jdowdell_mac.macromedia.com.32.3.207.in-addr.arpa> <FHwaLD1w165w@ripley.horowhenua.gen.nz> <4jpajt$btc_001@gamemaster.qc.ca> <3160EFCD.6C42@osu.edu>
- Reply-To: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- NNTP-Posting-Host: marbls.enet.dec.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14413 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16382
- In article <3160EFCD.6C42@osu.edu>, Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu> writes:
- |>Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!news.jrd.dec.
- |>3DS uses standard lens settings. You can also create your own. Aspect ratios are
- |>really easy to do and are shown visually. I would like to see the output options
- |>in 3DS like Lightwave though.
- |>
- |>> In other words, if you're a designer trying to match graphics to film, LW
- |>> makes the simplest interface -- you don't need a video/film technician looking
- |>> over your shoulder to render the correct format.
- |>
- |>In 3DS you just display the frame as a background image to your modeling and
- |>animtion windows. I don't know of an easier way to do it than that.
- |>
- |>Jeff,
- Did you see the last two HyperNauts shows. The interaction with the Flying
- Mantas in the first was excellent, and the week they had the giant insects
- was also very good. A little more complex than displaying a background image.
- Of course in games this is all that is needed, in video/television you have
- to composit with real video. Mind you it's not all LW (I assume sombody
- does the composit later) but the person using LW has to keep all this in
- mind when he sets the scene up.
- -bill|>
- Article: 16383
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.mathworks.com!netserv.com!pagesat.net!origin.ea.com!dloubet.origin.ea.com!dloubet
- From: dloubet@origin.ea.com (Denis Loubet)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Star Wars and LightWave
- Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 00:47:02 GMT
- Organization: Origin Systems Inc.
- Lines: 42
- Message-ID: <dloubet.973.3169B386@origin.ea.com>
- References: <N.032496.175427.36@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <4k4ahm$bpg@scoop.eco.twg.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dloubet.origin.ea.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #1]
- In article <4k4ahm$bpg@scoop.eco.twg.com> mike@vishnu.eco.twg.com (This space intentionally left blank) writes:
- >>That's true, but you can see a certain rhythm and consistancy to panel
- >>placement in real-world objects. If an artist can imitate that panel
- >>placement, then he can suggest realistic complex interior workings without
- >>having to design the interior.
- >Take a look at a fighter with all it's access panels open. There's not much
- >space left closed! Access pannels are placed wherever it's most convenient
- >for service, consistent with functional limitations on strength and
- >aerodynamics. Some are closed with a hundred fasteners, others have a
- >single recessed handle. Some blend into the surrounding paint almost
- >perfectly, some were painted seperatly and have a different level of gloss
- >or even a slightly different color (some are even transparent), and some are
- >outlined in a different color or have big arrows pointing to them to make
- >finding them in a hurry easier.
- Right! That's exactly right. If B5 made more of an attempt to match that in
- their human designed ships, I would consider it an improvement.
- >The one thing that is common to all access pannels is that their location,
- >size, color, material, etc. were NOT chosen for aesthetic effect but purely
- >for the job they are there to do. Form follows function in modern military
- >devices.
- Aesthetic effect, no, I was not suggesting that. But the very fact that there
- IS a function means that if the form follows that function, it's not random.
- Panel borders might follow the line of main structural members, or their shape
- can suggest the dimensions of the gun mounted behind them.
- >They aren't anything you've ever experienced before. Why do you expect them
- >to look like things they aren't, and that you've never seen anyway?
- Well, the trouble is that I get the impression that B5 is TRYING for a
- panelling effect much like modern jets, at least on the human craft, but not
- quite making it.
- Ah, well...
- -Denis-
- Article: 16384
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!lll-winken.llnl.gov!enews.sgi.com!decwrl!pa.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!nntpd
- From: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Is it true?
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 00:10:23 GMT
- Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation
- Lines: 38
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4kc9tf$lo6@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- References: <mad.63km@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Reply-To: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- NNTP-Posting-Host: marbls.enet.dec.com
- In article <mad.63km@torment.tmisnet.com>, mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin) writes:
- |>Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!news.jrd.dec.com!tbjnws.tbj.dec.com!tkonws.tko.dec.com!news.dec-j!spin-hsd0-tky!spinnews!wnoc-tyo-news!news.nc.u-tokyo.ac.jp!newssinet!sinetnews!news.join.ad.jp!news.imnet.ad.jp!usenet.seri.re.kr!news.cais.net!n
- |>From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- |>Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- |>Subject: Is it true?
- |>Message-ID: <mad.63km@torment.tmisnet.com>
- |>Date: 7 Apr 96 22:13:21 PST
- |>Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
- |>Lines: 17
- |>
- |>Is it true? I so far am unable to find a way to mirror my surface maps on
- |>objects. I'm going to dig through my manuals and books again to see, but as
- |>far as I can tell, the only way to do this is to make your textures to have
- |>matching edges first in a paint program before you map them onto any object.
- |>And then I was reviewing the Ron Thorton video tape on textures and he said
- |>that whenever you are going to have a texture wrap around and meet itself,
- |>that you need to make sure that the edges are the same, so as to not leave a
- |>seam. Of course this all makes plenty of sence, but I would have thought that
- |>an awesome program like LW would have a mirroring setting like in Strata or
- |>for that matter, practically any other 3D program that I can think of.
- |>
- |>So, please if anyone knows of such a way to do this, "mirroring", of textures
- |>then could you let me know. It really sucks having to go and crop, clip, and
- |>paste all of everyone of my textures just to make them "appear" to be
- |>seamless........
- |>
- |>TIA..............md :)
- |>
- Imagine, I believed had a mirror option. regardless though if you want a
- seamless texture then I believe you need a seamless image map. I know other
- programs also require seamless images. If you load an image map apply
- it in a surface without autosizing it you will get a repetitive series
- of images layed out in a tile format. If the image is not made to be
- seamless then I think you will notice it regardless of the program.
- developing seamless maps for 3D has always been a problem.
- -bill
- Article: 16385
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!news.enteract.com!news.inap.net!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- From: Elder Dragon <edragon@cris.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 21:08:13 -0400
- Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- Lines: 27
- Message-ID: <3169B87D.3D@cris.com>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31633351.3E7C@osu.edu> <4k4463$vov@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: crc15-fddi.cris.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
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- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14414 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16385 comp.graphics.animation:34053
- leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com wrote:
- >
- > |>> Well, MAX still isn't shipping, right? LightWave is rumoured to be
- > |>> shipping 'soon'....so is it fair to say LW is playing 'catch-up' if they
- > |>> ship first?
- > |>
- > |>MAX should be shipping the end of this month, will Lightwave 5.0 be shipping
- > |>by then. If it is all I have to say is bug city like 4.0 prerelease. What
- > |>features will LW have over MAX?
- > |>
- > |>Jeff,
- > Well in the above statements I see nothing that brings any value to the list.
- > If someone feels a need to carry on this thread at least list ALL these
- > great features Max has that LW don't. If you can't bring anything to the
- > table other than when my puppy is born it's going to br better than your dog
- > then give it a rest. I think this multi list stuff sucks. If I want to read
- > about max I know where the 3dS list is, I can go there. BTW if you do compile
- > a list of all these killer features restrict it to those that only come with
- > the program. If you don't have the info then your not really in a position
- > to be saying anything
- > -bill
- >
- > I would say that 3DSM's greatest innovation is a completely editable and
- animatable stack of every aspect of every object. For instance, you can
- animate the complexity of an object throughout or open a 2 year old
- saved file and quickly change the size of a cube and all other things
- applied to it with 1 keypress.
- Article: 16386
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW faster than 3DS ?
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 23:10:29 -0400
- Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- Lines: 82
- Message-ID: <3169D525.7346@pilot.msu.edu>
- References: <3165465A.187E@darmstadt.netsurf.de> <3165BBD9.6497@pilot.msu.edu> <4kbuj4$glc@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: crc11-fddi.cris.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com wrote:
- > In article <3165BBD9.6497@pilot.msu.edu>, Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu> writes:
- > |>Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!depot.mro.dec.com!pa.dec.com!decwrl!enews.sgi.com!sgigate.sgi.com!swrinde!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!newsfe
- > |>From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- > |>Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- > |>Subject: Re: LW faster than 3DS ?
- > |>Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1996 19:33:29 -0500
- > |>Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- > |>Lines: 26
- > |>Message-ID: <3165BBD9.6497@pilot.msu.edu>
- > |>References: <3165465A.187E@darmstadt.netsurf.de>
- > |>NNTP-Posting-Host: crc11-fddi.cris.com
- > |>Mime-Version: 1.0
- > |>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- > |>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- > |>X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
- > |>
- > |>Andreas Resch wrote:
- > |>>
- > |>> I have been working with 3DS 4 on a PC and with PowerAnimator on an SGI
- > |>>
- > |>> I heard (from NewTek) that Lightwave is much faster than 3DS in
- > |>> rendering/raytracing.
- > |>>
- > |>> I would like to know : IS IT TRUE ??
- > |>>
- > |>> and how much faster is it ?
- > |>>
- > |>> Any comments welcome
- > |>>
- > |>> Andreas Resch
- > |>
- > |>From what I have heard 3DS is slightly faster than LW in scanline
- > |>rendering. BUT in a comparison of LW's raytracer and 3DS w/ ray plug-in
- > |>LW's is MUCH faster I believe. This is due to the control that LW gives
- > |>you in selecting what does and does not get traced. (i.e. you can have
- > |>a sphere that only reflects one object out of many, or objects that
- > |>don't cast nor receive shadows.)
- > |>--
- > |>
- > |>Bryant Reif
- > |>mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- > |>http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- > |>
- > Bryant,
- > How can anybody really compare the two programs ? Look at LW, it defaults
- > to trace shadows in the camera setup. Then you can select all kinds of
- > options some related to scenes, some to objects and lights. Their are enough
- > variables to deal with that it really makes comparison hard, unless the
- > person is an expert in both programs with the ability to filter the
- > options used so the ground is at least flat if not equal.
- Yeah, I kinda bit my tongue after posting this. I was just relaying what I had heard
- in my travels about the rendering differences between the two, but you are correct.
- I don't think anyone really knows for sure which is faster.
- > -bill
- > BTW I saw you on the mailing list. I thought you had opted to go with 3DS due
- > to the student discount.
- No. The common "misconception" for some people was that I had already decided to buy
- 3DS MAX. I had said that 3DS MAX looked very good (it is) and that I was seriously
- considering purchasing it over LW. I had expected people to reply with advice on
- this purchase, but instead it just started a flame war. My fault. I bought LW and I
- am very happy with it. The main reason I had looked into 3DS was because it is the
- standard in game development, and I wanted to learn it. As it turns out I have
- access to 3DS MAX now so I am able to train on it. This can be considered the best
- of both worlds I guess.
- BTW: my opinions still stand. Student discounts are beneficial (hundreds of
- companies can't be wrong), although NT may not be in the right position to do so.
- 3DS MAX is VERY VERY good. I hope, and would really like to see, LW 5.0 come out and
- top it. Allen, Stuart, and Fori have their work cut out for them, but I'm rooting
- for them.
- --
- Bryant Reif
- mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- Article: 16387
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news.sojourn.com!condor.ic.net!news.cic.net!news.gatecom.com!gatecoms!cgolchert
- From: cgolchert@gatecoms.gatecom.com (Chris Golchert)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: volumetric shadows
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 02:33:51 GMT
- Organization: Gateway Communications Inc.
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4kciaf$7d2@www.gatecom.com>
- References: <4k4j3q$nu0@bolivia.it.earthlink.net> <4kajv1$ni8@islandnet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: gatecoms.gatecom.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Christopher Stewart (dretch@islandnet.com) wrote:
- : S> I just saw the ad for 3dsMAX in New Media. Is there a way to do
- : S> volumetric lighting/shadows in LW4? (Other than creating a bunch of
- : S> opacity mapped cones)
- : Grrr... no. I just saw an ElectricImage rendered game test with
- : TONS of volumetrics. He just pressed buttons.... Grrr...
- I'm reading a paper someone did that may turn into a plugin...but I have
- other features in line first...Full volumetric lighting (cheater methods
- i.e. fast)
- : * Offline Orbit 0.73c *
- Article: 16388
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news-in.tiac.net!news.tiac.net!usenet
- From: Solo <cgid@tiac.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: 1000+free 3d mpdels!
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 22:51:44 -0700
- Organization: CGID
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <3169FAF0.143F@tiac.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cgid.tiac.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- For serious 3d Studio animators only.
- !!! e-mail us your request for FREE DEMO now!!!
- For limited time download any and all models
- and motion paths from any and all versions of
- the Viewpoint dataset CD-Rom ver. 1.xx, 2.xx
- for only $99.95
- We guarantee that youÂ’ll love the product.
- Free demo will allow you to download 2 free
- models (in case you donÂ’t believe us).
- Article: 16389
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!li.net!usenet
- From: Richard L'Hommedieu <rlhomme@li.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: WTB: DEC/Raptor Lightwave renderstation
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 22:13:02 -0700
- Organization: LI Net (Long Island Network)
- Lines: 5
- Message-ID: <3169F1DE.1244@li.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: limg.li.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win16; I)
- I have money in hand and I'm looking of a DEC/Raptor3 (21164) Render
- station ... so if you are upgrading to a faster system and want to get
- ride of that old 266 or so ... let me know
- Rich
- Article: 16390
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 03:16:27 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4kckqb$jep@news.accessone.com>
- References: <4k9l7r$dsv@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri) writes:
- > If offered, will we choose a $500 upgrade to 5.0, or a $1000 upgrade to
- > MAX?
- This is a FALSE DICHOTOMY. For me, it is NOT an option to switch to Max
- (not that I'm about to), unless there's some NEW competitive upgrade program at
- Autodesk. Is there?
- I swear, if that is not true, given the name of the thread and this mis-
- leading post, that Autodesk is hiring agent provocateurs.
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16391
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.igcom.net!usenet
- From: "sudraka@outer.com" <sudraka@outer.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95,alt.2600,alt.26
- Subject: Re: HOW TO DO A BATCH HTTP FILE DOWNLOAD hybridv=putz
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 21:44:07 -0500
- Organization: InterGlobal Communications
- Lines: 12
- Message-ID: <3169CEF7.3FD79FB8@outer.com>
- References: <315df4e7.30083078@nntp.loop.com> <31601c49.6539557@news.compuserve.com> <316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com> <3161a179.438764@news.earthlink.net> <4k5bvp$d28@usenet7.interramp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dialin1.sp.outer.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
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- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (X11; I; Linux 1.2.13 i586)
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34060 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16391 comp.graphics.apps.photoshop:13446 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14419 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x:1392 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95:7721 alt.26
- >shut the FUCK up loser... Win95 Does better multitasking then os/2 by
- >far obviously you have either a shitty computer or you just suck...
- >
- >i can run 3d studio, 2 versions of netscape, 2 versions of agent, and
- >adobe premiere 4.2 all at the same time with no noticble slow down or
- >crashes... therefor you dont know how to fucking setup your computer
- >or your just a dumbass...
- >
- >HybridV
- >
- {sniff sniff} Do you smell something? Bullshit?
- Article: 16392
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news2.acs.oakland.edu!server3.mich.com!pm001-17.dialip.mich.com!marrocco
- From: Sam Marrocco <marrocco@mich.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Snaking Objects
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 03:57:15 GMT
- Organization: mich.com, Inc., Farmington, Michigan
- Lines: 3
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4kcn6r$hoc@server3.mich.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pm001-17.dialip.mich.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- X-Newsreader: Nuntius 2.0.3_PPC
- X-XXMessage-ID: <AD8F4A6414011112@pm001-17.dialip.mich.com>
- X-XXDate: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:57:40 GMT
- I've pinned objects to paths in layout before, but is it possible to
- "automatically" snake an object along a motion path, thereby bending to
- object to the path as it moves along it?
- Article: 16393
- From: ASanta-Pinter@ezin.net (Alex Santa-Pinter)
- Organization: Alex & Co.
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 96 04:44:31 GMT
- Subject: Re: framestore/cg troubles on toaster
- Message-ID: <N.040896.234431.09@pool43.ezin.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.hardware,rec.video.desktop
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [1.0]
- References: <Kimnach.571.000EF9F2@popserve.lerc.nasa.gov>
- Lines: 115
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pool43.ezin.net
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!news.ezin.net!
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16393 comp.sys.amiga.hardware:129955 rec.video.desktop:18888
- Greg Kimnach writes:
- > this weekend some troubled cropped up with my a4000/vt4000/flyer system. the
- > trouble more than likely has something to do with the a4000/warp engine.
- > first off, my amiga system configuration is:
- > a4000 with buster rev11
- > warp engine 3040 with two 32meg double sided simms
- > maxtor 1.6gig ide drive (system--including toaster/flyer s/w)
- > vt4000/flyer 4.1
- > soundswitch
- Out of curiosity, what do you use the SoundSwitch if you're using a Flyer for
- Video/Audio input?
- > personal componenet adapter
- > all of this is in a highflyer expansion chassis
- >
- > and i have a toshiba 3401b (2x scsi cd-rom) in an external enclosure. the
- > flyer drives, tape
- > backup, video distribution amp, personal v-scope, and kitchen sync are housed
- > in a "flight
- > recorder" mid-tower case.
- Are these connected to the Warp Engine SCSI bus externally?
- > as for the problem which suddenly began on saturday: i cannot create a
- > framestore (cg page or
- > captured image from one of the toaster inputs).
- >
- > the cg renders and is saved, but trying to load it in a project (or just
- > double-clicking on its icon on
- > the ide system drive, where it is located) results in roughly the top 20% of
- > the fs loading.
- This is normally caused by having the wrong Max Transfer Rate set for your IDE hard
- drives on a A4000. Try changing it to : 0x1fe00 using HDToolbox.
- > a
- > second attempt causes the system to give me a guru error (didn't right down
- > the number for the
- > sw and task numbers). furthermore, i cannot load a fs cg page, which i
- > created, into toasterpaint.
- > the system locks up. same with a framestore that i capture from video.
- >
- > interestingly enough, none of this occurs with the flyer s/w supplied
- > framestores. i can load those
- > into tp or into the dv_ buffers. however, as i was trying to figure out what
- > was happening, i
- > loaded two of the flyer framestores (the vt and vt4000 logos) consecutively
- > into a project,
- > assigned them a duration of 15 seconds, and hit play. the following error
- > popped up:
- >
- > Problem discovered:
- > Possible unknown sequencing error
- >
- > Possible Solutions:
- > Check for SCSI cable/termination problems
- > Try voidall to alleviate possible head problems
- > Can also be caused by corrupt clip.
- >
- > now, keep in mind that these frames stores are on the ide system drive (not
- > scsi) and that the
- > flyer hard drives have been "freshly" formatted. so i digitized a video
- > sequence to one of the
- > video drives, and placed it between the two aforementioned croutons in the
- > project.
- >
- > fs [15sec] ==> video clip [15sec] ==> fs [15sec]
- >
- > this now plays! remove the video clip, and i get the error again.
- >
- > there is something amiss with either my flyer software, my a4000, or my
- > toaster/flyer hardware:-(
- If the mentioned change to the transfer rate doesn't do it, maybe a re-install of
- the Flyer software (including re-formatting drives) might help. Heck, I recommend
- it as a matter of course every so often just to completely get rid of old software
- junk, unused files and simple to "clean things up". I know, its radical, but after
- seeing some client's rats' nests in their hard drives, it is really simpler to do
- than try to organize their systems. Oops! I strayed from the subject...
- >
- > any ideas?
- >
- > thanks,
- > greg
- >
- > p.s. i have no trouble with key, scroll, and crawl pages. it seems to be
- > limited to my dv buffers
- > (framestores).
- >
- > p.p.s. i am going to replace the ide system drive with a scsi drive on the
- > w.e.3040.
- >
- Going to SCSI hard drives normally gets rid of the problem. However, you can still
- use the IDE you've got or install another by using the above mentioned Max Transfer
- Rate. The Warp Engine SCSI bus normally has no problems at all regarding this, you
- may however see little annoying things like having problems with devices at the end
- of your SCSI bus, removable devices not showing correctly sometimes or things to
- this effect. These are "normally" caused only by the wiring, not the controller (at
- least as far as we can tell).
- Good luck.
- ----
- Thanks, Ciao!
- Alex
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Your Full Service Amiga Source Since 1990:Alex & Co.
- Alex@ezin.net
- Oklahoma, USA 405-391-3333 Voice & Fax
- Check out our Webpages --> http://www.ezin.net/alex
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Article: 16394
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: mhardi2720@aol.com (MHardi2720)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: My LW 4 Rev C keeps crashing
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 00:50:16 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 11
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kcqa8$grn@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: mhardi2720@aol.com (MHardi2720)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- My Lightwave 4.0 rev. C on Win95 keeps getting some memory page fault and
- kicks me out. This only happens under certain (and repetitive)
- conditions. I have a scene that I created that it refuses to render. I
- know its not the best looking animation, but does my PC have to crash
- it!!?!
- The same has happened under the Modeler when I used certain Truetype
- fonts. What the hell is going on? Is it Lightwave or Win95 that is the
- problem?
- Help!
- Mike
- Article: 16395
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!sgigate.sgi.com!wrdis02.robins.af.mil!rcp6.elan.af.mil!newshub.nosc.mil!newshub.cts.com!cg57.esnet.com!torment!mad
- From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Help: Sound and LW Output? How to Sync A
- Message-ID: <mad.64j8@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Date: 8 Apr 96 20:28:19 PST
- Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
- Lines: 35
- On Fri 5-Apr-1996 1:30a, Bill Hrgtn wrote:
- BH> > Does anyone know what is invloved with syncing audio,
- BH> >voice, music, sound effects whatever with Lightwave Animations?
- BH> >I currently use LW 4.0 Intel, and a DPS PAR board. I also have
- BH> >an old Sounds Blaster PRO. I currently output from the PAR to
- BH> >SVHS.
- BH> > Is there some way to get the PAR board to sync with some
- BH> >type of audio, perhaps WAV or VOC files? Does the Perception >do
- BH> >this?
- BH> Use the PAR VCR Windows player (not the main program) to sync audio with
- BH> animation files. Look under the Configure menu for "Device". Set your
- BH> sound association file and any off sync neccessary, and then save as a
- BH> project.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- I to have been wonderring about how to do "sound/animation" syncing? Your
- answer to this guy just seemed a little too vague to me....I have the
- Perception and the capture card with it, but when I looked for what you spoke
- of, I found nothing. So I assume that the Par is a totally different
- beast,right? But either way, I have yet to see any tutorials on the subject.
- I sent some e-mail to john Gross quite awhile ago "about three months ago",
- asking about this subject with no response. I just have to come to the to the
- conclussion that, after reading all the different manuals and LW books, that
- no one really has a clue...........I'm not sure exactly what this guy may have
- wanted, but I know that what I am looking to learn how to do is actual sound
- syncing with charactor animation, i.e. timing the voices with the mouth
- movements and sounds of explossions timed with the explossion animation.....
- Well anyway, if you or someone actually knows of such a technigue, I sure that
- others would love to know how this is done just as badly as me......thanx
- .............md :)
- Article: 16396
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!sgigate.sgi.com!wrdis02.robins.af.mil!rcp6.elan.af.mil!newshub.nosc.mil!newshub.cts.com!cg57.esnet.com!torment!mad
- From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Help: Sound and LW Output? How to Sync A
- Message-ID: <mad.64kz@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Date: 8 Apr 96 20:34:27 PST
- Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
- Lines: 38
- On Fri 5-Apr-1996 10:03p, III wrote:
- I> In article <4k0kt2$a3h@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu> mbc@po.cwru.edu (Michael B.
- I> Comet) writes:
- I> >From: mbc@po.cwru.edu (Michael B. Comet)
- I> >Subject: Help: Sound and LW Output? How to Sync Audio and Anim?
- I> >Date: 4 Apr 1996 14:04:18 GMT
- I> >Hi,
- I> > Does anyone know what is invloved with syncing audio,
- I> >voice, music, sound effects w
- >>>>>>>>
- I> What we do is capture the sound with a standard Sound Blaster type 16 bit
- I> audio card. We then display the .wav file and note the timing in 30 fps
- I> increments on a piece of note paper. Once you have done this, you can
- I> simply
- I> build your animation around the timing of the sound file. The PVR will
- I> make
- I> sure the .wav file starts on time. We have only used the PVR for
- I> synchronization that is less than 30 seconds. I don't know how the sync
- I> will
- I> hold up over time.
- I>
- I> Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- I> Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- I> http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- Hmmmmm....I guess maybe I'll have to take back what I said about nobody having
- a clue on syncing sound to animations. This guy sounds like he's on to
- something...........md
- Article: 16397
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!pipeline!not-for-mail
- From: justin@nyc.pipeline.com (Michael Justin Austin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,
- Subject: Re: LW and Edge3D
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 01:49:26 -0400
- Organization: Pipeline
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4kctp6$ri1@pipe11.nyc.pipeline.com>
- References: <3169C4E7.4CB5@pilot.msu.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pipe11.nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeUser: justin
- X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeGCOS: (Michael Austin)
- X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
- On Apr 08, 1996 22:01:11 in article <Re: LW and Edge3D>, 'Bryant Reif
- <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>' wrote:
- Righto!
- >Michael Justin Austin wrote:
- >
- >> Because if it is not real time ray tracing then
- >> its just a toy :-)
- >>
- >> regards
- >
- >You're just joking here, right?
- >--
- >
- >Bryant Reif
- >mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- >http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- Article: 16398
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!admaix.sunydutchess.edu!ub!dsinc!netnews.upenn.edu!msunews!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!news.cs.su.oz.au!inferno.mpx.com.au!news.mel.aone.net.au!hba
- From: imagine@h130.aone.net.au (Kevin Gleeson)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Now I'm confused... LIGHTWAVE 4.0 or 3D MAX?
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 96 23:47:21 GMT
- Organization: Imagine It
- Lines: 73
- Message-ID: <4kc8ee$943@news.mel.aone.net.au>
- References: <4kbif0$55q@newsflash.concordia.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d40-1.cpe.hobart.aone.net.au
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <4kbif0$55q@newsflash.concordia.ca>, jja_che@alcor.concordia.ca (Andy Chen) wrote:
- >I posted a while a back for a home animation studio hardware setup. The
- >software of choice is Lightwave 4.0 (Intel version). BUT now with all the
- >big yahoo.. I am getting a bit mixed up.
- >
- >I haven't actually used Lightwave (Amiga or PC) at all, but see how some
- >people handled it with ease. I take it as being a good animation program
- >because of its results for TV shows like B5, ST:Voyager, etc... But how does
- >it handles?
- >
- >I have used 3DS for quite sometime and gotten used to its rendering systems
- >and methods, BUT I didn't like its in capablility to do good lighting effects,
- >raytracing, and texture maping.
- >
- >I tried Calagari (a TINY bit) and didn't like the univeral 3D positioning of
- >items and stuff (get really confusing with various planes, etc).
- >
- >I am now going on the fact that "professionals" use other programs like
- >Lightwave, Alias and SoftImage for special effects in movies and stuff and
- >thereby those *should* be the better ones in comparison to 3DS or Caligari.
- >
- >Lightwave is used a lot for TV special effects and stuff (in comparison to
- >3DS), but 3DS is used probrably more for CAD design and stuff. Boy I am
- >getting myself more confused.... please help clear it up for me. <sigh>
- >
- >Is Lightwave 4.0 that easy to use?(in comparison to 3DS) Don't want to blow
- >all my money away on something that I can't use.
- >
- >Argh, and would 3DS MAX work on the hardware configuration that I posted
- >before? (Perception card, Matrox vid card, NT O/S, 64 MB RAM, P166?)
- >
- >Thanks for any reply...
- >
- >Andy Chen
- >--
- How does it handle ? I take that to mean the same as your later question, is
- it easy to use? The answer is yes. I started out on Imagine and bought
- Lightwave about a year ago. I watched Lee Stranahan's tapes at home at the
- weekend and did my first paying animation with the system 2 days later. (I
- must admit for a week or two I was modelling in Imagine, converting the models
- to LW and then setting up scenes and rendering them in LW.)
- It is VERY intuitive. I think this has come from it being packaged with the
- Toaster. The system would tend to end up in a heap of TV facilities where you
- didn't have the time to fiddle about with the interface or keep going to the
- manuals, it required a system that was quick and easy and could be operated by
- a stand-in if the normal 3D person was not there. (Correct me if my summation
- is wrong, anyone).
- My limited experience with 3D Studio showed me a powerful system that is
- harder to learn but gives great results. It has to be good as its been the
- de-facto standard for a long time (Yeah - OK apart from SoftImage and Alias,
- etc. but I'm talking in the world of real people's dollars, not the total
- income of Guatemala.)
- I think both sytems would have similar hardware requirements (unless Max wants
- extra.) and the above list looks fine to me.
- Hope that helps.
- Cheers
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Kevin Gleeson
- Imagine It
- 3D animation and graphics
- Hobart
- Tasmania
- Australia
- The Librarian Rules! - OOOK!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Article: 16399
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!admaix.sunydutchess.edu!ub!dsinc!netnews.upenn.edu!msunews!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!news.cs.su.oz.au!inferno.mpx.com.au!news.mel.aone.net.au!hba
- From: imagine@h130.aone.net.au (Kevin Gleeson)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Install Hware driver in NT4.0
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 96 23:54:32 GMT
- Organization: Imagine It
- Lines: 25
- Message-ID: <4kc8rt$943@news.mel.aone.net.au>
- References: <ereality-0704961053230001@s16.cs00.io.kdcol.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d40-1.cpe.hobart.aone.net.au
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <ereality-0704961053230001@s16.cs00.io.kdcol.net>, ereality@kdcol.com wrote:
- >How do you install the hardware lock under NT4.0? I can't get it to
- >work. Every time I try to launch lightwave I get a message, "Cannot
- >initialize."
- >
- >Thanks
- >
- >ereality@kdcol.com
- OK - load your CD and go to the Win-nt directory. There is a program called
- setupx86.exe . Run it. Top left is a pull down menu called Install. It will
- ask you for your path (your CD) and install the sentinel.
- Cheers
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Kevin Gleeson
- Imagine It
- 3D animation and graphics
- Hobart
- Tasmania
- Australia
- The Librarian Rules! - OOOK!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Article: 16400
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 96 07:31:29 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <N.040996.003129.60@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <4k9l7r$dsv@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: tsu-la-13.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- On 4/7/96 5:05PM, in message <4k9l7r$dsv@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, VirtualBri
- <virtualbri@aol.com> wrote:
- >
- > Autodesk, by all accounts has responded to competition with one heck of a
- > program. Certainly not the be-all-end-all, but a serious tool. Now, it
- > is NewTek's turn to respond in kind. Will NewTek, with its problems of
- > delivering on time, be left standing when everyone takes a seat? I hope
- > not.
- >
- > --Brian
- >
- NewTek ALREADY HAS a serious tool. If you weren't one too you'd know that.
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 16401
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 96 08:03:22 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 55
- Message-ID: <N.040996.010322.76@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- <4k51m5$qtk@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: tsu-la-13.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34061 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16401 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14426
- On 4/5/96 10:07PM, in message <4k51m5$qtk@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>, Steph
- Greenberg <steph@primenet.com> wrote:
- > I certainly hope Newtek is seriously researching the competition.
- > Their interface and integration is definately behind the times, and the
- > excellent work being done with Lightwave is more an indication of sheer
- > determination by artists using it than by the excellence in design of the
- > program.
- Forgive my bluntness, but I think you are an idiot. Could it be that the
- artists using Lightwave actually LIKE the interface about 1000000 times better
- than that *amazing* DOS interface that 3DS has?
- >
- > Like, why are layout and modeling still separate? Where are the NURBS?
- > Where's the multi-target deformation, GL shading or equivalent *in the
- > Layout* module, editing of slope with tangents in the animation editor,
- > user definable hot keys, interactive lighting, expressions usable in
- > Layout, integration with the renderer in Layout, etc? Is 5.0 going to go
- > that far? MAX is in lotsa hands right now, I know quite a few people in
- > Hollywood with it. I'll bet only a handful are on 5.0 beta, and then it
- > goes into pre-release, the stage MAX is in now and has been for well over
- > a month.
- If you don't know what you're talking about, shut up. Why must you assume that
- Lightwave has none of these features? Do I go around bashing 3DS 4 assuming
- that there will be no significant improvements in MAX? For crying out loud,
- can't you wait one more measly week before mindlessly bashing Lightwave? If
- you want to bet that Lightwave 5 is only in a handful of hands right now, I'll
- take you up on that; how much do you want to lose?
- >
- > I wish Newtek good luck, since I'd certainly go with a program equal to
- > MAX at less than half the price. I'm just a little skeptical, and with
- > damned good reason, of Newtek and their early product announcements.
- >
- Would you go with a program that's better than MAX for less than half the
- price? If so, you might want to check into Lightwave. By the way, MAX was
- announced one year ago. How's that for an early product announcement?
- Animator Studio (2D) was delayed for over 8 months. Now that the initial port
- of Lightwave is done, it's FAR less of an effort to make improvements. I am
- fully confident that NewTek can meet whatever release date they set for
- Lightwave.
- > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- > -
- > Steph Greenberg "Whenever I truly think something can't be
- > steph@primenet.com done, that is when I redouble my efforts to
- > prove myself wrong."
- >
- I think there are a lot of cool things in MAX, in fact, I thought they were
- cool way back when Lightwave introduced them.
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 16402
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: marcmylar@aol.com (MarcMylar)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NewTek@NAB
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 04:41:21 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 12
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kd7rh$kbk@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <31680982.B8C@erinet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- In article <31680982.B8C@erinet.com>, Andrew Hofman <andyh@erinet.com>
- writes:
- >I think he was referring to a flat *square*. "Be there or be a cube"
- sounds
- >dumb.
- >
- How about: "Be there or be rhomboidal"...
- -Marc
- Article: 16403
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news2.acs.oakland.edu!beacon.synthcom.com!hermes.rdrop.com!nesbbx!DwightG
- Subject: Re: LW 4.0 upgrade for amiga/toaster?
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- X-Newsreader: BBX-UMB-Legacy
- From: DwightG@nesbbx.rain.COM (Dwight Gruber)
- Message-ID: <DwightG.15un@nesbbx.rain.COM>
- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 96 19:41:18 PST
- Organization: NESBBX Bulletin Board System
- Lines: 21
- >
- > Video Toaster 4.1 for the standalone Toaster is now in production. Shipments
- > should commence in the next week.
- >
- > ******************************************************************************
- > * Chuck Baker * TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS *
- > * Technical Support Online Services * telnet address: bbs.newtek.com *
- > * NewTek, Inc. * modem ports: 913-271-9299 *
- > *============================================================================*
- > * >>>> TekWorld is a public message tech support venue <<<< *
- > * >>>> For Email tech support send to: Tech@newtek.com <<<< *
- > ******************************************************************************
- OK, so what do I have to do to get it?
- --DwightG
- --
- DwightG@nesbbx.rain.COM
- Article: 16404
- Path: news2.cais.com!news
- From: root <root@osiris.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95,alt.2600,alt.26
- Subject: Re: HOW TO DO A BATCH HTTP FILE DOWNLOAD hybridv=putz
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 02:11:56 -0700
- Organization: Capital Area Internet Service, Inc.
- Lines: 23
- Message-ID: <316A29DC.513163C@osiris.net>
- References: <315df4e7.30083078@nntp.loop.com> <31601c49.6539557@news.compuserve.com> <316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com> <3161a179.438764@news.earthlink.net> <4k5bvp$d28@usenet7.interramp.com> <3169CEF7.3FD79FB8@outer.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pm2-9.pacificnet.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (X11; I; Linux 1.2.1 i486)
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34063 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16404 comp.graphics.apps.photoshop:13458 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14428 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x:1394 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95:7736 alt.26
- sudraka@outer.com wrote:
- >
- > >shut the FUCK up loser... Win95 Does better multitasking then os/2 by
- > >far obviously you have either a shitty computer or you just suck...
- > >
- > >i can run 3d studio, 2 versions of netscape, 2 versions of agent, and
- > >adobe premiere 4.2 all at the same time with no noticble slow down or
- > >crashes... therefor you dont know how to fucking setup your computer
- > >or your just a dumbass...
- > >
- > >HybridV
- > >
- >
- > {sniff sniff} Do you smell something? Bullshit?
- These kinds of posts kill me. "I can run 2 versions of TruSpace, rendering a 1500 frame avi while
- simaltaneously taking down 4 FTP sites, 2 IRC channels, 5 Telnet sessions and Running AutoCad,
- all while port scanning an entire Class B set of addresses." Almost always, these characters are
- using Windows 95 with an amazing 8 megs of ram. You notice how they never say "I can compile a
- C++ program that encompasses 300,000 lines of code while formatting a disk" or some such
- nonsense? Lame. How come the guys at att.research.com can kick the ass of anyone with 95 and 64
- megs of ram? Do you know why? I know why. That's why they're AT&T. These characters need to get a
- *real* operating system. Until then, they're just drinking Mountain Dew. :-)
- Article: 16405
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!lerc.nasa.gov!kira.cc.uakron.edu!neoucom.edu!news.ysu.edu!news.ecn.uokno
- From: per swantesson <per.swantesson@ryepk.ericsson.se>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 1000+free 3d mpdels!
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 08:44:55 GMT
- Organization: Ericsson Software Technology
- Lines: 22
- Message-ID: <4kd827$5m@erinews.ericsson.se>
- References: <3169FAF0.143F@tiac.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: rypc50.ericsson.se
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
- Solo <cgid@tiac.net> wrote:
- >For serious 3d Studio animators only.
- >!!! e-mail us your request for FREE DEMO now!!!
- >
- >For limited time download any and all models
- >and motion paths from any and all versions of
- >the Viewpoint dataset CD-Rom ver. 1.xx, 2.xx
- >for only $99.95
- >
- >We guarantee that youÂ’ll love the product.
- >Free demo will allow you to download 2 free
- >models (in case you donÂ’t believe us).
- >
- I'm interested
- Per Swantesson
- Ericsson Software
- Soft Center
- 372 25 Ronneby
- Sweden
- Article: 16406
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
- From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 06:47:08 -0400
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 47
- Message-ID: <316A402C.572E@osu.edu>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- <4k51m5$qtk@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <N.040996.010322.76@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- Reply-To: jasper.7@osu.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip5-5.acs.ohio-state.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0B2 (WinNT; I)
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34064 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16406 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14431
- > > I certainly hope Newtek is seriously researching the competition.
- > > Their interface and integration is definately behind the times, and the
- > > excellent work being done with Lightwave is more an indication of sheer
- > > determination by artists using it than by the excellence in design of the
- > > program.
- >
- > Forgive my bluntness, but I think you are an idiot. Could it be that the
- > artists using Lightwave actually LIKE the interface about 1000000 times better
- > than that *amazing* DOS interface that 3DS has?
- No you look like a blathering idiot with your mindless attack. The poor guy said
- nothing of turning Lightwave's interface into a DOS one or into 3DS's UI.
- > If you don't know what you're talking about, shut up. Why must you assume that
- > Lightwave has none of these features? Do I go around bashing 3DS 4 assuming
- > that there will be no significant improvements in MAX? For crying out loud,
- > can't you wait one more measly week before mindlessly bashing Lightwave? If
- > you want to bet that Lightwave 5 is only in a handful of hands right now, I'll
- > take you up on that; how much do you want to lose?
- Many were not features of Lightwave 4, but may be in 5. But he wasn't talking about
- 5 now was he. He wasn't bashing, just pointing out some nice features Lightwave
- could use.
- > Would you go with a program that's better than MAX for less than half the
- > price? If so, you might want to check into Lightwave. By the way, MAX was
- > announced one year ago. How's that for an early product announcement?
- > Animator Studio (2D) was delayed for over 8 months. Now that the initial port
- > of Lightwave is done, it's FAR less of an effort to make improvements. I am
- > fully confident that NewTek can meet whatever release date they set for
- > Lightwave.
- I will when I see one, and so far I have not. A year or 8 months is nothing, where
- is that PC Toaster? NewTek isn't very well known for making products that come out
- on time. How bad do you think people would have been bitching if the wouldn't
- have gotten their grubby little hands on Prerelease 4.0.
- > I think there are a lot of cool things in MAX, in fact, I thought they were
- > cool way back when Lightwave introduced them.
- Yeah like full interactive rendering throughout the program, particles, IK with
- joint constraints, sound synch, unlimted object stacks, etc. Wait those are not
- yet features in Lightwave that were introduced by MAX. It goes both ways you see.
- Jeff
- PS-relax it's only software
- Article: 16407
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: wmendez@ix.netcom.com(William A. Mendez )
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: New feature/Wish
- Date: 8 Apr 1996 21:39:43 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 10
- Message-ID: <4kc12v$pph@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4kbes6$sco@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kbhd8$t7e@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ix-nyc22-07.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Apr 08 4:39:43 PM CDT 1996
- Hello,
- Is there a way to control the glow for seperate objects in a scene, I
- don't see any other way than in the effects panel.
- If not can an evelope feature be added to the surfaces panel next to
- glow that way each surface has it's own glow attribute.
- Thanks!
- Will Mendez
- Article: 16408
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsjunkie.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!lantana.singnet.com.sg!usenet
- From: Eddie <cybertch@singnet.com.sg>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Problem trying to get a smooth animation path in LW
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 11:36:14 GMT
- Organization: CyberTech Productions
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <4kdi3e$u7b@lantana.singnet.com.sg>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts900-1118.singnet.com.sg
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 32bit)
- I've always been very frustrated with LW's spline animation
- path. I'm rarely able to get a smooth path, even after
- adjusting tensions and velocity, or maybe adding or moving
- keyframes in motion envelopes. Sometines after all the
- adjustment whrn I get a farely smooth animation, it rarely
- turns out to be what I wanted in a first place.
- Does anyone have a sure fire way technique that does the job?
- Any help will be appreciated.
- Thanks!
- Eddie Quah
- Article: 16409
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!panix!not-for-mail
- From: vector@panix.com (Charles Sung Lee)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: HELP! Need lightwave plug-in code/docs... HELP!
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 08:48:46 -0400
- Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and UNIX, NYC
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4kdmbe$n8o@panix3.panix.com>
- References: <4kcb8h$3bb@pacific.ics.uci.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: panix3.panix.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Jason M. Cahill (jcahill@pacific.ics.uci.edu) wrote:
- : I just bought a copy of Lightwave a few days back, and ever since have been
- : trying to log on to ftp.newtek.com (and the alternate). Neither of these
- : are running, and I need a copy of the plug-in SDK. Can someone with this
- : file(s) please email it to me, or better yet, give me a non-NewTek FTP
- : site address with this software. Much thanks!
- Jason,
- I think the SDKs are on the CD (the installer doesn't install them.)
- o===============================o=======================================o
- |: _ _ _ _ :| Charles Lee, Animator In Chief |
- |:. \\// \\// .:| vector@panix.com |
- |:::...\/ ector \/ isions...:::| Tel: (212)684-5888 Fax: (212)684-7802 |
- o-------------------------------o WWW page: http://www.panix.com/~vector|
- | A Lightwave 3D Rendering Farm | The Unofficial Beretta 92FS page |
- o===============================o=======================================o
- Article: 16410
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!cs.utk.edu!gaia.ns.utk.edu!usenet
- From: brad prosise <BPROSISE@UTK.EDU>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: I screwed up, Help!
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 09:02:49 -0400
- Organization: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Lines: 31
- Message-ID: <316A5FF9.26AD@UTK.EDU>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bike.ips.utk.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
- I have been running LW 4.0 on my P90 with 16 megs of ram dual booting
- win95 and winnt. Recently I had a big job that required more hard drive
- space than I had so I used drivespace3 on my drives knowing that I would
- invalidate windowNT in doing so. Now, I know a lot of you guys think
- that NT is really great, but, on my machine it was really unstable (just
- not enough ram) and not fully functional with my periferals. I only used
- it for the slight speed increase in rendering time. So since the rev c
- of lightwave is out and rendering with win 95 is more consistant with NT
- I decided to drop NT alltogether. Well, NT does not take kindly to being
- deleted. I think I have finally gotten rid of most of the gremlins but
- one still hangs around to haunt me. Its that stupid winNT/dos selection
- screen from the NT boot up dialogue. Now I had the 2 operating systems
- on separate hard drives so when I deleted NT from 1 drive it only left
- 95 to operate from on the other hard drive. I have even tried reloading
- Win95 whic was also a mistake because it some how found an interupt
- problem between my scsi zip and my parralel port backup that worked fine
- before. AND I STILL GET THE DAMN SELECTION SCREEEN. I know this may be
- somewhat offtopic and I may get flame but I have found that the more
- knowledgable in the group are somewhat forgiving of us
- psuedo-professional hobbyists. Thanks for any help you can give me.
- --
- Heaven is where the cooks are French, the lovers are Italian,
- the police are English, the mechanics are all Germans, and the
- whole thing is organized by the Swiss.
- In hell, the cooks are all English, the lovers are Swiss, the police
- are German, the mechanics are French, and the whole thing is run by
- the Italians.
- Brad Prosise Visit my web site
- the URL is - http://users.aol.com/bprosise/private/bike.htm
- Article: 16411
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!po.cwru.edu!mbc
- From: mbc@po.cwru.edu (Michael B. Comet)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Snaking Objects
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 13:19:45 GMT
- Organization: Case Western Reserve University
- Lines: 37
- Message-ID: <4kdo5h$qi2@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu>
- References: <4kcn6r$hoc@server3.mich.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: sushi.ins.cwru.edu
- X-Newsreader: CWRU GnomeNews for Windows
- In a previous article Sam Marrocco <marrocco@mich.com> said:
- > I've pinned objects to paths in layout before, but is it possible to
- > "automatically" snake an object along a motion path, thereby bending to
- > object to the path as it moves along it?
- I don't think you can just automatically do this. However I think
- you might be able to cheat by using the method described in a LWPro
- article a few months back. The article described how to do tank treads.
- What you can try is to model your snake object straight.
- The set up bones in Layout for your snake bent. However set up bones
- past the front of the snake bending as well. Basically the bones are the
- "path" the snake will follow.
- Now in modeler save the copy of the snake but also save a second
- copy offset by some amount such that it has moved forward. (ie: if you
- snake faces in the +Z direction save a copy where it has been moved some
- amount in +z).
- Now in Layout morph from the original snake into the moved one.
- What should happen is as it moves forward the bones keep deforming it.
- The result is it wiggles down the path.
- I am not 100% sure that this will work. This might also be
- useful for setting up those little arrow type objects you see in
- machine renderings or for say making paper roll through a 3D copy
- machine.
- mbc
- --
- | Michael B. Comet - mbc@po.cwru.edu
- | http://inswww.ins.cwru.edu/php/comet/
- | LW FAQ, 3D Graphics & Animation and more!
- Article: 16412
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95,alt.2600,alt.bi
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!torn!blaze.trentu.ca!IVORY.trentu.ca!DTANNER
- From: dtanner@ivory.trentu.ca
- X-Nntp-Posting-Host: trentu.ca
- Message-ID: <DpLK1D.AvM@blaze.trentu.ca>
- Sender: news@blaze.trentu.ca (USENET News System)
- Reply-To: dtanner@ivory.trentu.ca
- Organization: Trent University, Peterborough
- References: <315df4e7.30083078@nntp.loop.com> <31601c49.6539557@news.compuserve.com> <316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com> <3161a179.438764@news.earthlink.net> <316739ae.18791819@>
- Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 13:27:12 GMT
- Lines: 23
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34068 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16412 comp.graphics.apps.photoshop:13470 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14435 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x:1396 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95:7746 alt.26
- In article <316739ae.18791819@>, From: writes:
- >At exactly Tue, 02 Apr 1996 21:54:41 GMT, the user known as hybridv,
- >hybridv wrote:
- >[relevant discussion snipped]
- >
- >---shut the FUCK up loser... Win95 Does better multitasking then os/2
- >by
- >---far obviously you have either a shitty computer or you just suck...
- >---
- >---i can run 3d studio, 2 versions of netscape, 2 versions of agent,
- >and
- >---adobe premiere 4.2 all at the same time with no noticble slow down
- >or
- >---crashes... therefor you dont know how to fucking setup your
- >computer
- >---or your just a dumbass...
- >---
- >---HybridV
- >---
- >Maybe you would do better by running Mario teaches typing and MS
- >Bookshelf at the same time. Go skip your high school study hall and
- >get hooked on phonics dickhead.
- Bravo!
- Article: 16413
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.thorn.net!usenet
- From: Christopher S Carpentier <Carpentier@ccgmetamedia.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 60,000 point limit?
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 10:07:55 -0400
- Organization: CCG MetaMedia, Inc.
- Lines: 4
- Message-ID: <316A6F3B.5348@ccgmetamedia.com>
- References: <chuck-0304960800100001@chuck.humancode.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
- Depending on your RAM. I just rendered a scene with over 200,000
- polygons which I'm sure had about that number in points. I'm using a
- system with 64mg of RAM so you get an idea of the memory needed to
- support such volumes of stuff
- Article: 16414
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.thorn.net!usenet
- From: Christopher S Carpentier <Carpentier@ccgmetamedia.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: HELP!! Lightwave can't use MSVCRT20.DLL!!!
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 10:19:02 -0400
- Organization: CCG MetaMedia, Inc.
- Lines: 2
- Message-ID: <316A71D6.6244@ccgmetamedia.com>
- References: <4jokqo$lfi@acmex.gatech.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
- Try moving the MSVCRT20.DLL file to your C:\Windows\system dir. see if
- that works...
- Article: 16415
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!netnews
- From: Elliot Bain <ebain@ix.netcom.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Dongle Failure
- Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 21:58:30 -0400
- Organization: Laurell Creative Services
- Lines: 35
- Message-ID: <3169C446.3D7@ix.netcom.com>
- References: <31680b1f.6347577@news.digex.net> <4kc6g3$7cu@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ix-col6-13.ix.netcom.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Apr 08 6:56:25 PM PDT 1996
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (WinNT; I)
- GKeenan818 wrote:
- >
- > Well, after reading about the reliability of the dongle I've just had one
- > of mine drop dead in front of me!
- >
- > I ran the new modeller patch, ran the new modeller and then the program
- > reported that the dongle was not there. Thinking that there was some kind
- > of screw up in the patch, I installed everything again and still got the
- > same problem. After using one of my other dongles in the machine, the
- > software kicked in without any problems!
- >
- > So..... let's see how long it will take for NewTek to replace my dongle
- > (in the United Kingdom), and also how much I'm going to be stung in
- > shipping. A report will appear here if anything interesting happens.....
- All dongles do is penalize legitimate users. As we read about stories of
- failed devices, week after week, it almost becomes a death watch,
- wondering whose will go next.
- Beat your chests all you want, Newtek apologists. By now there are probably
- more people using cracked versions of Lightwave than registered users. Who
- has been inconvenienced? There is NO way to stop determined crackers, and
- once they've done their deed, their results speed around the globe quicker
- than you can get Newtek customer support on the line, complaining of a
- defective dongle.
- Some people may take comfort in the reports that only a small percentage
- fail, but if you've had a failure, your failure rate is 100%. I, personally
- have bought two copies, and therefore have two dongles. I wish I could have
- bought more memory, instead.
- --
- Elliot Bain
- Laurell Creative Services
- 614.459.4404
- Article: 16416
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newshub.csu.net!csun.edu!hbrtv284
- From: hbrtv284@csun.edu (emmanuel olympia)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: using photoshop o make textures for lw
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 16:20:07 GMT
- Organization: California State University, Northridge
- Lines: 9
- Message-ID: <4ke2nn$frj@dewey.csun.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: louie.csun.edu
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- I just got photoshop to make textures for lw objects, what is a good book
- for a beginner to learn photoshop. one with lots of tutorials, etc. do
- they make video tutorials like they do for lightwave. also, is there a
- photoshop newsgroup?
- thx.
- emmanuel
- Article: 16417
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!nctuccca.edu.tw!voyager.iii.org.tw!mccoy_pc
- From: dan@acti.com (Daniel J. McCoy)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 95 InterFace for NT !
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 96 16:33:15 GMT
- Organization: ACT Networks, Inc.
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <4ke30b$meb@voyager.iii.org.tw>
- References: <4im2l4$3j0@news.voicenet.com> <31511499.1D91@xs4all.nl> <4ircah$5el@irk.zetnet.co.uk> <3158CD73.44E2@cyberportal.net> <3159CC0F.739A@cats.ucsc.edu> <zimmerma.4.0006360A@chapman.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: shts.seed.net.tw
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <zimmerma.4.0006360A@chapman.edu>, zimmerma@chapman.edu (Dan Zimmerman) wrote:
- [snip]
- >Somebody here posted that everything works fine under the new shell but the
- >Perception software. I have the same problem/experience. Does anybody have a
- >workaround (other than using both versions)?
- For the most part, what I end up doing is rendering to my harddrive. Once the
- final frame is done, I just create a new project/directory on the PVR's
- "P:" drive in an appropriate directory via the Newshell (though I'm running NT
- 4.0 beta) and copy the files from the harddrive to the directory I just
- created. The PVR happily converts each frame and then I use the PVR viewer to
- view the animation.
- I'm not in front of my system with the PVR so the exact steps may not match.
- I do know this has worked and I was planning on pumping out some program that
- waited for a frame to be written and then automatically copied to the P: drive
- and the original file deleted for cases where you don't want to dedicate a
- heck of a lot of drive space for the frames (which is why we bought PVRs too.
- :) ).
- Have fun,
- Dan
- --
- Daniel J. McCoy - djmccoy@pacificnet.net or dan@acti.com
- WWW - http://www.pacificnet.net/~djmccoy
- Article: 16418
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news.iadfw.net!usenet
- From: Lance Gray <empire@airmail.net>
- Newsgroups: rec.video.desktop,rec.video.production,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: TPaint bug?!?
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 11:43:55 -0700
- Organization: Empire Productions Inc.
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <316AAFEB.4BA8@airmail.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dal13-22.ppp.iadfw.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; U)
- Xref: news2.cais.com rec.video.desktop:18916 rec.video.production:40963 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16418
- There's a bug in TPaint that has irritated me for quite some
- time...NewTek made mention of it at their NewTek University classes last
- summer. It happens when you cut out a brush and then try to Texture Map
- it with SOLID selected---it won't work! W/O SOLID selected...you get the
- outlines, but this doesn't really help if you want the entire image!
- Granted, this begins to happen after you cut out about 2
- brushes...it never happens on the first?!? I usually have to shut down
- TPaint and start over. Anyone know a better solution---NewTek told some
- solution last year, but I have since forgotten it. All of this is
- referring to TPaint 4.1 running 0n a Flyer system! Please help!
- -Lance <><
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Lance Gray (empire@airmail.net) **25 GIG Flyer & PC LightWave equipped**
- "If you are insulted because of the name of CHRIST, you are blessed,
- for the spirit of GOD rests on you." 1 Peter 14
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Article: 16419
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newshub.csu.net!csun.edu!hbrtv284
- From: hbrtv284@csun.edu (emmanuel olympia)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: FS:toaster a4000/040-$3000.00
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 16:27:27 GMT
- Organization: California State University, Northridge
- Lines: 28
- Message-ID: <4ke35f$hle@dewey.csun.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: louie.csun.edu
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Video Toaster system for sale
- I am migrating to a pentium system and need to sell my Amiga 4000
- Video Toaster system. Here are the specs:
- A4000/040
- 16 mb Ram
- 1 gig Quantum hard drive
- 14" 1084s monitor
- mouse & keyboard
- Video Toaster 3.1/Lightwave 3.5(all manuals included)
- Brilliance
- Dpaint 5
- Scala 4000
- ADPro
- Total price: $3000.00(not including shipping charges)
- Pls. call ASAP. First come first serve.
- (213) 669-1196
- Emmanuel Olympia
- Article: 16420
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: nanook@sound.net (Nanook of the South)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Where is the FTP site?
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 16:45:57 GMT
- Organization: I'm totaly disorganized!
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <316a941d.587270516@news.sound.net>
- References: <4kbh1c$bdf@azure.acsu.buffalo.edu>
- Reply-To: nanook@sound.net
- NNTP-Posting-Host: psycho.sound.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
- mcohen@acsu.buffalo.edu (Mark A Cohen) wrote:
- >Has anyone had problems getting to Newtek's FTP site? Is it still
- >ftp.newtek.com? Is there anywhere else that I can download Rev. C for
- >Intel?
- If you have trouble getting into ftp.newtek.com, try ftp.sound.net.
- We mirror everything every night (might as well, it's in my office!)
- L8r G8r
- Keith
- +--------------------------------------------------------------+
- | No! That light at the end of the tunnel is NOT a train! |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Sound.Net is the premier Internet provider in the KC area. |
- | Our fees are only $10/month and include full slip/ppp access |
- | for 540 hours/month. For more information call our office |
- | at 816-436-5206 or send mail to support@sound.net |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------+
- Article: 16421
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: afrerking@aol.com (AFrerking)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 12:47:56 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 11
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ke4bs$qdn@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- Just to let everyone that is interested know, we will be displaying our
- LightWave products at Deskstation's booth (M4570 in the Sands) at NAB.
- Products we will be showing include the much anticipated Particle Storm
- (which will ship shortly after NAB), Impact!, and Lock & Key by Meme-X
- (planned to ship end of April).
- Andy
- Dynamic Realities
- http://members.aol.com/dynreal
- Article: 16422
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!zetnet.co.uk!usenet
- From: terry.hill@zetnet.co.uk (Terry Hill)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Help with output to VHS required...
- Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 17:41:02 +0100
- Lines: 40
- Message-ID: <4ke79s$vdj@irk.zetnet.co.uk>
- References: <4k3kov$dtl$1@mhade.production.compuserve.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: victoria.zetnet.co.uk
- In message <4k3kov$dtl$1@mhade.production.compuserve.com>
- James Osborne <100706.3126@CompuServe.COM> writes:
- > Hi!
- > I have just completed the scene file for a pretty cool
- > (BIG) animation (for my Demo Reel) but I now need some advice on
- > how best to go about transferring this (and future anims) to VHS
- > tape. I really need to keep the cost to a minimum (no surprise
- > there).
- > Anyhow I currently have a P120 with 32Mb, 1Gb IDE HD, and a
- > Stealth GT 2mb Vram card. I guess I will need a big, fast (scsi
- > AV?) HD and an output card of some kind.
- > Has anybody got any ideas. The Fast F60 MJPEG card sounds okay
- > but is this the only option?
- There are a few options.
- Firstly you could try to source a second hand card such as the par.
- If you do have enough to but a new card then the new MIRO 20 is supposed
- to be worth a look (i`m thinking of getting one myself).
- There is always the option of asking someone else to do the recording for
- you. Where are you based? - i`m sure there`s someone reading this in your
- area who will do the job for a reasonable fee. I know of a company
- in Devon, England that may help. AMT Multimedia +44 01271 326986.
- Give them a ring and see what they say. Do you have access to any storage
- media that you can send the anim on? If the anim is huge then you will
- need to get a DAT drive or something similar, but check with the company
- first. You`ll be amazed at what some companies will do to help out if
- you explain yourself clearly.
- I still think the second hand par is the best approach though.
- Cheers,
- --
- Tel
- terry.hill@zetnet.co.uk
- Article: 16423
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: using photoshop o make textures for lw
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 13:45:03 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 12
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ke7mv$rij@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4ke2nn$frj@dewey.csun.edu>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Well, this is an advance announcement, but we're going to be announcing a
- Photoshop For Video tutorial tape at NAB...
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16424
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: using photoshop o make textures for lw
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 14:56:51 -0400
- Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <316AB2F3.5FC7@pilot.msu.edu>
- References: <4ke2nn$frj@dewey.csun.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cnc045153.concentric.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- emmanuel olympia wrote:
- >
- > I just got photoshop to make textures for lw objects, what is a good book
- > for a beginner to learn photoshop. one with lots of tutorials, etc. do
- > they make video tutorials like they do for lightwave. also, is there a
- > photoshop newsgroup?
- >
- > thx.
- >
- > emmanuel
- Photoshop 3.0 comes with a book labeled "Adobe Photoshop Tutorial". This and the manual
- would be a great place to start.
- --
- Bryant Reif
- mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- Article: 16425
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: Jason@newtek.com (Jason Linhart)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 18:25:44 GMT
- Organization: NewTek
- Lines: 31
- Message-ID: <4ke9vi$eqj@guitar.sound.net>
- References: <151405@cup.portal.com> <4k3n0i$hfh@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kbcbr$5qi@homer.alpha.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: miami.newtek.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
- syndesis@inc.net (John Foust) wrote:
- >In article <4k3n0i$hfh@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, stranahan@aol.com says...
- >>
- >>The PC Toaster was a 'smoking mirrors' product, as I've mentioned before.
- >>I don't think 'Phoenix' will ever ship - it just doesn't make any sense
- >>with the advent of DVC camcorders and better quality non-linear systems
- >>that are cheaper.
- >That's "smoke and mirrors." And I wrote the software for the PC Toaster
- >in Visual BASIC, connecting an Amiga Toaster under the table to a PC
- >via the serial port, sending ARexx commands from the PC when you clicked
- >its "croutons" and it won one of those crystal awards from COMDEX,
- >as the "best new product" or something like that. It's in the
- >NewTek museum.
- >- John
- I'm afraid that I'll have to clarify a few things on this matter.
- John is speaking of a "ToasterLink" like product that was for the PC
- instead of the Mac. It was a simple control device that controled an
- Amiga based Toaster from a PC, much the same way our ToasterLink
- product controlled a Macintosh.
- On the other hand, the "TOASTER FOR WINDOWS" is a completely self
- sufficient box. At the demo last year, the box ran by itself without
- an Amiga.
- Jason Linhart
- Article: 16426
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!lamarck.sura.net!jolt.jea.com!usenet
- From: goddard@jax.jaxnet.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Lightwave Objects- Babylon 5 "Shadow ship"
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 21:28:57 GMT
- Organization: Jacksonville Electric Authority
- Lines: 5
- Message-ID: <4kea8m$gkn@jolt.jea.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- I am looking for a lightwave object of one of the Shadow ships from
- Babylon 5. If you know where I can locate one or some of the rest of
- the spaceships used on the TV show, it would be greatly appreciated.
- Thanks.....
- Article: 16427
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: qualunqu@ix.netcom.com(frank & Michele)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 17:01:46 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 2
- Message-ID: <4ke55q$9e3@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <N.040596.225958.58@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <4k6cjb$cbt@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kaa05$dmu@cloner3.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: war-mi1-09.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Tue Apr 09 12:01:46 PM CDT 1996
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34079 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16427 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14447
- BE carefull of primeau productions in southfield mi ... You wont get
- paid ...frank
- Article: 16428
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Dongle Failure
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 14:58:16 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 13
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kec08$t5o@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <3169C446.3D7@ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- I don't want to start another discussion on the pro's and con's of using a
- 'cracked' version of LightWave, even though I do understand some peoples
- points of view on the matter.
- Even so, my distributor has informed me (I am a dealer by the way) that
- the amount of faulty dongles being returned is increasing at an alarming
- rate. I am told that the turnaround on getting a new dongle is around 2
- months, and if this is the case I can guarantee you that I am going to be
- rather annoyed....
- Once again, I am waiting for some feedback from NewTek on this matter and
- another day has went by......
- Article: 16429
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: Jason@newtek.com (Jason Linhart)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 18:59:43 GMT
- Organization: NewTek
- Lines: 33
- Message-ID: <4kebv8$gg2@guitar.sound.net>
- References: <4kbes6$sco@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kbhd8$t7e@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: miami.newtek.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
- stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan) wrote:
- >cropped<
- >This is (honestly) the first I've heard of this. NewTek has been accused
- >of doing this sort of thing before - I've had people SWEAR the original
- >Flyer demo wasn't real, but I KNOW it was.
- >If it is true that the PC Toaster demo was a -complete- sham - and it
- >sounds like it is, considering the source....very very disturbing.
- >other stuff cropped<
- Quite a few of you were at NAB last year and saw the box being held
- above the heads of our demo people while it was playing video. The
- box was not connected in any way to an Amiga. I think I even saw the
- box with cover off at one time so that everyone could look inside to
- see the hardware.
- The box was also shown at a number of other shows last year. I would
- think that during this period of time, if it were all 'smoke and
- mirrors', or 'smoking mirrors' (take your pick) someone would have
- noticed.
- The product John was talking about was a 'ToasterLink' like product
- for the PC.
- I invite all of you that are going to NAB this year to stop by the
- booth again and check out the products that we are showing.
- Jason Linhart
- Article: 16430
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Dongle Failure
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 15:07:48 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 13
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4keci4$80@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <3169C446.3D7@ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- I don't want to start another discussion on the pro's and con's of using a
- 'cracked' version of LightWave, even though I do understand some peoples
- points of view on the matter.
- Even so, my distributor has informed me (I am a dealer by the way) that
- the amount of faulty dongles being returned is increasing at an alarming
- rate. I am told that the turnaround on getting a new dongle is around 2
- months, and if this is the case I can guarantee you that I am going to be
- rather annoyed....
- Once again, I am waiting for some feedback from NewTek on this matter and
- another day has went by......
- Article: 16431
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Dongle Failure
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 15:10:38 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 13
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kecne$a9@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <3169C446.3D7@ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- I don't want to start another discussion on the pro's and con's of using a
- 'cracked' version of LightWave, even though I do understand some peoples
- points of view on the matter.
- Even so, my distributor has informed me (I am a dealer by the way) that
- the amount of faulty dongles being returned is increasing at an alarming
- rate. I am told that the turnaround on getting a new dongle is around 2
- months, and if this is the case I can guarantee you that I am going to be
- rather annoyed....
- Once again, I am waiting for some feedback from NewTek on this matter and
- another day has went by......
- Article: 16432
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk!news.cc.ic.ac.uk!usenet
- From: adam@oar.vmg.co.uk
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Record Turntable object wanted!
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 20:31:01 +0100
- Organization: Imperial College, London, UK
- Lines: 12
- Message-ID: <316ABAF5.456B@oar.vmg.co.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: long-john.vmg.co.uk
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
- I need a record turntable object for a DJ's web page I'm doing.
- Lightwave format preferred, but almost anything would be useful.
- I've had no luck finding one on the net, if anyone can help out
- please e-mail me today! Thanks & riches will be yours!
- daveb@long-john.vmg.co.uk
- Sorry for the bandwidth, now back to you regular programme...
- Thanks
- Article: 16433
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!panix!not-for-mail
- From: vector@panix.com (Charles Sung Lee)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 60,000 point limit?
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 16:01:05 -0400
- Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and UNIX, NYC
- Lines: 28
- Message-ID: <4kefm1$kpj@panix3.panix.com>
- References: <chuck-0304960800100001@chuck.humancode.com> <316A6F3B.5348@ccgmetamedia.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: panix3.panix.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Christopher S Carpentier (Carpentier@ccgmetamedia.com) wrote:
- : Depending on your RAM. I just rendered a scene with over 200,000
- : polygons which I'm sure had about that number in points. I'm using a
- : system with 64mg of RAM so you get an idea of the memory needed to
- : support such volumes of stuff
- There's a 65,536 point limit on a single object. No limit for layout
- was listed concerning points. I wonder what the max poly/point count
- is for Layout? None perhaps?
- My record poly count was in the neighborhood of 400,000 (tropomyosin
- proteins in a "double-diamond" crystal formation.) By booting my 38MB
- A3000T in a _bare_ configuration (without workbench!), I barely
- managed to render the scene in either high or print resolution.
- (I couldn't get VMM to work with my Mercury 040.)
- (Oh yes, and the segment size was tiny! I think it was the minimal
- 200K.)
- Now, I'm going to walk over and give my 64MB Alpha a hug :)
- o===============================o=======================================o
- |: _ _ _ _ :| Charles Lee, Animator In Chief |
- |:. \\// \\// .:| vector@panix.com |
- |:::...\/ ector \/ isions...:::| Tel: (212)684-5888 Fax: (212)684-7802 |
- o-------------------------------o WWW page: http://www.panix.com/~vector|
- | A Lightwave 3D Rendering Farm | The Unofficial Beretta 92FS page |
- o===============================o=======================================o
- Article: 16434
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!brighton.openmarket.com!decwrl!pa.dec.com!nntpd.lkg.dec.com!marbls.enet.dec.com!leimberger
- From: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: B5 spaceship design
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 20:05:28 GMT
- Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation
- Lines: 20
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4kefu8$71@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- References: <mad.60vn@torment.tmisnet.com> <3168260e.74703827@news.pinc.com>
- Reply-To: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- NNTP-Posting-Host: marbls.enet.dec.com
- |>If you want to be blown away by a ship model take a look at:
- |>
- |>http://www.free.cts.com/sd/c/corvine/
- |>
- |>Unfortunately it was done with 3D Studio (but that makes no
- |>difference. It's the artist that makes the difference)
- |><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
- |> Ivan Sinclair - ics@pinc.com
- |>Softwords Research - http://vvv.com/
- |><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
- |>
- Been there saw that! Very impressive. Only problem is my web software
- would not show all the pics. The scenes are pretty dark so I had a hard
- time seeign a lot of the detail. I'll have to try again. The gun turrets
- reminded me of the mother ship in the RoboTech series. overall though it
- is really nice.
- -bill
- Article: 16435
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: Tue, 9 Apr 96 15:46:21
- Organization: NewTek Technical Support
- Lines: 43
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960409.7983618.E1F2@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- On Mon 8-Apr-1996 15:46 , John Foust wrote:
- JF> In article <4k3n0i$hfh@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, stranahan@aol.com says...
- JF> >
- JF> >The PC Toaster was a 'smoking mirrors' product, as I've mentioned before.
- JF> >I don't think 'Phoenix' will ever ship - it just doesn't make any sense
- JF> >with the advent of DVC camcorders and better quality non-linear systems
- JF> >that are cheaper.
- JF> That's "smoke and mirrors." And I wrote the software for the PC Toaster
- JF> in Visual BASIC, connecting an Amiga Toaster under the table to a PC
- JF> via the serial port, sending ARexx commands from the PC when you clicked
- JF> its "croutons" and it won one of those crystal awards from COMDEX,
- JF> as the "best new product" or something like that. It's in the
- JF> NewTek museum.
- JF> - John
- Uh, what?! John, this could give the impression that you had done coding for
- the "Video Toaster for Windows", which we demoed at last year's NAB, and that
- it was a mockup rather than a functioning unit, neither of which was the case.
- To clarify for those who aren't aware of the history, John Foust, who has done
- a whole lot for NewTek over the years, some acknowledged and some not, did the
- programming for a PC "ToasterLink" type product, which was simply a PC hooked
- via serial connect to a "Video Toaster", really a complete Amiga system
- equipped with a Video Toaster and our patented "Hide-That-Commodore-Logo"
- stick-on label. Our product team did not follow through on bringing the
- product to release. We did release the SCSI-based Mac-To-(Whups, don't let
- 'em find out it's an Amiga!)Video Toaster version of ToasterLink.
- This early "PC Toasterlink" should not be confused with the "Video Toaster for
- Windows", which is progressing well, with a number of changes to account for
- current progress in the state of video technology, nor with "Phoenix", which
- is something else entirely, and is also progressing well.
- ========================================================================
- Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
- NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
- ========================================================================
- CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; Go GUGRPA, LightWave UG
- AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
- ========================================================================
- Article: 16436
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: Tue, 9 Apr 96 15:59:17
- Organization: NewTek Technical Support
- Lines: 23
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960409.7988D98.E441@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- On Fri 5-Apr-1996 12:58 , Stranahan wrote:
- S> The PC Toaster was a 'smoking mirrors' product, as I've mentioned before.
- S> I don't think 'Phoenix' will ever ship - it just doesn't make any sense
- S> with the advent of DVC camcorders and better quality non-linear systems
- S> that are cheaper.
- Just a note: the "Toaster For Windows" and "Phoenix" are two different things.
- The product team does not seem to consider either of them to be "smoke and
- mirrors", and has certainly adjusted development to account for the way the
- industry is shaping.
- I'll make sure the NewTek NAB info releases post here, as well as AOL, CIS,
- BBS, so everyone gets brought up to date.
- ========================================================================
- Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
- NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
- ========================================================================
- CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; Go GUGRPA, LightWave UG
- AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
- ========================================================================
- Article: 16437
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW 4.0 upgrade for amiga/toaster?
- Date: Tue, 9 Apr 96 16:14:51
- Organization: NewTek Technical Support
- Lines: 29
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960409.7727F58.EE6D@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- On Mon 8-Apr-1996 19:41 , Dwight Gruber wrote:
- DG> >
- DG> > Video Toaster 4.1 for the standalone Toaster is now in production.
- DG> Shipments
- DG> > should commence in the next week.
- DG> OK, so what do I have to do to get it?
- DG> --DwightG
- That depends -- if you bought the Toaster as such a time that it came with a
- coupon stating it was eligible for a free upgrade to "4.0", and you registered
- your product, the upgrade will be shipped automatically. You can contact our
- Customer Service department by calling 1-800-847-6111 (or 913-228-8000), or by
- emailing customerservice@newtek.com, to confirm.
- If you aren't eligible for the free update, call any dealer who carries NewTek
- products, to purchase the update. Suggested retail is $549, installation
- requires a CD-ROM drive.
- .
- .
- ========================================================================
- Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
- NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
- ========================================================================
- CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; Go GUGRPA, LightWave UG
- AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
- ========================================================================
- Article: 16438
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!oleane!francenet.fr!usenet
- From: emperor2@micronet.fr (William Hamon)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW4.0 wont save to AVI?
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 21:47:29 GMT
- Organization: Empire
- Lines: 30
- Message-ID: <4kelth$9p@chleuasme.francenet.fr>
- References: <4ka9mg$knn@newshub.cts.com>
- Reply-To: emperor2@micronet.fr
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pppa215.micronet.fr
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.3
- In article <4ka9mg$knn@newshub.cts.com>, root@spacelink.com says...
- >
- >
- > I'm using LW4.0 on a Pentium machine with 32MB ram and 3 GB disk
- >under Win95. I've created an animation sequence which I am trying to
- >render out to an .AVI file. I've gone to the OPTIONS menu and "Add
- >plug-ins" selection. There, I selected "hiip\hiipsave" and received a
- >message that the plug-in's were successfully added. next, I go to the
- >'RECORD" menu and select "Save Animation", supply a filename and then
- >select "HIip-avi16(.avi)" from the animation type selections. Next, I
- >render. LW goes through the motions and actually renders my
- >animation. HOWEVER, nothing is ever saved to disk.. anywhere.
- >
- >Any suggestions on why this doesn't work? Should this work? If not,
- >what is the best way to generate an .AVI file of one's LW4.0
- >animations?
- >
- >Thanks for any suggestions,
- >-Jim
- >
- Do you put the extension .avi at the end of your file name
- (ex: anim01.AVI)?
- If you don't, it doesn't save anything...
- However, you can use HIip-avi32, it works perfectly!
- Bye! Ciao! Au revoir! Auf vieder sehen!
- [Emperor II...
- Article: 16439
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!sun4nl!Utrecht.NL.net!news
- From: wdwbest@cybercomm.nl (Wiebo de Wit)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW4.0 wont save to AVI?
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 19:17:08 GMT
- Organization: BEST grafix
- Lines: 25
- Message-ID: <316ab37b.3492623@news.cybercomm.nl>
- References: <4ka9mg$knn@newshub.cts.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: async3.heerenveen.cybercomm.nl
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/16.182
- On Sun, 07 Apr 1996 05:54:05 GMT, root@spacelink.com wrote:
- > I'm using LW4.0 on a Pentium machine with 32MB ram and 3 GB disk
- >under Win95. I've created an animation sequence which I am trying to
- >render out to an .AVI file. I've gone to the OPTIONS menu and "Add
- >plug-ins" selection. There, I selected "hiip\hiipsave" and received a
- >message that the plug-in's were successfully added. next, I go to the
- >'RECORD" menu and select "Save Animation", supply a filename and then
- >select "HIip-avi16(.avi)" from the animation type selections. Next, I
- >render. LW goes through the motions and actually renders my
- >animation. HOWEVER, nothing is ever saved to disk.. anywhere.
- >Any suggestions on why this doesn't work? Should this work? If not,
- >what is the best way to generate an .AVI file of one's LW4.0
- >animations?
- Be sure to put .avi behind your animation file-name. If this doesn't work,
- maybe the installation of LW has messed up some dll file's. After my
- installation (under win'95) LWinstaller had copied NT versions of DLL's in my
- system dir. To be really sure, copy your system dir, install LW, copy your
- system dir back and there you go. If this doesn't work, get Windows NT, it;s
- much better for LW.
- _____Wiebo de Wit_____
- _wdwbest@cybercomm.nl_
- _______!Vavoom!_______
- Article: 16440
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!surfnet.nl!sun4nl!Utrecht.NL.net!news.via.nl!news
- From: Peter Hartman <falcon@via.nl>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: creating 3d text objects in the modeler ??
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 21:18:14 +0200
- Organization: CompuShop Venlo
- Lines: 10
- Message-ID: <316AB7F6.7765@via.nl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: modems11.via.nl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB1 (Win95; I)
- Hi, there
- I know this sounds silly but I have a tiny question:
- How can i create 3d-text in the modeler....???????? It seems to me i can only create 2d-text. Is
- this correct?
- Please help me
- Falcon@via.nl
- Article: 16441
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!interaccess!mfrazin.interaccess.com!mfrazin
- From: mfrazin@interaccess.com (Shadow)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: LW4.0 do I choose WINDOWS NT OR 32S
- Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 17:12:10 -0600
- Organization: InterAccess,Chicagoland's Full Service Internet Provider
- Lines: 5
- Message-ID: <mfrazin.34.0691C406@interaccess.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d197.nnb.interaccess.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- I have windows 95. Do I select to install windows NT or 32s for revision c of
- LW 4.0.
- Thank you.
- Article: 16442
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ix.netcom.com!netcom.com!shf
- From: shf@netcom.com (Stuart Ferguson)
- Subject: Re: HELP! Need lightwave plug-in code/docs... HELP!
- Message-ID: <shfDpLyq3.MM3@netcom.com>
- Organization: The Blue Planet
- References: <4kcb8h$3bb@pacific.ics.uci.edu> <4kdmbe$n8o@panix3.panix.com>
- Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 18:44:27 GMT
- Lines: 14
- Sender: shf@netcom2.netcom.com
- vector@panix.com (Charles Sung Lee) writes:
- | Jason M. Cahill (jcahill@pacific.ics.uci.edu) wrote:
- | : I just bought a copy of Lightwave a few days back, and ever since have been
- | : trying to log on to ftp.newtek.com (and the alternate). Neither of these
- | : are running, and I need a copy of the plug-in SDK. Can someone with this
- | I think the SDKs are on the CD (the installer doesn't install them.)
- You can get the SDK for 5.0 from ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/lw/lwsdk. I
- just uploaded it last night. If you're looking for clues about NAB
- however, the SDK doesn't really give anything away.
- --
- Stuart Ferguson (shf@netcom.com)
- "How do you compute that? Where on the
- graph do `must' and `cannot' meet?"
- Article: 16443
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.tacom.army.mil!news2.acs.oakland.edu!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW4.0 do I choose WINDOWS NT OR 32S
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 18:41:22 -0400
- Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <316AE792.47F5@pilot.msu.edu>
- References: <mfrazin.34.0691C406@interaccess.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: crc11-fddi.cris.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- Shadow wrote:
- >
- > I have windows 95. Do I select to install windows NT or 32s for revision c of
- > LW 4.0.
- >
- > Thank you.
- Here are the instructions I received for installing LW 4.0c on Win95...
- Windows 95:
- Choose Windows NT in the Operating System dialog. This is
- because you want the 32-bit version of the program and content files.
- Use the default directory (NewTek) to install in.
- If you don't want any of the included content (objects,
- scenes, etc.), deselect the appropriate check-boxes.
- Check that Msvcrt20.dll was installed.
- Don't install any dongle drivers.
- Reboot.
- Everything has worked perfectly since (except the dongle)
- --
- Bryant Reif
- mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- Article: 16444
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 18:44:50 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 17
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kep92$5bc@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <N.040996.003129.60@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- >NewTek ALREADY HAS a serious tool. If you weren't one too you'd know
- that.
- >
- > -=Fred=-
- You make me laugh. Were you not held enough as a child, Fred? Is that
- why you lash out bitterly? If you think nothing else needs to be done to
- LightWave ever again, please tell us all that.
- Allen and Stuart needs to respond to the competition's advances with
- advances of their own. Shaded, OpenGl layout and modeler, and improved IK
- are not going to do it, since that's what everyone *expects* as the norm
- for programs nowdays anyway.
- --Brian
- http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/
- http://members.aol.com/equinoxii/
- Article: 16445
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!surfnet.nl!news.nic.utwente.nl!news
- From: h.hazenberg@student.utwente.nl (Hank)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: How do I configure SNrender on my Windows95-system?
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 12:54:25 GMT
- Organization: Hank-Automation
- Lines: 6
- Message-ID: <4kdmm1$107@dinkel.civ.utwente.nl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cal048062.student.utwente.nl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- Could anyone tell me how I should configure Lightwave 4.0 to render a scene
- with multiple processors with my local Windows95 network???
- I read something about it a few days before in this newsgroup, but now I can't
- get the article anymore.
- Article: 16446
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!netserv.com!pagesat.net!cg57.esnet.com!torment!mad
- From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Best of LightWave Pro
- Message-ID: <mad.662l@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Date: 9 Apr 96 14:44:00 PST
- Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
- Lines: 38
- On Tue 9-Apr-1996 12:44a, Tony Lisanti wrote:
- TL> In message <4kagt6$mnm@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, gkeenan818@aol.com
- TL> (GKeenan818)
- TL> writes:
- TL> >I'm sorry of this question has appeared on here recently, but here goes
- TL> >anyway...
- TL> >
- TL> >Has anyone received their copy of The Best Of LightWave Pro yet? I
- TL> ordered
- TL> >four copies, and expected to get them at the end of December. My Visa
- TL> card
- TL> >got charged, but nothing appeared through the post. A quick telephone
- TL> call
- TL> >to AMG to find out what was going on and I was told that the printers had
- TL> >made a mistake (or something) and the book would be out around the end of
- TL> >March....
- TL> >
- TL> I was told that it would ship in april. I think they should really do
- TL> something for all of us who have been awaiting this package all this
- TL> time.. At
- TL> least a bonus book or CD or a discount coupon or something..
- TL> Tony
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- I tend to have to agree. I sent in my check way back in January, and then
- after waiting forever, I decided to give them a call to see what was up. I was
- told that basically it was to be shiped at the end of March, but then some
- sort of problems occured and it was for sure going to be shipped out around
- the second of April. So I guess I didn't really mind cuz I just thought that
- these things happen sometimes. But now, when you never hear from anyone on the
- deal and NO notes or we're sorries ever come, well then I really begin to
- wonder........WHAT'S UP?
- ..........................md
- Article: 16447
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.mathworks.com!netserv.com!pagesat.net!cg57.esnet.com!torment!mad
- From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Is it true?
- Message-ID: <mad.6630@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Date: 9 Apr 96 15:02:00 PST
- Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
- Lines: 54
- On Tue 9-Apr-1996 12:10a, leimberger wrote:
- l> In article <mad.63km@torment.tmisnet.com>, mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark
- l> Dunakin) writes:
- l>l> |>
- l> |>Is it true? I so far am unable to find a way to mirror my surface maps
- l> on
- l> |>objects. I'm going to dig through my manuals and books again to see, but
- l> as
- l> |>far as I can tell, the only way to do this is to make your textures to
- l> have
- l> |>matching edges first in a paint program before you map them onto any
- l> object.
- l> |>And then I was reviewing the Ron Thorton video tape on textures and he
- l> said
- l> |>that whenever you are going to have a texture wrap around and meet
- l> itself,
- l> |>that you need to make sure that the edges are the same, so as to not
- l> leave a
- l> |>seam. Of course this all makes plenty of sence, but I would have thought
- l> that
- l> |>an awesome program like LW would have a mirroring setting like in Strata
- l> or
- l> |>for that matter, practically any other 3D program that I can think of.
- l> |>
- l> |>So, please if anyone knows of such a way to do this, "mirroring", of
- l> textures
- l> |>then could you let me know. It really sucks having to go and crop, clip,
- l> and
- l> |>paste all of everyone of my textures just to make them "appear" to be
- l> |>seamless........
- l> |>
- l> |>TIA..............md :)
- l> |>
- l> Imagine, I believed had a mirror option. regardless though if you want a
- l> seamless texture then I believe you need a seamless image map. I know
- l> other
- l> programs also require seamless images. If you load an image map apply
- l> it in a surface without autosizing it you will get a repetitive series
- l> of images layed out in a tile format. If the image is not made to be
- l> seamless then I think you will notice it regardless of the program.
- l> developing seamless maps for 3D has always been a problem.
- l> -bill
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- Well, I have Strata on the Mac and in that program all you have to do is
- select "mirror" as your tiling. Strata then goes and just does a simple
- flip-flop around with the texture so as to make it at least "appear" to be
- seamless. I know of course that it still wouldn't be a seamless like if you
- were to use a fractal or something, but it still comes of pretty darn good.
- I just guess I can't see what the big deal is, that LW can't put a feature
- like this in........It's really not that big of a thing to do......:(
- md
- Article: 16448
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.mathworks.com!netserv.com!pagesat.net!cg57.esnet.com!torment!mad
- From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Snaking Objects
- Message-ID: <mad.6637@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Date: 9 Apr 96 15:22:59 PST
- Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
- Lines: 13
- On Tue 9-Apr-1996 3:57a, Sam Marrocco wrote:
- SM> I've pinned objects to paths in layout before, but is it possible to
- SM> "automatically" snake an object along a motion path, thereby bending to
- SM> object to the path as it moves along it?
- -----------------
- I think that first:
- you'd need to string some bones cilded to the next and so on.
- then just have each one use the same path, and since each one would be
- placed in a slightly different position along the path, then it would
- make sence to me that it would allow the object to freely bend along
- with the shape of the path. That is provided that you first did a few
- subdevides on the object in question.
- ..........md :)
- Article: 16449
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Dongle Failure
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 20:26:19 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 13
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kev7b$7d6@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <3169C446.3D7@ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- I don't want to start another discussion on the pro's and con's of using a
- 'cracked' version of LightWave, even though I do understand some peoples
- points of view on the matter.
- Even so, my distributor has informed me (I am a dealer by the way) that
- the amount of faulty dongles being returned is increasing at an alarming
- rate. I am told that the turnaround on getting a new dongle is around 2
- months, and if this is the case I can guarantee you that I am going to be
- rather annoyed....
- Once again, I am waiting for some feedback from NewTek on this matter and
- another day has went by......
- Article: 16450
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Best of LightWave Pro
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 20:26:29 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 22
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kev7l$7dg@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <960302014214454@FrontierTech.COM>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- In article <960302014214454@FrontierTech.COM>, tlisanti@earth.planet.net
- (Tony Lisanti) writes:
- > I was told that it would ship in april. I think they should really do
- >something for all of us who have been awaiting this package all this
- time..
- >At
- >least a bonus book or CD or a discount coupon or something..
- >
- >Tony
- Considering that THEY are earning INTEREST on MY money, why should I
- accept a voucher for something?
- For anyone interested, they should read Video Toaster User Issue April/May
- 93 under the Toaster Talk Editorial section. The article does appear to
- reflect this current situation.....
- If I am to get anything from them, it would have to be THEM paying for the
- IMPORT DUTY I am going to have to pay WHEN/IF it arrives.
- Article: 16451
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!gt-news!prism!prism!not-for-mail
- From: ccasttt@prism.gatech.edu (Taka Torimoto)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: What is "Phoenix"?? (was Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB)
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 20:51:51 -0400
- Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <4kf0n7$mdp@acmez.gatech.edu>
- References: <19960409.7983618.E1F2@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: acmez-prism.gatech.edu
- >This early "PC Toasterlink" should not be confused with the "Video Toaster for
- >Windows", which is progressing well, with a number of changes to account for
- >current progress in the state of video technology, nor with "Phoenix", which
- >is something else entirely, and is also progressing well.
- What exactly is the "Phoenix"? Did I miss something?
- -taka
- --
- Takahito "Taka" Torimoto Sound Illusions Multimedia Studios ///
- Georgia Institute of Technology Flocking Sheep Productions __ ///
- Electrical/Computer Engineering Senior http://www.gatech.edu/taka \\\///
- "tabula rasa? que pasa? green pasta?" --'--,--(@ Team AMIGA \XX/
- Article: 16452
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 21:27:44 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 46
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kf2qg$93k@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kebv8$gg2@guitar.sound.net>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Well, I'm glad Chuck and Jason clarified what I'd already clarified...
- I still don't believe things are progressing well on PC Toaster. The
- 'development team' has thinned out a lot, and NewTek lost people like
- Marty - who wouldn't come back even when offered more money. Last year at
- NAB, 'Traz people SWORE it would be out in a few months ....or by the end
- of the year at the latest.
- I was shocked when I (mistakenly) thought that the '95 NAB was a complete
- sham - it was not a complete sham, but just a partial sham.
- It was a thrown together product with many unanswered questions. Worst of
- all, it was thrown together because Tim Jenison's ego doesn't allow him to
- focus on LightWave ; a great product that he didn't invent. Instead, Tim
- has wasted time and resources working on things like 'Digiview For
- Windows' (trying to beat Play's Snappy) or pitching people on fake
- products like 'Pocket Trout' or watching Dwight pull bad reviews of the
- Flyer from national magazines.
- Ever wonder why NewTek took so long to unbundle LightWave from the
- Toaster? Jim Plant and I had made the suggestion about 3 and 1/2 years
- ago, and Tim told us that 'the PC is dead' Did you notice that it wasn't
- until -after- Paul Montgomery and the others left that LightWave became a
- stand-alone product? This seems strange, because the Play people say they
- left because Tim wouldn't move to other platforms...but as soon as they
- leave, he moves to other platforms...why this paradox?
- Ever wonder why the Flyer only had a storyboard view, not a timeline?
- There were arguments for months and months in Traz - and Tim would never
- budge an inch.....until
- Paul and company left?
- Well - sadly for me, frankly - I found out the answer a few weeks ago,
- straight from Tim. The truth is ugly and it's personal and it's almost
- unbelievable....but Tim's insecurity and jealousy have made him make some
- horrible business and engineering (and personal, actually ) decisions.
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16453
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.MediaCity.com!dot
- From: brett@renderhaus.com (Brett Tribble)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: New feature/Wish
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 96 01:53:31 GMT
- Organization: MediaCity World http://www.mediacity.com
- Lines: 16
- Message-ID: <4kf3fp$149@easy2.mediacity.com>
- References: <4kbes6$sco@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kbhd8$t7e@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kc12v$pph@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: easy3.mediacity.com
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <4kc12v$pph@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com>, wmendez@ix.netcom.com(William A. Mendez ) wrote:
- >Hello,
- >
- >Is there a way to control the glow for seperate objects in a scene, I
- >don't see any other way than in the effects panel.
- >
- >If not can an evelope feature be added to the surfaces panel next to
- >glow that way each surface has it's own glow attribute.
- >
- >Thanks!
- >Will Mendez
- No their isn't, and that really sucks! Also, glows dissapear if a glowing
- object moves behind a transparent one.
- Brett
- Article: 16454
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 22:04:34 -0400
- Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <316B1732.9FB@pilot.msu.edu>
- References: <N.040996.003129.60@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <4kep92$5bc@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cnc045209.concentric.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- VirtualBri wrote:
- > Allen and Stuart needs to respond to the competition's advances with
- > advances of their own. Shaded, OpenGl layout and modeler, and improved IK
- > are not going to do it, since that's what everyone *expects* as the norm
- > for programs nowdays anyway.
- I really really want some form of NURBS to be included in LW 5.0. Metaform is an ok
- substitute but some things are done more efficiently w/ NURBS.
- --
- Bryant Reif
- mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- Article: 16455
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW 4.0 upgrade for amiga/toaster?
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 22:28:16 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 19
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kf6c0$asp@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <19960409.7727F58.EE6D@bbs.newtek.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- If you aren't eligible for the free update, call any dealer who carries
- NewTek
- products, to purchase the update. Suggested retail is $549, installation
- requires a CD-ROM drive.
- ------------------
- There's no non-CD-Rom installation?
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16456
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!news.unimelb.EDU.AU!inferno.mpx.com.au!news.mel.aone.net.au!ur002968
- From: imagine@h130.aone.net.au (Kevin Gleeson)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 95 InterFace for NT ! (NT4 kicks bottom)
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 96 02:19:13 GMT
- Organization: Imagine It
- Lines: 44
- Message-ID: <4kf5n4$7mt@news.mel.aone.net.au>
- References: <3158CD73.44E2@cyberportal.net> <Doy6DF.Kxs@cix.compulink.co.uk> <4jctqq$61l@news.paonline.com> <4jej2a$dom@voyager.iii.org.tw> <zimmerma.5.0007DFFA@chapman.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d49-1.cpe.hobart.aone.net.au
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <zimmerma.5.0007DFFA@chapman.edu>, zimmerma@chapman.edu (Dan Zimmerman) wrote:
- >In article <4jej2a$dom@voyager.iii.org.tw> dan@acti.com (Daniel J. McCoy)
- > writes:
- >>From: dan@acti.com (Daniel J. McCoy)
- >>Subject: Re: 95 InterFace for NT ! (NT4 kicks bottom)
- >>Date: Thu, 28 Mar 96 17:54:54 GMT
- >
- >
- >>I've got a P133 with a Perception card running NT 4.0 beta 1. The only thing
- >>I can't do is create new projects within the PVR software itself nor can I
- >>render directly to it. But it plays back just fine. :)
- >
- >How do you open files in the PVR under the new shell? I can't open the file
- >requester at all. Anybody else experiencing that?
- >dan
- The PVR is trying to directly open the older file requester but can't find it,
- so it doesn't open any file requester.
- I queried DPS' tech support about the problem but their reply was that as the
- newshell is Beta software they will not support it until it is released.
- Considering that this is the only problem I have encountered under beta 4.0, I
- thought they might make the effort for this one little change.
- There are a hell of a lot of people using the newshell and I doubt whether the
- file requester will change for release as it already looks identical to 95.
- I know it isn't a good idea to make changes to match Beta versions in case
- they change again upon release, but how about it DPS? Please? Just one little
- change. I'd won't go back to the old shell and have to jump out to Win95 to
- open .ply files, etc.
- Cheers
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Kevin Gleeson
- Imagine It
- 3D animation and graphics
- Hobart
- Tasmania
- Australia
- The Librarian Rules! - OOOK!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Article: 16457
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!dobie.loop.com!news
- From: spader@idt.com (Spader)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95,alt.2600,alt.26
- Subject: Re: HOW TO DO A BATCH HTTP FILE DOWNLOAD hybridv=putz
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 02:59:59 GMT
- Organization: The Loop
- Lines: 88
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <316b223b.2944025@nntp.loop.com>
- References: <315df4e7.30083078@nntp.loop.com> <31601c49.6539557@news.compuserve.com> <316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com> <3161a179.438764@news.earthlink.net> <4k5bvp$d28@usenet7.interramp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pma77.loop.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.168
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34087 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16457 comp.graphics.apps.photoshop:13511 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14459 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x:1407 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95:7799 alt.26
- On Sat, 06 Apr 1996 09:01:10 GMT, BOXHOLDER@OCCUPANT.FedEx.net
- (Boxholder) wrote:
- >On Tue, 02 Apr 1996 21:54:41 GMT, hybridv, hybridv wrote:
- >
- >>On Tue, 02 Apr 1996 12:48:53 -0800, "Frank O. Schaefer"
- >><psycho@europeonline.com> wrote:
- >>
- >>>Rascal wrote:
- >>>>
- >>>> On Sun, 31 Mar 1996 03:04:36 GMT, spader@idt.com (Spader) wrote:
- >>>>
- >>>> >Ever want to just leave your computer to download 5 files? Now you
- >>>> >can (you can download as many files as you want, one by one)!!
- >>>> >
- >>>> >Visit:
- >>>> >
- >>>> >http://www.loop.com/~maeder/
- >>>> >
- >>>> >
- >>>> >Your Welcome,
- >>>> >
- >>>> >Spader
- >>>> If you use WIN95 you can download multipule files.
- >>>> M-U-L-T-I-T-A-S-K-I-N-G!!!!!!!
- >>>
- EXCUSE ME! I DO run Windows 95. What if you want to download 15
- files from http sites and use a 28.8 baud modem? What are you going
- to do when you start downloading them all at the same time and come
- back later only to find that they all STOPPED downloading? And, BTW,
- Windows 95 is awesome at multi-tasking, and NT is even better!
- >>>If you haven't already noticed:
- >>>Win95 does not do real multitasking Win95 is pure SHIT !
- >>>You should use a real multitasking environment instead !
- >>>And if your on a PC the only thing for YOU is OS/2 !!
- OS/2 sucks SHIT! The GUI is so annoying and there's NO SOFTWARE for
- it! Shut up you dumbass, Windows 95 kicks OS/2s ass any day...
- >>>--
- >>>THE DARK SITE - Psycho's Hompepage...
- >>>http://www-city.europeonline.com/cyberhome/psycho/home.htm
- >>
- >>
- >>shut the FUCK up loser... Win95 Does better multitasking then os/2 by
- >>far obviously you have either a shitty computer or you just suck...
- >>
- All right, my brother!
- >>i can run 3d studio, 2 versions of netscape, 2 versions of agent, and
- >>adobe premiere 4.2 all at the same time with no noticble slow down or
- >>crashes... therefor you dont know how to fucking setup your computer
- >>or your just a dumbass...
- >>
- (i'd go for the dumbass idea...)
- >>HybridV
- >>
- >NO, I say again, NO WAY does WIN95 do "Multi-Tasking"! There is but
- >one processor and it is working on one program at a time!
- >
- What, did IBM find some way to do "true" multi-tasking on one
- processor with OS/2? NO...
- >You may seem to be running a bunch of programs, but all you are doing
- >is splitting the clock cycles. Granted the Pxxx chip does the execute
- >shuffel rather fast so one would hardly notice the it is only working
- >on one executaable program at a time. BUT, it is doing just that "one
- >at a time". Unless you have a multi processor (eg a dual or quad
- >pentium) you are not and never will do multi tasking. It just aint
- >possible for one processor to think about two programs at once.
- >
- >The first popular multiprocessing computer was the CDC 6400 in the mid
- >to late 1960's and damn few places could afford one. It did have a
- >large redundant system of processors feeding off a single controll
- >processor. capable of running 22+ printers, 16 tape drives, 16 disk
- >pak units 4 7foot diameter 32 platter disk units, 200 telex hookups
- >and a few dozen card reader and other input mediums. that my little
- >twit is multitasking.
- >
- >What you are refering so proudly to is job switching. - - - So who is
- >the fucking ass hole here ??? Me thinks it is you fart face. Your
- >talking about things you only wish you knew. Try going to school in
- >stead of playing in sme chat room trying to impress the teeny bopper
- >jail bait.
- >
- >And yea I was writing in binary and octal before you were an evel
- >thought your father never should have carried out!
- "evel thought" huh? And you call yourself educ8ud? Another
- correction - Methinks. Just pointed out the extremely annoying shit
- here...
- Spader
- Article: 16458
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in1.uu.net!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 96 04:11:43 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <N.040996.211143.42@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- <4k51m5$qtk@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- <N.040996.010322.76@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <316A402C.572E@osu.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max7-la-ca-30.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34090 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16458 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14463
- On 4/9/96 3:47AM, in message <316A402C.572E@osu.edu>, Jeff Jasper
- <jasper.7@osu.edu> wrote:
- > > I think there are a lot of cool things in MAX, in fact, I thought they were
- > > cool way back when Lightwave introduced them.
- >
- > Yeah like full interactive rendering throughout the program, particles, IK
- > with
- > joint constraints, sound synch, unlimted object stacks, etc. Wait those are
- > not
- > yet features in Lightwave that were introduced by MAX. It goes both ways you
- > see.
- >
- > Jeff
- >
- > PS-relax it's only software
- Nothing has been introduced by Max yet.
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 16459
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in1.uu.net!news.oz.net!news.wwa.com!news
- From: cjtsui <cjpost@wwa.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: New feature/Wish
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 22:02:47 -0700
- Organization: cjpost
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <316B40F7.406E@wwa.com>
- References: <4kbes6$sco@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kbhd8$t7e@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kc12v$pph@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com> <4kf3fp$149@easy2.mediacity.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pool5-053.wwa.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b6a (Win95; I)
- Brett Tribble wrote:
- >
- > In article <4kc12v$pph@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com>, wmendez@ix.netcom.com(William A. Mendez ) wrote:
- > >Hello,
- > >
- > >Is there a way to control the glow for seperate objects in a scene, I
- > >don't see any other way than in the effects panel.
- > >
- > >If not can an evelope feature be added to the surfaces panel next to
- > >glow that way each surface has it's own glow attribute.
- > >
- > >Thanks!
- > >Will Mendez
- >
- > No their isn't, and that really sucks! Also, glows dissapear if a glowing
- > object moves behind a transparent one.
- >
- > Brettalso, you can't raytrace glows
- Article: 16460
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!news.bconnex.net!grumpy.insinc.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
- From: Stephane Bastien <light@odyssee.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Who's going to NAB?
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 22:10:56 -0400
- Organization: Odyssee Internet
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <316B18B0.2699@odyssee.net>
- References: <31594530.68A1@ademco.com> <4jbsnj$bom@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <3163F76D.7A17@got.net> <31656BD5.6BBD@vvm.com>
- Reply-To: light@odyssee.net
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pool25_6.odyssee.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
- > 1: Fori Owurowa - "Keeper of the twisty box"
- > 2: Alan Chan - No honorary title as such..
- > 3: Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, Questar Productions. "The obligatory Noble Gas"
- > 4: Simon Blackledge ,transmission 3d ,based in the uk
- > 5: Mark (Habanero-Jones) Thompson
- > 6: Richard Garrison- WAVELENGTH---
- > 7: Ken Geary - Ademco -(article on Ademco in April issue of PC Graphics & Video)
- > 8: Brian "Can only stand to be there Monday" Tatosky, Equinox Images, Inc.
- > 9: Ace Miles - Who's tryin to find a flight in Tues & out Wed :(
- > 10:Paul Lara - "WaveRider" (VDO Productions)
- 11: Stephane Bastien, Telecine Multimedia inc. Montreal, Quebec.(just call me light)
- Article: 16461
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: temparts@bbs.newtek.com (Donald Cotnoir-strong)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX her
- Date: Tue, 9 Apr 96 23:34:07
- Organization: Temporal Arts
- Lines: 24
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960409.776AA28.14CE0@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- In a message dated 04-08-96 15-50 John Foust writes:
- JF> Why, because you think you couldn't use it to make $1,000 as a return
- JF> on your investment? I'm sure some people will buy it as an insurance
- JF> policy, just to "know" Max.
- But John, it's not just $1000--it's $1000 plus the time to overcome the
- learning curve. This can be quite substantial and not as easily made up
- as the purchase price alone.
- JF> Chance favors the prepared mind.
- Stop watching Steven Seagal movies.
- (D'Ohh! I hadn't intended to let that slip.)
- Don Cotnoir-Strong
- Temporal Arts
- 205-351-7326
- * Offline Orbit 0.72 *
- Article: 16462
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.wwa.com!news
- From: cjtsui <cjpost@wwa.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 22:42:59 -0700
- Organization: cjpost
- Lines: 32
- Message-ID: <316B4A63.5EB6@wwa.com>
- References: <4jufet$1l2@easy2.mediacity.com> <4juolr$oti@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- <4k51m5$qtk@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- <N.040996.010322.76@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <316A402C.572E@osu.edu> <N.040996.211143.42@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pool5-053.wwa.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b6a (Win95; I)
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34093 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16462 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14466
- fwtep@earthlink.net wrote:
- > >
- > > Yeah like full interactive rendering throughout the program, particles, IK
- > > with
- > > joint constraints, sound synch, unlimted object stacks, etc. Wait those are
- > > not
- > > yet features in Lightwave that were introduced by MAX. It goes both ways you
- > > see.
- > >
- > > Jeff
- > >
- > > PS-relax it's only software
- >
- > Nothing has been introduced by Max yet.
- > --
- > -=Fred=-
- joint constraints? that is in LW 4.0, in fact it was in the pre-release
- for the SGI version b4 the intel version came out.
- I believe sound sync is a plugin in Max, at least thats the impression I
- got when I played with it a month ago (when did you see it?).
- btw, that "etc" feature is still missing, damn. :)
- its not just software, its my mortgage payment
- Josh Tsui
- p.s. and yes, I initially raved about Max, but I've calmed down since
- then and have seen other things that makes me happy.
- Article: 16463
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Is it true?
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 01:15:26 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 5
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kfg5e$fde@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <mad.6630@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Mirrored surfaces look bad. Why would they want to make bad surfacing a
- specific feature?
- --Brian
- http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/
- http://members.aol.com/equinoxii/
- Article: 16464
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.ac.net!news.bconnex.net!grumpy.insinc.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
- From: Stephane Bastien <light@odyssee.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Who's going to NAB?
- Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 23:25:43 -0400
- Organization: Odyssee Internet
- Lines: 6
- Message-ID: <316B2A37.6BB9@odyssee.net>
- References: <31594530.68A1@ademco.com> <4jbsnj$bom@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <3163F76D.7A17@got.net> <31656BD5.6BBD@vvm.com> <316B18B0.2699@odyssee.net>
- Reply-To: light@odyssee.net
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pool9_2.odyssee.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
- How do I get an invitation to attend Newtek party at NAB?
- Email: light@odyssee.net
- Stephane Bastien
- Telecine Multimedia inc.
- Montreal, Quebec.
- Article: 16465
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: djm2984712@aol.com (DJM2984712)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 02:39:10 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 7
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kfl2e$h7g@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <19960409.7988D98.E441@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- In article <19960409.7988D98.E441@bbs.newtek.com>, chuck@bbs.newtek.com
- (Chuck Baker) writes:
- >Just a note: the "Toaster For Windows" and "Phoenix" are two different
- >things.
- OK, I'll bite since no one else seems to have done so. What is "Phoenix?"
- Article: 16466
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: djm2984712@aol.com (DJM2984712)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 02:42:14 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 32
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kfl86$h9a@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kf2qg$93k@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- In article <4kf2qg$93k@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, stranahan@aol.com
- (Stranahan) writes:
- >...Tim has wasted time and resources working on things like 'Digiview For
- >Windows' (trying to beat Play's Snappy) or pitching people on fake
- >products like 'Pocket Trout' or watching Dwight pull bad reviews of the
- >Flyer from national magazines.
- What is "Pocket Trout?" What is "Phoenix?" How does one get a magazine to
- pull an unfavorable review? We know how it's possible to get a favorable
- review pulled (at least from VTU, right Lee?) But assuming that it's even
- possible to pull a stunt like that with an independent magazine, why
- didn't they get the one pulled from the new DV?
- >Well - sadly for me, frankly - I found out the answer a few weeks ago,
- >straight from Tim. The truth is ugly and it's personal and it's almost
- >unbelievable....but Tim's insecurity and jealousy have made him make some
- >horrible business and engineering (and personal, actually ) decisions.
- As the Desktop Video World Turns...
- What exactly led to this confessional? Remorse? Pressure? Happy hour
- chit-chat?
- So, without spilling all the gory details, was Tim actually acknowledging
- that his insecurity & jealousy had led him to these poor decisions, or was
- he still in denial and simply stating the facts of the divorce?
- In other words, does Tim understand that he's insecure & jealous and that
- he's made bad decisions as a result? Or was this your interpretation of
- the events that he relayed to you? What are his plans, if any, to correct
- course, both personally and professionally? Therapy? Front office help?
- Article: 16467
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: ken4anim@aol.com (Ken4Anim)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Cyrix 6x86 and Lightwave?
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 02:56:54 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 4
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kfm3m$hfg@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: ken4anim@aol.com (Ken4Anim)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- I want something faster than my 486 to run Lightwave. I was planning on
- getting a Pentium 100, but for the same price I could get a Cyrix 6x86,
- which is supposed to be much faster. Does anyone know if it is compatible
- with Lightwave? Or how it performs running Lightwave in 3.1 or NT?
- Article: 16468
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!news.accessone.com!news
- From: jeric@accessone.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 07:01:38 GMT
- Organization: AccessOne
- Lines: 23
- Message-ID: <4kfmci$qij@news.accessone.com>
- References: <4kebv8$gg2@guitar.sound.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jeric.accessone.com
- X-Newsreader: SPRY News 3.03 (SPRY, Inc.)
- > Jason@newtek.com (Jason Linhart) writes:
- > Quite a few of you were at NAB last year and saw the box being held
- > above the heads of our demo people while it was playing video. The
- > box was not connected in any way to an Amiga. I think I even saw the
- > box with cover off at one time so that everyone could look inside to
- > see the hardware.
- >
- > I invite all of you that are going to NAB this year to stop by the
- > booth again and check out the products that we are showing.
- >
- > Jason Linhart
- Jason, you realize now that you'll HAVE to have all the cables out in
- the open and clearly marked or the mob will storm the castle, right?
- >8^)
- ******************************************************************************
- ** jeric@accessone.com | Synergy Graphix & Animation **
- ** Welcome to Seattle! Have a latte'! | Technical Subjects a Specialty!**
- ** Don't make me force it down your throat.| "OK! Wind the frog!" **
- Article: 16469
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!pipeline!not-for-mail
- From: justin@nyc.pipeline.com (Michael Justin Austin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,
- Subject: Re: Dongle Failure<<scared softimage dealer??
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 02:44:06 -0400
- Organization: Pipeline
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4kflbm$fpc@pipe10.nyc.pipeline.com>
- References: <4kev7b$7d6@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pipe10.nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeUser: justin
- X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeGCOS: (Michael Austin)
- X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
- On Apr 09, 1996 20:26:19 in article <Re: Dongle Failure>,
- 'gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)' wrote:
- >I don't want to start another discussion on the pro's and con's of using a
- >'cracked' version of LightWave, even though I do understand some peoples
- >points of view on the matter.
- >
- >Even so, my distributor has informed me (I am a dealer by the way) that
- >the amount of faulty dongles being returned is increasing at an alarming
- >rate. I am told that the turnaround on getting a new dongle is around 2
- >months, and if this is the case I can guarantee you that I am going to be
- >rather annoyed....
- >
- >Once again, I am waiting for some feedback from NewTek on this matter and
- >another day has went by......
- >
- Article: 16470
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.flinet.com!not-for-mail
- From: d-nomad@flinet.com (The Digital Nomad)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Frames Per Second?
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 07:24:30 GMT
- Organization: Florida Internet
- Lines: 23
- Message-ID: <4kfnne$n1p@news.flinet.com>
- References: <mad.5y7s@torment.tmisnet.com> <4k43o1$rcu@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ns1.flinet.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
- David Hopkins (lthouse@primenet.com) wrote:
- : Actually, I believe you meant SCALE, now SHIFT. Of course, a scale of 2 would
- : make an animation setup at 30 fps take 60 fps, a scale of .5 would make it 15
- : fps...
- :
- Oh, gawd....if you SCALE it by 2 and you had 30 frames you would get
- 60frames...not FRAMES/SEC(that's up to your anim player)
- SCALE scales the _number_ of frames, other than that it does not affect time
- in any way.
- --
- ************THIS IS A FREE SPEECH ZONE*********************
- In defiance of the Communications Decency Act, I refuse to self-censor
- the content of my e-mail, my online postings, and my Web pages. I urge
- others to declare their online communications FREE SPEECH ZONES and to
- fight any attempts at regulating and "dumbing down" the Internet. The Net
- is not a playground for the government. Let's keep it that way! For more
- information about free speech on the Internet, see
- http://www.eff.org/blueribbon.html.
- Eric Haddix(d-nomad@flinet.com) http://www.flinet.com/~d-nomad
- ************THIS IS A FREE SPEECH ZONE**********************
- Article: 16471
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.dacom.co.kr!news.uoregon.edu!news.islandnet.com!news.islandnet.com!not-for-mail
- From: dretch@islandnet.com (Christopher Stewart)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: My LW 4 Rev C keeps crashing
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 20:40:54 -0700
- Organization: Island Net in Victoria, B.C. Canada
- Lines: 43
- Message-ID: <4kfak6$3rf@islandnet.com>
- References: <4kcqa8$grn@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: islandnet.com
- In a message dated 9 Apr 1996 00:50:16 mhardi2720@aol.com writes:
- M> My Lightwave 4.0 rev. C on Win95 keeps getting some memory page fault and
- M> kicks me out. This only happens under certain (and repetitive)
- M> conditions. I have a scene that I created that it refuses to render. I
- M> know its not the best looking animation, but does my PC have to crash
- M> it!!?!
- M> The same has happened under the Modeler when I used certain Truetype
- M> fonts. What the hell is going on? Is it Lightwave or Win95 that is the
- M> problem?
- I'm in the same boat as far as Layout crashes. What elements are in
- your scene? I'm trying to narrow it down. Mine crashes while initializing
- the second frame (I DO get # 1 and I can single-render every other frame, I
- just can't press the "automatic" button). This only happens in one of my
- scenes with:
- - Glow effect behind multiple layers of transparency with moving fractal
- noise.
- - 16 objects with 8571 polys
- - 16 meg ram, Intel 4.0C, Win95
- - Lots of textured surfaces.
- Horribly annoying as I have to be present to initialize each and every
- frame.....
- Christopher
- ps. Can anybody pop NewTek's bug report email address to me? Page seems down.
- **********************************************
- Primordial * Christopher Stewart dretch@islandnet.com * Graphics
- Soup * http://primordial.victoria.bc.ca/ * WWW
- Animation * Home of the Lightwave 3D Search Engine * Training
- **********************************************
- * Offline Orbit 0.73c *
- Article: 16472
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.dacom.co.kr!news.uoregon.edu!news.islandnet.com!news.islandnet.com!not-for-mail
- From: dretch@islandnet.com (Christopher Stewart)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Snaking Objects
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 20:41:16 -0700
- Organization: Island Net in Victoria, B.C. Canada
- Lines: 22
- Message-ID: <4kfaks$3u0@islandnet.com>
- References: <4kcn6r$hoc@server3.mich.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: islandnet.com
- In a message dated 9 Apr 1996 03:57:15 marrocco@mich.com writes:
- M> I've pinned objects to paths in layout before, but is it possible to
- M> "automatically" snake an object along a motion path, thereby bending to
- M> object to the path as it moves along it?
- Not automatically. I grabbed a copy of Imagine 3.0 off a UK magazine
- coverdisk, imported the object via Interchange +, rendered the sequence
- in Imagine and composited it into Lightwave. Only glitch was the lack
- of an alpha in Imagine. I just re-rendered the scene to fake it....
- Christopher
- **********************************************
- Primordial * Christopher Stewart dretch@islandnet.com * Graphics
- Soup * http://primordial.victoria.bc.ca/ * WWW
- Animation * Home of the Lightwave 3D Search Engine * Training
- **********************************************
- * Offline Orbit 0.73c *
- Article: 16473
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.dacom.co.kr!news.uoregon.edu!news.islandnet.com!news.islandnet.com!not-for-mail
- From: dretch@islandnet.com (Christopher Stewart)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: New feature/Wish
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 00:19:09 -0700
- Organization: Island Net in Victoria, B.C. Canada
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <4kfndd$m1o@islandnet.com>
- References: <4kbes6$sco@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kbhd8$t7e@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kc12v$pph@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com> <4kf3fp$149@easy2.mediacity.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: islandnet.com
- In a message dated Wed, 10 Apr 96 01:53 brett@renderhaus.com writes:
- B> No their isn't, and that really sucks! Also, glows dissapear if a glowing
- B> object moves behind a transparent one.
- Ummmm. I have a "glowing" grate with transparency mapped smoke pouring
- out of it. Seems to work fine for me.
- Christopher
- **********************************************
- Primordial * Christopher Stewart dretch@islandnet.com * Graphics
- Soup * http://primordial.victoria.bc.ca/ * WWW
- Animation * Home of the Lightwave 3D Search Engine * Training
- **********************************************
- * Offline Orbit 0.73c *
- Article: 16474
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsfeeder.servtech.com!news1.io.org!not-for-mail
- From: dlang@zot.io.org (Derek Lang)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: GVP phone pak questions
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 03:26:33 -0400
- Organization: Internex Online (shell.io.org), Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Lines: 28
- Message-ID: <4kfnr9$kd3@zot.io.org>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: zot.io.org
- This message is primarily to any Amiga users out there...
- An idea struck me as I was washing dishes the other day (okay maybe I
- wasn't washing the dishes :-> but it sounded like a good opener).
- I would like to create an Arexx script that uses the GVP phone Pack so
- that when I'm away from my computer I can call it up and punch in some
- seceret number and get the Amiga to blab back what frame it's rendering.
- I don't have a phone pak device so I don't know if this is entirely
- possible. Someone told me that the Phone Pak uses the Narrator device
- and that it is Arexx-able.
- So here's some questions...
- 1. Does the GVP Phone Pak work under WB3.0?
- 2. How much memory does the voice mail software take up?
- 3. How Arexx-able is it?
- 4. Can it still be bought from somewhere?
- Is there another way of doing this without the GVP phone pak?
- Derek<<<<<
- --
- Derek Lang | "I want him in the games until he dies playing." - MCP
- Toronto, Ontario |--------------------------------------------------------
- Canada | WebPage-O-Fun --> http://www.io.org/~dlang
- Article: 16475
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: kthlango@aol.com (Kth Lango)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 03:37:51 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 15
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kfogf$hpk@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kafio$md1@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: kthlango@aol.com (Kth Lango)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- >>> It looks to me like NewTek MAY be announcing a Mac (& Sun) version at
- this
- NAB....
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- <<<<<
- Well, I for one am intersted in this. I've got several Macs and no PC, but
- have learned Lightwave thoroughly (long story, don't ask..). My only fear
- is that it would take NewTek 15 months to get it out like the PC version.
- Keith
- Article: 16476
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 03:38:39 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 34
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kfohv$hq4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kfl86$h9a@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- -------------------
- What exactly led to this confessional? Remorse? Pressure? Happy hour
- chit-chat?
- -----------------------------------
- What led to this? A couple of things. The last conversation I had with Tim
- has been eating at me....I used to admire Tim. Because of that last
- conversation, I don't anymore. That sucks, it really does - I miss that,
- but....
- As weird as it may seem, the Tim and Paul split has echoes that exist to
- this day. NewTek employees slander Paul Montgomery on a regular basis,
- without knowing Tim's real issue with Paul. Sometimes it is overt - like a
- note Brad Peebler sent someone accusing Paul of 'robbing' Tim. This is
- totally false, and it is legal slander. Sometimes it's subtle - like Brad
- Peebler (coincidently, again) saying in a post on this group that the
- 'Balls' ad has had better response than any other ad. When I challenged
- this, Brad said that NewTek didn't used to track those things and it's
- good they do now - the implication being that 'old' NewTek was that much
- of a mess. Well, bullshit - I was there....the Revolution tape got a HUGE
- response, and they knew how many calls came in every day. There are many
- other examples of this sort of crap...and now that I know that real story
- behind the Tim & Paul split, they REALLY piss me off...nobody at NewTek
- has a -clue- about what really happened. Not yet, anyway...
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16477
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.cinenet.net!ppp86.cinenet.net!user
- From: astromal@cinenet.net (Victor Osaka)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: LTWV Tips Incorporated
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 00:48:21 +0100
- Organization: Cinenet Communications,Internet Access,Los Angeles;310-301-4500
- Lines: 10
- Message-ID: <astromal-1004960048210001@ppp86.cinenet.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp86.cinenet.net
- How many ways can you create excellent tire treads in LW? Here is one. Any
- others?
- 1. Model a basic tire shape with the tread surface named "tread." Create a
- "higher" res. image (map with correct aspect ratio!) 256 color. Create a
- bump map from this image in 2 bits. Create a diffusion map (256 color
- grey) detailing the contact surface of the tread.
- Apply these to the tire surface in layout. Adjust your specularity and
- render. Besure the tire's outer surface has ample polygons so the object's
- edges look smooth.
- 2.
- Article: 16478
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 03:49:51 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 10
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kfp6v$i0t@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kfogf$hpk@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- I'd be interested, too - Apple and Sun are mentioned on NewTek's invite..
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- A NEW tape/CD-ROM from the Stranahan Brothers is coming SOON!
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Article: 16479
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.zeitgeist.net!news.pixi.com!usenet
- From: melorama@pixi.com (Mel Matsuoka)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Auto-tracing bitmaps into vector format?
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 06:18:34 GMT
- Organization: Pacific Information eXchange, Inc.
- Lines: 27
- Message-ID: <316b51fe.65448410@news.pixi.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: gorgax00.pixi.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99c/16.141
- Are there any programs for Windows that can autotrace bitmapped
- logos and convert them into a vector format? I have used Pixel3D on
- the amiga for years, and would like a similar utility for the PC as
- well.
- - --
- mel matsuoka <melorama@pixi.com>
- Editor/Digital Media Specialist
- Hawaiian Image Video Productions
- PGP public-key available on all internet keyservers
- - --
- Version: 2.6.2
- iQCVAwUBMWtgwHZ57SRYjejdAQHxCAP/TGdfJeqEdhNKuZjVYoveUusRFJrDivoe
- u/86iFdXrSzhcMxdJjDu8VKV6rbbmHDOYAW0s6Tt0saHG5zgSmOva3rLBGWAhmlx
- e8vhUlK8d4Wb7pjA+vZekyNqpT2IIvAf7pF3G0GRRwBnvhpd4F2t1pS9lq2EWulB
- i87ffCCfcKA=
- =qdXp
- Article: 16480
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.ultranet.com!usenet
- From: Jason Andreas <jason.andreas@online.ultranet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VTU says new LW will be shown at NAB
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 03:38:37 -0400
- Organization: illipse Inc.
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <316B657D.48E6@online.ultranet.com>
- References: <19960409.7983618.E1F2@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: col245.acol.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB1 (Win95; I)
- Chuck Baker wrote:
- >
- > On Mon 8-Apr-1996 15:46 , John Foust wrote:
- > blah, blah, blah
- >
- >> To clarify for those who aren't aware of the history, John Foust, who has done
- >> a whole lot for NewTek over the years, some acknowledged and some not, did the
- >> programming for a PC "ToasterLink" type product, which was simply a PC hooked
- >> via serial connect to a "Video Toaster", really a complete Amiga system
- >> equipped with a Video Toaster and our patented "Hide-That-Commodore-Logo"
- >> stick-on label. Our product team did not follow through on bringing the
- >> product to release. We did release the SCSI-based Mac-To-(Whups, don't let
- >> 'em find out it's an Amiga!)Video Toaster version of ToasterLink.
- Slight correction;
- The original "Hide-That-Commodore-Logo" patent #5,426,469 was issued to
- the University Of Lowell, Interactive Media Group. The inventors were
- Richard Miner and John Rutledge for their Sun X11/Motif based
- VideoToaster. :)
- Article: 16481
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!decwrl!amd!netcomsv!uu4news.netcom.com!netcomsv!uu3news.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: bman2@ix.netcom.com(Brenden Mecleary )
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Whoa! LW 5.0?!
- Date: 9 Apr 1996 23:06:22 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 10
- Message-ID: <4keqhe$d6s@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: esc-ca3-12.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Tue Apr 09 6:06:22 PM CDT 1996
- I just got my issue of 3D Design (great mag, BTW. Not enough LW
- coverage though) and I was flipping through, when a few pages in, I saw
- a really cool robot graphic. Of course, it was LW. In fact, it was a
- Newtek ad! At the top, there was: "Lightwave 3D" and the subtitle
- "Five Point Zero". Does this mean there's a LW 5.0 in the near future?
- What's up?
- Brenden Mecleary
- bman2@ix.netcom.com
- Article: 16482
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!surfnet.nl!news.nic.utwente.nl!news
- From: h.hazenberg@student.utwente.nl (Hank)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: HOW TO USE SNRENDER WITH WIN95???????
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 10:02:26 GMT
- Organization: Hank-Automation
- Lines: 7
- Message-ID: <4kg0vi$4ad@dinkel.civ.utwente.nl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cal048062.student.utwente.nl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- Hi,
- Could someone tell me how to render with multiple processors using Screamernet
- on my local Windows95 network????
- Thanxx, HANK ;)
- Article: 16483
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!uunet.ca!news.uunet.ca!apollo.isisnet.com!news
- From: aperusse@animax.com (Andre Perusse)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Modeler stops to work !!!
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 11:45:41 GMT
- Organization: Animax Multimedia, Inc.
- Lines: 39
- Message-ID: <4kg70t$2vc@apollo.isisnet.com>
- References: <4k9i2p$4af@bagan.srce.hr>
- Reply-To: aperusse@animax.com
- NNTP-Posting-Host: hfx-p39.isisnet.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- dinko.cepak@zg.tel.hr (Dinko Cepak) wrote:
- > Hi there !!!
- >
- > Something strage just happend to me .........
- > Today i have started my machine and Modeler won`t work any more
- > Everything seams O.K. yesterday but today when i started Modeler it
- > appears only for few moments and than pops out ( like there is no
- > dongle ) but Lightwave works good........Any suggestions or help
- > on this.............I have tried to reinstall software but that did
- > not help ..........Than i have moved all to second machine and same
- > there.......All that is hapening on P5-133 under NT 3.51.......(also
- > same thing with Modeler rev. 4.0b , 4.0c and 4.0d).............
- >One more thing....who can i conntact if my dongle get screwd (but if
- >that is truth how can Lightwawe and screamernet still work ???)
- > Any help ?????
- >
- > Thanks
- I had this EXACT same problem this week. LightWave works but Modeler
- doesn't. It IS a Dongle problem (apparently only a certain part of the
- dongle is affected thus allowing LightWave to work but preventing
- Modeler from working), according to NewTek Tech Support and you have
- to send your dongle back to Newtek for repair.
- This is my second time around with faulty dongles. Because I live in
- Canada, I experience a down-time of about a week to 10 days. This is
- absolutely unacceptable and it is my opinion that NewTek had better
- review it's dongle policy before they start to lose paying customers.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- /\ndre Perusse - aperusse@animax.com
- ANIMAX MULTIMEDIA, INC. - Computer Animation & Multimedia Authoring
- Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. (902) 468-2629
- Visit our Web Site at: http://www.animax.com
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 16484
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!info.ucla.edu!galaxy.ucr.edu!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!news.unimelb.EDU.AU!inferno.mpx.com.au!news.mel.aone.net.au!ur002968
- From: imagine@h130.aone.net.au (Kevin Gleeson)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Who's going to NAB?
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 96 11:53:00 GMT
- Organization: Imagine It
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4kg7au$fhf@news.mel.aone.net.au>
- References: <31594530.68A1@ademco.com> <4jbsnj$bom@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <3163F76D.7A17@got.net> <31656BD5.6BBD@vvm.com> <316B18B0.2699@odyssee.net> <316B2A37.6BB9@odyssee.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d23-1.cpe.hobart.aone.net.au
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <316B2A37.6BB9@odyssee.net>, light@odyssee.net wrote:
- >How do I get an invitation to attend Newtek party at NAB?
- >Email: light@odyssee.net
- >
- >Stephane Bastien
- How do I get Newtek to pay my airfare to NAB? :-)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Kevin Gleeson
- Imagine It
- 3D animation and graphics
- Hobart
- Tasmania
- Australia
- The Librarian Rules! - OOOK!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Article: 16485
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsfeed.ACO.net!fuw.edu.pl!news.nask.org.pl!sunrise.pg.gda.pl!mug1.gumbeers.elka.pg.gda.pl!witas
- From: Witold Ci/zmowski <witas@gumbeers.elka.pg.gda.pl>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: objects & textures
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 12:58:09 +0200
- Organization: Politechnika Gdanska
- Lines: 22
- Message-ID: <Pine.ULT.3.91.960410125439.2136A-100000@mug1.gumbeers.elka.pg.gda.pl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: mug1.gumbeers.elka.pg.gda.pl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- Welcome!
- Where are (of course in Internet) objects & textures for LightWave (4.0),
- for example public ftp address (prefered WWW !).
- Please help me !
- I find documentation oand help for LW 4.0 - it is in ?
- Thanks...
- witaS
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~ Witold Cizmowski ~
- ~ Technical University of Gdansk ~
- ~ ------------------------------------ ~
- ~ e-mail: witas@gumbeers.elka.pg.gda.pl ~
- ~ www : http://www.gumbeers.elka.pg.gda.pl/~witas ~
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Article: 16486
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!btnet!zetnet.co.uk!usenet
- From: tran3d@zetnet.co.uk (Simon Blackledge)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Help with output to VHS required...
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 13:43:21 +0100
- Lines: 59
- Message-ID: <4kgbkh$1hh@irk.zetnet.co.uk>
- References: <4k3kov$dtl$1@mhade.production.compuserve.com> <4ke79s$vdj@irk.zetnet.co.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: victoria.zetnet.co.uk
- In message <4ke79s$vdj@irk.zetnet.co.uk>
- terry.hill@zetnet.co.uk (Terry Hill) writes:
- > In message <4k3kov$dtl$1@mhade.production.compuserve.com>
- > James Osborne <100706.3126@CompuServe.COM> writes:
- > > Hi!
- > > I have just completed the scene file for a pretty cool
- > > (BIG) animation (for my Demo Reel) but I now need some advice on
- > > how best to go about transferring this (and future anims) to VHS
- > > tape. I really need to keep the cost to a minimum (no surprise
- > > there).
- > > Anyhow I currently have a P120 with 32Mb, 1Gb IDE HD, and a
- > > Stealth GT 2mb Vram card. I guess I will need a big, fast (scsi
- > > AV?) HD and an output card of some kind.
- > > Has anybody got any ideas. The Fast F60 MJPEG card sounds okay
- > > but is this the only option?
- > There are a few options.
- > Firstly you could try to source a second hand card such as the par.
- > If you do have enough to but a new card then the new MIRO 20 is supposed
- > to be worth a look (i`m thinking of getting one myself).
- > There is always the option of asking someone else to do the recording for
- > you. Where are you based? - i`m sure there`s someone reading this in your
- > area who will do the job for a reasonable fee. I know of a company
- > in Devon, England that may help. AMT Multimedia +44 01271 326986.
- > Give them a ring and see what they say. Do you have access to any storage
- > media that you can send the anim on? If the anim is huge then you will
- > need to get a DAT drive or something similar, but check with the company
- > first. You`ll be amazed at what some companies will do to help out if
- > you explain yourself clearly.
- > I still think the second hand par is the best approach though.
- > Cheers,
- > --
- > Tel
- > terry.hill@zetnet.co.uk
- >
- i agree the par is a good bet ,i think the pvr might be a bit costly
- although it is amazing quality wise.
- Take note however that the PAR does not currently work under windows
- nt.Driver and software <same as pvr should be available shortly>
- This is a real pain as you have to render to system drive first:-{
- OH and i heard the miro dc series don`t support nt either.
- --
- tran3d@zetnet.co.uk
- Creators of Digital Visual Effects
- -----------------------------
- -------------------T.R.A.N.S.M.I.S.S.I.O.N--3D/AV---------------------------
- -----------------------------
- Web site in the works
- Article: 16487
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!lince.lander.es!news
- From: Ackman <jgago@lander.es>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW4.0 wont save to AVI?
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 13:19:03 GMT
- Organization: Lander Internet
- Lines: 41
- Message-ID: <4kgcg7$iuo@lince.lander.es>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp042.lander.es
- emperor2@micronet.fr (William Hamon) escribe:
- > In article <4ka9mg$knn@newshub.cts.com>, root@spacelink.com says...
- > >
- > >
- > > I'm using LW4.0 on a Pentium machine with 32MB ram and 3 GB disk
- > >under Win95. I've created an animation sequence which I am trying to
- > >render out to an .AVI file. I've gone to the OPTIONS menu and "Add
- > >plug-ins" selection. There, I selected "hiip\hiipsave" and received a
- > >message that the plug-in's were successfully added. next, I go to the
- > >'RECORD" menu and select "Save Animation", supply a filename and then
- > >select "HIip-avi16(.avi)" from the animation type selections. Next, I
- > >render. LW goes through the motions and actually renders my
- > >animation. HOWEVER, nothing is ever saved to disk.. anywhere.
- > >
- > >Any suggestions on why this doesn't work? Should this work? If not,
- > >what is the best way to generate an .AVI file of one's LW4.0
- > >animations?
- > >
- > >Thanks for any suggestions,
- > >-Jim
- > >
- >
- > Do you put the extension .avi at the end of your file name
- > (ex: anim01.AVI)?
- > If you don't, it doesn't save anything...
- > However, you can use HIip-avi32, it works perfectly!
- >
- > Bye! Ciao! Au revoir! Auf vieder sehen!
- >
- > [Emperor II...
- >
- Exactly to be able to save an Avi under win95, you need to extract the file
- avifil32.dll from the win95_08.cab and move it to windows/system directory
- and so replace the one installed by Lightwave ( who before took out the
- previous file ). Now you can save a AVI under win95, but as said above remember
- to put file.AVI extension too.
- This works sure............
- Ackman
- Article: 16488
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news.new-york.net!tzlink.j51.com!wuv
- From: viggy@j51.com (Mike & the Mrs.)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95,alt.2600,alt.26
- Subject: Re: HOW TO DO A BATCH HTTP FILE DOWNLOAD hybridv=putz
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 01:54:43 GMT
- Organization: TZ-Link, a public-access online community in Nyack, NY.
- Lines: 52
- Message-ID: <4kf4d3$5fv@tzlink.j51.com>
- References: <315df4e7.30083078@nntp.loop.com> <31601c49.6539557@news.compuserve.com> <316192B5.69BB@europeonline.com> <3161a179.438764@news.earthlink.net> <4k5bvp$d28@usenet7.interramp.com> <4k7mhu$h1s@hole.sdsu.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: wuv.j51.com
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #4
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:34105 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:16488 comp.graphics.apps.photoshop:13547 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:14471 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x:1416 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95:7824 alt.26
- }In article <4k5bvp$d28@usenet7.interramp.com>, boxholder@anon.pissy.fi wrote:
- }
- }>>>Win95 does not do real multitasking Win95 is pure SHIT !
- }>>>You should use a real multitasking environment instead !
- }>>>And if your on a PC the only thing for YOU is OS/2 !!
- }
- }>>>THE DARK SITE - Psycho's Hompepage...
- }
- }>>shut the FUCK up loser... Win95 Does better multitasking then os/2 by
- }>>far obviously you have either a shitty computer or you just suck...
- }
- }>>i can run 3d studio, 2 versions of netscape, 2 versions of agent, and
- }>>adobe premiere 4.2 all at the same time with no noticble slow down or
- }>>crashes... therefor you dont know how to fucking setup your computer
- }>>or your just a dumbass...
- }
- }>>HybridV
- }
- }>NO, I say again, NO WAY does WIN95 do "Multi-Tasking"! There is but
- }>one processor and it is working on one program at a time!
- }
- }>You may seem to be running a bunch of programs, but all you are doing
- }>is splitting the clock cycles. Granted the Pxxx chip does the execute
- }>shuffel rather fast so one would hardly notice the it is only working
- }>on one executaable program at a time. BUT, it is doing just that "one
- }>at a time". Unless you have a multi processor (eg a dual or quad
- }>pentium) you are not and never will do multi tasking. It just aint
- }>possible for one processor to think about two programs at once.
- }
- }blah blah blah....
- Uhh, just walking in on this thread, I would like to butt in with a few
- comments:
- 1) The phrases "Win95, OS/2, and MULTITASKING" should NOT be used in the SAME
- sentence!
- 2) The phrase MULTITASKING does not mean having more than ONE processor, a
- MULTI-THREADING OS uses more than one processor!
- 3) MULTITASKING is a property of the OS, NOT the hardware!
- Windows 3.X is virtual multitasking, in that the processor is 'time shared' by
- all of the currently running programs. In this situation, whatever program
- has control of the processor, it CANNOT be interruped. In other words, the
- computer is running only ONE program at any given time. In a multitasking OS,
- the OS controls the processor, and can (and will) interrupt programs that are
- being processed. The computer is running ALL programs currently running at
- any given time.
- If you guys check out an OS called Linux, try the command 'man ps'!
- Viggy
- Article: 16489
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!in-news.erinet.com!ddsw1!news.mcs.net!usenet
- From: sales@mt-inc.com (MicroTech)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: I screwed up, Help!
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 14:17:30 GMT
- Organization: MCSNet Internet Services
- Lines: 24
- Message-ID: <973.6674T452T420@mt-inc.com>
- References: <316A5FF9.26AD@UTK.EDU>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: mtinc.pr.mcs.net
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP)
- On 09-Apr-96 08:02:49, brad prosise (BPROSISE@UTK.EDU) posted:
- Re: deleting Win NT
- > before. AND I STILL GET THE DAMN SELECTION SCREEEN. I know this may be
- The OS selection screen is in a file called boot.ini in the root of your C:
- drive. You can edit it with a text editor and change the default boot
- preference to whatever you want, and change the 'countdown' as well.
- John Crookshank
- MicroTech
- --
- ______________________________________________________________
- / MicroTech Sales Staff | Raptor3 DEC Alpha Workstations \
- | MicroTech Solutions, Inc. | Lightwave 3D, Toaster/Flyer |
- | Desktop Video Systems Dealer | JVC Professional Video Products |
- | NewTek Systems Group Dealer | PVR, Speed Razor, Amiga Dealer |
- |------------------------------|---------------------------------|
- | sales@mt-inc.com http://www.mt-inc.com/ |
- \______________________________________________________________/
- Article: 16490
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox II)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NAB'96: Last Tango for LightWave?
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 10:18:37 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 17
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4kgfvt$lrr@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4kckqb$jep@news.accessone.com>
- Reply-To: equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox II)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- > This is a FALSE DICHOTOMY. For me, it is NOT an option to switch to Max
- >(not that I'm about to), unless there's some NEW competitive upgrade
- >program at Autodesk. Is there?
- Talk is that there will be, just as there *should* be a upgrade from 3DS
- to LightWave. It's not like it is some unbelievable possibility. Just
- about every competing program in graphics does it.
- >I swear, if that is not true, given the name of the thread and this mis-
- >leading post, that Autodesk is hiring agent provocateurs.
- Misleading post? Agent provacatuers? You drink too much latte my
- friend....
- --Brian
- Equinox Images, Inc.
- http://members.aol.com/equinoxii/
- Article: 16491
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!mr.net!news.mr.net!scream.ing.com!cyberoptics.com!usenet
- From: Nate Hayes <nhayes@cyberoptics.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: I screwed up, Help!
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 09:00:51 -0500
- Organization: CyberOptics Corp.
- Lines: 52
- Message-ID: <316BBF13.42F7@cyberoptics.com>
- References: <316A5FF9.26AD@UTK.EDU>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: vidhound.cyberoptics.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
- brad prosise wrote:
- >
- > I have been running LW 4.0 on my P90 with 16 megs of ram dual booting
- > win95 and winnt. Recently I had a big job that required more hard drive
- > space than I had so I used drivespace3 on my drives knowing that I would
- > invalidate windowNT in doing so. Now, I know a lot of you guys think
- > that NT is really great, but, on my machine it was really unstable (just
- > not enough ram) and not fully functional with my periferals. I only used
- > it for the slight speed increase in rendering time. So since the rev c
- > of lightwave is out and rendering with win 95 is more consistant with NT
- > I decided to drop NT alltogether. Well, NT does not take kindly to being
- > deleted. I think I have finally gotten rid of most of the gremlins but
- > one still hangs around to haunt me. Its that stupid winNT/dos selection
- > screen from the NT boot up dialogue. Now I had the 2 operating systems
- > on separate hard drives so when I deleted NT from 1 drive it only left
- > 95 to operate from on the other hard drive. I have even tried reloading
- > Win95 whic was also a mistake because it some how found an interupt
- > problem between my scsi zip and my parralel port backup that worked fine
- > before. AND I STILL GET THE DAMN SELECTION SCREEEN. I know this may be
- > somewhat offtopic and I may get flame but I have found that the more
- > knowledgable in the group are somewhat forgiving of us
- > psuedo-professional hobbyists. Thanks for any help you can give me.
- > --
- > Heaven is where the cooks are French, the lovers are Italian,
- > the police are English, the mechanics are all Germans, and the
- > whole thing is organized by the Swiss.
- > In hell, the cooks are all English, the lovers are Swiss, the police
- > are German, the mechanics are French, and the whole thing is run by
- > the Italians.
- >
- > Brad Prosise Visit my web site
- > the URL is - http://users.aol.com/bprosise/private/bike.htm
- hi brad,
- have no fear... i've gone thru the same trials and tribulations with
- WinNT (even though i *do* still like it better than Win95 <g>). there
- may be someone out there that knows a better solution than the one i'm
- about to give; if so, listen to them <g>!
- seriously, the "selection" menu you describe resides in the boot sector
- of your drive. the only way that i know of to get rid of it is to
- reformat the drive (ouch!), possibly even FDISK'ing it.
- i've had dual boot configurations like yours before but was never able
- to figure out how to "undo" it except by formatting the drive and
- starting all over from scratch.
- sincerely,
- Nate hayes
- Article: 16492
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!panix!usenet
- From: Angelito So <lito@panix.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: My LW 4 Rev C keeps crashing
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 10:55:50 -0400
- Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and Unix, NYC
- Lines: 43
- Message-ID: <316BCBF6.4A6F@panix.com>
- References: <4kcqa8$grn@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4kfak6$3rf@islandnet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- To: Christopher Stewart <dretch@islandnet.com>
- Check out my Unoffical Lightwave Bug List it has something similar in it with
- Newtek-AVI and Win95. it is at
- http://www.panix.com/~lito/pages/LWBugList.html
- Christopher Stewart wrote:
- >
- > In a message dated 9 Apr 1996 00:50:16 mhardi2720@aol.com writes:
- >
- > M> My Lightwave 4.0 rev. C on Win95 keeps getting some memory page fault and
- > M> kicks me out. This only happens under certain (and repetitive)
- > M> conditions. I have a scene that I created that it refuses to render. I
- > M> know its not the best looking animation, but does my PC have to crash
- > M> it!!?!
- > M> The same has happened under the Modeler when I used certain Truetype
- > M> fonts. What the hell is going on? Is it Lightwave or Win95 that is the
- > M> problem?
- >
- > I'm in the same boat as far as Layout crashes. What elements are in
- > your scene? I'm trying to narrow it down. Mine crashes while initializing
- > the second frame (I DO get # 1 and I can single-render every other frame, I
- > just can't press the "automatic" button). This only happens in one of my
- > scenes with:
- >
- > - Glow effect behind multiple layers of transparency with moving fractal
- > noise.
- > - 16 objects with 8571 polys
- > - 16 meg ram, Intel 4.0C, Win95
- > - Lots of textured surfaces.
- >
- > Horribly annoying as I have to be present to initialize each and every
- > frame.....
- >
- > Christopher
- >
- > ps. Can anybody pop NewTek's bug report email address to me? Page seems down.
- --
- *****************************************************************************
- E-Mail: lito@panix.com http://www.panix.com/~lito
- "Thats a feature, not a bug!"
- *****************************************************************************
- Article: 16493
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!nntp.crl.com!rci
- From: rci@crl.com (Michael Powell)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Modeler stops to work !!!
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 14:50:28 GMT
- Organization: CRL Dialup Internet Access (415) 705-6060 [Login: guest]
- Lines: 58
- Message-ID: <4kghrk$e79@nntp.crl.com>
- References: <4k9i2p$4af@bagan.srce.hr> <4kg70t$2vc@apollo.isisnet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: crl13.crl.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Andre Perusse (aperusse@animax.com) wrote:
- : dinko.cepak@zg.tel.hr (Dinko Cepak) wrote:
- : > Hi there !!!
- : >
- : > Something strage just happend to me .........
- : > Today i have started my machine and Modeler won`t work any more
- : > Everything seams O.K. yesterday but today when i started Modeler it
- : > appears only for few moments and than pops out ( like there is no
- : > dongle ) but Lightwave works good........Any suggestions or help
- : > on this.............I have tried to reinstall software but that did
- : > not help ..........Than i have moved all to second machine and same
- : > there.......All that is hapening on P5-133 under NT 3.51.......(also
- : > same thing with Modeler rev. 4.0b , 4.0c and 4.0d).............
- : >One more thing....who can i conntact if my dongle get screwd (but if
- : >that is truth how can Lightwawe and screamernet still work ???)
- : > Any help ?????
- : >
- : > Thanks
- : I had this EXACT same problem this week. LightWave works but Modeler
- : doesn't. It IS a Dongle problem (apparently only a certain part of the
- : dongle is affected thus allowing LightWave to work but preventing
- : Modeler from working), according to NewTek Tech Support and you have
- : to send your dongle back to Newtek for repair.
- : This is my second time around with faulty dongles. Because I live in
- : Canada, I experience a down-time of about a week to 10 days. This is
- : absolutely unacceptable and it is my opinion that NewTek had better
- : review it's dongle policy before they start to lose paying customers.
- I agree....
- This same thing happened to me.... and as I was in the middle
- of a project, I was desperate enough to ask for a crack that I
- could apply to my Lightwave that would allow me to continue to use
- my system until the probelm was fixed (which I received a *major*
- truckload of shit for by people in this group... proving that
- people who pirate software have it easy, while honest folks
- like you and I have to put up with dongles and dongle failure
- and also can end up getting dumped on for trying to locate
- a crack that makes software, which we are paid licensed users
- for, usable again... and believe it or not, it was even suggested
- that I should purchase _2_ versions of Lightwave so that I have
- a backup.... although there was no mention of what I should do
- if the second dongle died as well... I suppose by 3 Lightwaves.
- But this is of course another story).
- I have heard that you can send your dongle to a company that
- can produce a duplicate for ~$150.00... giving you a fairly
- cheap spare. I don't know any details... merely a rumor that
- perhaps someone else might know more about.
- Good luck to you.
- -mp-
- Article: 16494
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: stormer@bbs.newtek.com (Dave Klapproth)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: MacroForm
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 96 09:56:50
- Organization: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- Lines: 3
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960410.78F61F8.9588@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- I for one am very happy with Macroform and your customer support, and am
- looking forward to the DEC ALPHA release of it! Keep up the good work, guys!!
- --Stormer
- Article: 16495
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!iol!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!tom02.sime.com
- From: Andreas Maurer <andreas@tom02.sime.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re^2: LW faster than 3DS ?
- Date: 09 Apr 96 23:36:00
- Organization: Deep Thought
- Lines: 25
- Message-ID: <3cb_9604101715@tom02.sime.com>
- References: <4k8uvs$6d9@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- X-NNTP-Posting-Host: tom02.sime.com
- X-FTN-To: InstntGuts
- X-Mail2News-Path: tom02.sime.com
- Hi, InstntGuts.
- i> I've never heard of a 3D Studio rendering taking that long to render
- i> *anything*, and I know of people who've rendered scenes with 255 materials
- i> and over 1 million faces (the Bob Dylan CD-ROM, for example.) The people
- i> who produced that CD-ROM started out using Electric Image on the Mac, then
- i> abandoned it in favor of 3D Studio because Electric Image simply couldn't
- i> handle it.
- IMHO, 3ds/r4 has the advantage, of full access to the Computer,
- whereas, all NT Software has to deal with the hardware abstraction, and
- the security-layer. Let alone, systemtasks and such.
- Dont get me wrong, I do prefer a multitaskingenvironment, but
- I buy the comfort with speed.
- You are right, one cannot easily compare these Programs, but
- I have to say, that, for projects not involving refraction,
- visible lightsources and glow, I prefer 3ds, because it is, if
- used in plain DOS, very much faster than Lightwave.
- mfG 2:316/76.11
- 2:316/42.111
- /XX\ Andreas Andreas@tom02.sime.com
- Article: 16496
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: nanook@sound.net (Nanook of the South)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Newtek FTP-Site trouble
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 15:30:00 GMT
- Organization: I'm totaly disorganized!
- Lines: 30
- Message-ID: <316bd39f.669077221@news.sound.net>
- References: <4kbh8b$3qi@rubens.telebyte.nl>
- Reply-To: nanook@sound.net
- NNTP-Posting-Host: psycho.sound.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
- Dennis van Orsouw <vartex@dso.nl> wrote:
- >I'm trying to get contact to Newtek's FTP-site for a few weeks now, but i
- >can't get a connection...
- >
- >
- >HELP!
- >
- >PS. One day i was lucky and got in (5 minutes)
- Their Amiga is a little 2000 that's sitting in our office. It doesn't
- quite know how to handle 2 T-1's worth of bandwidth to the
- backbone.... We wind up resetting it every other day or so when we
- notcie it's down.
- As a backup, you can always hit ftp.sound.net as I have a mirror
- process that gets the latest and greatest from their server (when up)
- each night.
- L8r G8r
- Keith
- +--------------------------------------------------------------+
- | No! That light at the end of the tunnel is NOT a train! |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Sound.Net is the premier Internet provider in the KC area. |
- | Our fees are only $10/month and include full slip/ppp access |
- | for 540 hours/month. For more information call our office |
- | at 816-436-5206 or send mail to support@sound.net |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------+
- Article: 16497
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: nanook@sound.net (Nanook of the South)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: My LW 4 Rev C keeps crashing
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 15:32:01 GMT
- Organization: I'm totaly disorganized!
- Lines: 25
- Message-ID: <316bd443.669241610@news.sound.net>
- References: <4kcqa8$grn@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: nanook@sound.net
- NNTP-Posting-Host: psycho.sound.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
- mhardi2720@aol.com (MHardi2720) wrote:
- >My Lightwave 4.0 rev. C on Win95 keeps getting some memory page fault and
- >kicks me out. This only happens under certain (and repetitive)
- >conditions. I have a scene that I created that it refuses to render. I
- >know its not the best looking animation, but does my PC have to crash
- >it!!?!
- > The same has happened under the Modeler when I used certain Truetype
- >fonts. What the hell is going on? Is it Lightwave or Win95 that is the
- >problem?
- Increase the rendering memory segment size. Up it to 4M or 8M if you
- have a decent size machine (ie 16M+)
- L8r G8r
- Keith
- +--------------------------------------------------------------+
- | No! That light at the end of the tunnel is NOT a train! |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Sound.Net is the premier Internet provider in the KC area. |
- | Our fees are only $10/month and include full slip/ppp access |
- | for 540 hours/month. For more information call our office |
- | at 816-436-5206 or send mail to support@sound.net |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------+
- Article: 16498
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news1.erols.com!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!hobyah.cc.uq.oz.au!bunyip.cc.uq.oz.au!janus.cqu.edu.au!usenet
- From: John Back <backj@topaz.cqu.edu.au>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Auto-tracing bitmaps into vector format?
- Date: 10 Apr 1996 14:19:28 GMT
- Organization: Central Queensland University
- Lines: 15
- Message-ID: <4kgg1g$1mf@janus.cqu.edu.au>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- melorama@pixi.com (Mel Matsuoka) writes:
- > Are there any programs for Windows that can autotrace bitmapped
- > logos and convert them into a vector format? I have used Pixel3D on
- > the amiga for years, and would like a similar utility for the PC as
- > well.
- > mel matsuoka <melorama@pixi.com>
- Well, for years I used CorelTrace - part of CorelDraw v.3 and although
- I haven't used it since I imagine it still comes with the newer
- Corel product versions... in some form or other!
- BTW: Vector tracing from bitmaps requires a lot of practice!
- -backj@topaz.cqu.edu.au
- Article: 16499
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!tom02.sime.com
- From: Andreas Maurer <andreas@tom02.sime.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re^2: Is it true?
- Date: 10 Apr 96 00:26:00
- Organization: Deep Thought
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <3cc_9604101715@tom02.sime.com>
- References: <4kc9tf$lo6@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- X-NNTP-Posting-Host: tom02.sime.com
- X-FTN-To: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com
- X-Mail2News-Path: tom02.sime.com
- Hi, leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com.
- l> Imagine, I believed had a mirror option. regardless though if you want a
- l> seamless texture then I believe you need a seamless image map. I know
- l> other programs also require seamless images. If you load an image map
- l> apply it in a surface without autosizing it you will get a repetitive
- l> series of images layed out in a tile format. If the image is not made to
- l> be seamless then I think you will notice it regardless of the program.
- l> developing seamless maps for 3D has always been a problem.
- I know this problem form another viewpoint, I am working in game
- development, and to preserve memory, objects have to be seamless.
- I sometimes miss Deluxpaint, when doing it, but I found
- Photoshop to be pretty usefull.
- mfG 2:316/76.11
- 2:316/42.111
- /XX\ Andreas Andreas@tom02.sime.com
- Article: 16500
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!tom02.sime.com
- From: Andreas Maurer <andreas@tom02.sime.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re^2: Best of LightWave Pro
- Date: 10 Apr 96 00:34:00
- Organization: Deep Thought
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <3cd_9604101715@tom02.sime.com>
- References: <960302014214454@FrontierTech.COM>
- X-NNTP-Posting-Host: tom02.sime.com
- X-FTN-To: Tony Lisanti
- X-Mail2News-Path: tom02.sime.com
- Hi, Tony.
- t> I was told that it would ship in april. I think they should really do
- t> something for all of us who have been awaiting this package all this time..
- t> At least a bonus book or CD or a discount coupon or something..
- Could you tell me the publisher and your source, to get the thing
- myselve?
- mfG 2:316/76.11
- 2:316/42.111
- /XX\ Andreas Andreas@tom02.sime.com